Sep 9, 2022

Do I sound ill? — All About Vocal Biomarkers Diagnosing Illnesses

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Vocal biomarkers have become a buzzword during the pandemic, but what does it mean and how could it contribute to diagnostics?

What if a disease could be identified over a phone call?

Vocal biomarkers have amazing potential in reforming diagnostics. As certain diseases, like those affecting the heart, lungs, vocal folds or the brain can alter a person’s voice, artificial intelligence (A.I.)-based voice analyses provide new horizons in medicine.

Using biomarkers for diagnosis and remote monitoring can also be used for COVID-screening. So is it possible to diagnose illnesses from the sound of your voice?

Vocal biomarkers give us new opportunities in prevention also.

Let’s have a look at where this technology stands today.

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