Sep 8, 2024

Shelter Island Conference

Posted by in category: quantum physics

Eminent physicists assemble to discuss quantum enigmas.

John von Neumann, John Wheeler, Hans Bethe, Robert Serber, Robert Marshak, Abraham Pais, J. Robert Oppenheimer, David Bohm, and Richard Feynman at the Shelter Island Conference of 1947:


The first Shelter Island Conference on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics was held from June 2–4, 1947 at the Ram’s Head Inn in Shelter Island, New York. Shelter Island was the first major opportunity since Pearl Harbor and the Manhattan Project for the leaders of the American physics community to gather after the war. As Julian Schwinger would later recall, “It was the first time that people who had all this physics pent up in them for five years could talk to each other without somebody peering over their shoulders and saying, ‘Is this cleared?’”

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