Archive for the ‘3D printing’ category: Page 107

Jun 17, 2016

Miami’s DiAmante produces synthetic diamonds for high-tech applications

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, computing, quantum physics

Congrats DiAmante! Synthetic Diamond perfection for Quantum Computing and other technologies such as medical technology usage. Synthetic Diamonds (for all you startups or folks looking for something to get into) mass manufacturing is a huge demand area and it is only going to grow in demand with QC and the new medical technologies that are coming over the next 5 to 7 years. I have been researching 3D printers to see what can be done to mimic the process. Suggest HP and Intel to work hard in this space. I did locate one printer so far that is mass producing synthetic diamonds; the quality needs to be improved.

DiAmante makes synthetic diamonds for the semiconductor market.

The founder’s goal: ‘a diamond-based technology revolution’

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Jun 17, 2016

Future terrorist attacks could be carried out by drones carrying buckets of ACID

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, drones, terrorism

An article by the Mirror on possible future drone terrorist attacks:

Swarms of cheap 3D-printed drones could be used to carry out deadly terror attacks.

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Jun 16, 2016

First Tools 3D Printed Aboard Space Station

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, space

Cool — 1st tools 3D printed in space.

The Additive Manufacturing Facility, or 3D printer, on-board the ISS has made its first tool.

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Jun 16, 2016

Meet Olli, a self-driving 3D printed mini bus controlled by IBM Watson that talks to you

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, robotics/AI, transportation

Cool — could definitely chance manufacturing for Kia, VW, GM, Toyota, Honda, Nissan and Ford.

Local Motors 3D printed an autonomous mini bus that IBM Watson will drive around the streets of Washington DC.

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Jun 16, 2016

This robot can 3D-print a pizza in under five minutes

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, robotics/AI

BeeHex has engineered a robotic 3D printer that can make any type of pizza. Here’s how it works.

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Jun 15, 2016

Chinese company prints villa on-site

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, 4D printing, habitats

Amazing; imagine when 4D printing produces building materials that self assemble themselves and with 5D printing the building can monitor the building and repairs itself someday in the future.

Hushang Tengda has 3D printed a 400 square meter luxury villa, on site, in just 45 days.

Construction is a huge deal in the 3D printing world right now and the likes of WinSun have made an impact with the first 3D printed office in Dubai. It also printed a five-storey apartment building and 10 3D printed houses in just 24 hours back in China. This villa is a still a breakthrough though, because it was built on site.

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Jun 15, 2016

8 Digital Health Jobs of the Future to Watch

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, 4D printing, computing, drones, employment, health, information science, internet, quantum physics, robotics/AI

Agree. So as a tech engineer, futurist, innovator, leader you have 3 key tracks to remain relevant in the future: bio/ living technology, quantum, and a hybrid of living/ bio meets quantum computing.

Editor €™s Note: Richard van Hooijdonk is a futurist and international keynote speaker on future technologies and disruption and how these technologies change our everyday lives. Van Hooijdonk and his international team research €˜mega trends €™ on digital health, robotic surgery, drones, the internet-of-things, 3D/4D printing, Big Data and other how new technologies affects many industries.

With people living increasingly longer lives, medical care from surgeons, physicians, pharmacists and dentists will increase as well. And since the future of healthcare will look very different from what it is today, the medical field may just be the right industry for you, even if being a doctor or nurse is not your calling. Many new technologies will be incorporated into the healthcare industry and we will see things like robotic surgeries and 3D-printed organ implants, to name a few. This means we will be seeing a whole new host of career opportunities, even for jobs that don €™t actually exist yet.

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Jun 14, 2016

SECURITY — Promise and peril: opportunities and challenges of disruptive technologies and innovation

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, 4D printing, military, security

Forget 3D printing, are you ready for 4D printing?

The rapid development of a range of emerging technologies is driving four revolutions in military and security capabilities to which the global defence and security industry is increasingly required to respond.

Perception, processing and cognition

New approaches for both humans and machines to collect, synthesise, digest and discern information are necessary to make sense of complex and fast-moving strategic and operational contexts. Getting (and staying) ahead of threats and maintaining and leveraging situational awareness – especially in environments frequently marked simultaneously by a surfeit of available information of variable quality and timeliness and opacity – is beyond the capacity of legacy technologies and human capabilities.

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Jun 13, 2016

3D Printing and Diversity: It’s Time to Start Taking It Seriously

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, business, habitats, transportation

Finally, someone is getting the concept about why in tech where you’re producing technologies that ultimately support many areas of the consumer market in the form of bio/ medical, consumer commercial products, art, homes/ buildings, autos, etc. You must be more inclusive in your teams or find your product and services will plataeu as more and more competitors crowd the space over time; something that other industries have learned many many decades ago.


Because most of the quickly growing companies and startups that tend to dominate it emerged from the maker community, the 3D printing industry often seems to find itself a little sequestered from the rest of the tech industry. Part of the reason is that very few of the industry’s largest companies started or are even based in Silicon Valley. While there is more to the tech industry than Northern California, it is often treated like the popular kids’ lunch table: everyone wants to sit there, and those that are tend to ignore those that aren’t. Sure most of the world’s large tech shows and conferences include plenty of 3D printing these days, but there still isn’t as much crossover as you’d expect, and 3D printing is still treated like that weird cousin who you’re not exactly sure is going to amount to anything.

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Jun 13, 2016

NASA wants astronauts to have 3D printed pizza, and this startup is building a printer to make it happen

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, food, robotics/AI, space travel

This needs to be on the commercial carriers especially for those 4+ hour flights.

An Austin, Texas company, whose founders were commissioned by NASA to develop palatable foods for astronauts’ deep space mission to Mars, has built a device that can 3D-print pizza.

The company –known as BeeHex — boasts that its machine is efficient, clean, and capable of churning out a delicious pizza in less than half the time it takes a typical human chef. The tech is being developed for astronauts, but since NASA’s manned mission to the Red Planet isn’t planned until the 2030s, us Earthbound eaters may be able to enjoy a 3D-printed pizza at theme parks, shopping malls, or concert halls by early 2017.

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