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In a groundbreaking discovery, astronomers have identified an exoplanet unlike any other in our known universe. Dubbed “Cotton Candy” due to its ethereal appearance, this celestial body has left scientists baffled and intrigued.

Located in the Kepler-47-star system, approximately 1,200 light-years away from Earth, Cotton Candy orbits a binary star—a pair of stars that orbit each other. Its most remarkable feature is its unusually low density, which has led astronomers to describe it as the fluffiest exoplanet ever detected.

Cotton Candy’s density is so low that it defies our current understanding of planetary formation. According to Dr. Elena Rodriguez, lead researcher at the Galactic Exoplanet Institute, “We cannot explain how this planet formed.” The prevailing theories about planet formation involve the accumulation of dust and gas in a protoplanetary disk, eventually coalescing into a solid body. However, Cotton Candy’s density challenges this model.

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