Oct 20, 2023

Stanford scientist, after decades of study, concludes: We don’t have free will

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Before epilepsy was understood to be a neurological condition, people believed it was caused by the moon, or by phlegm in the brain. They condemned seizures as evidence of witchcraft or demonic possession, and killed or castrated sufferers to prevent them from passing tainted blood to a new generation.

Today we know epilepsy is a disease. By and large, it’s accepted that a person who causes a fatal traffic accident while in the grip of a seizure should not be charged with murder.

That’s good, says Stanford University neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky. That’s progress. But there’s still a long way to go.

After more than 40 years studying humans and other primates, Sapolsky has reached the… More.

You may think you chose to read this, but Stanford scientist Robert Sapolsky would disagree. He says virtually all human behavior is beyond our conscious control.


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  1. Lance says:

    God is not real? Human behavior is controlled by an animating “spirit” within. Some believe it’s God, but it’s not. This is why humans do not have free will! Humans do the will of a carnal “spirit”, one that was around at the beginning. Your way of thinking demon-strates this!

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