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How health care AI could help train tomorrow’s physicians

Posted in biotech/medical, health, robotics/AI

As the medical community’s understanding of the application of augmented intelligence (AI) in health care grows, there remains the question of how AI—often called artificial intelligence—should be incorporated into physician training. The term augmented intelligence is preferred because it recognizes the enhancement, rather than replacement, of human capabilities.

Understanding how AI can affect patients may help learners appreciate its relevance, he noted, adding that the National Board of Medical Examiners exam now tests physicians-in-training on health systems science, and there are questions about health care AI specifically.

But AI doesn’t just relate to systems issues. It also has a home within evidence-based medicine (EBM).

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“Understandably, there have also been many who have been concerned about fitting new content into already overcrowded curricula,” Dr. James said. This can include figuring out who on the faculty will take on teaching new content.