Archive for the ‘alien life’ category: Page 102

Oct 16, 2019

They have the ability to transport themselves anywhere even without a spaceship

Posted by in categories: alien life, quantum physics

Alien life is behind the mysteries of the universe, according to a radical new theory.

Ancient non-human lifeforms morphed into the physical world and are the driving force behind mind-boggling quantum physics and phenomena like dark matter, according to a Columbia University astrophysicist.

The expert says our universe is the remains of intelligent alien life which controls all aspects of the physical world — from gravity to the speed of light.

Oct 14, 2019

Is “Hoag’s Object” an “engineered” galaxy?

Posted by in category: alien life

The question asked in the title of this post is one I have been pondering for the most part of a decade now, ever since I saw the image, shown in Figure 1, of the galaxy PGC54559 (popularly known as Hoag’s Object) in 2010, following several months of thinking about what Kardashev Type III civilisations might look like.

I had seen it before, of course, as it is one of the most striking of the many superlatively beautiful and photogenic images that the Hubble Space Telescope has made available to humanity as part of its astounding legacy. But when I saw it again on NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day on that day in late August 2010, I saw it in a quite different context – one prompted by having thought deeply for some months about what galaxy-scale macro-engineering might look like. And so, picture it: that idea, coupled with that image, and you can see, I hope, how the question asked in this post’s title would come immediately and insistently to mind (at least, for me!). As I thought about it even more for a few weeks, I even ended up tweeting about it – so strongly had the idea installed itself into my head! –

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Oct 14, 2019

Former NASA Scientist Demonstrates Why Star Trek’s Warp Speeds Are Painfully Slow

Posted by in categories: alien life, physics

In the sci-fi universe of “Star Trek”, spaceships with warp drives can zoom past the normally impenetrable limit of light speed, or about 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second) in a vacuum.

This trouncing of theoretical physics makes reaching alien-rich planets across the galaxy seem like just a convenient TV-commercial-break-length trip away.

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Oct 9, 2019

Advanced Extraterrestrials as an Approximation to God

Posted by in categories: alien life, mobile phones

Our first encounter with E.T. technology could be as baffling to us as a smartphone would have been to a Neandertal.

Oct 9, 2019

Interesting Alien life Photo

Posted by in category: alien life

The extraterrestrial gods of genesis

In the Sumerian poem known as Genesis 1, we are told: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

Genesis 1 is a story about life. If there is a “god” and if all things come from “god” then what might be the “spirit of god” if not life? And if god is life, and all things come from god, including other planets, then the spirit of god must have hovered over all of creation—meaning: Life is everywhere, throughout the cosmos.

Oct 2, 2019

Astronomers have their best solution yet to the mysterious alien megastructure star

Posted by in category: alien life

Scientists have a new explanation for Tabby’s Star’s mysterious dimming. Rather than an alien megastructure, a dying icy moon might be to blame.

Oct 2, 2019

‘New kinds of organic compounds’ found on alien moon, says NASA

Posted by in category: alien life

“This work shows that Enceladus’ ocean has reactive building blocks in abundance, and it’s another green light in the investigation of the habitability of Enceladus,” added co-author Frank Postberg.

Oct 2, 2019

Ancient Aliens: Human-Alien Hybrids (Season 11) | History

Posted by in categories: alien life, cyborgs, habitats

People who claim to have been abducted by aliens also say their DNA was manipulated and that human-alien hybrids live among us in this clip from Season 11’s episode, “The Returned”. #AncientAliens
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Oct 2, 2019

How biomanufacturing can make living on Mars a reality

Posted by in categories: alien life, engineering

The wheels are in motion to send the first humans to Mars. For many, the first image that calls to mind may be of a spaceship touching down in a vast, red desert. But arriving on Mars is only half the picture. People also need to live there, something that can be difficult to imagine because there are so many unknowns. Martian habitation presents one of the greatest scientific challenges of the 21st century. And it is a challenge synthetic biology will be integral in solving.

One of the most exciting ventures tackling this problem is CUBES, the Center for the Utilization of Biological Engineering in Space. SynBioBeta recently spoke with Adam Arkin, the director of CUBES and professor of bioengineering at UC Berkeley. Arkin, who will also speak at SynBioBeta 2019, described the goals of the CUBES project and how their work could enable human life on Mars.

CUBES is a five-year NASA Science Technology Research Institute. Veteran researchers, postdocs, and undergraduates have come together across six universities to develop biomanufacturing systems for Mars missions. But, explains Arkin, “since there isn’t a specified reference mission architecture for a real mission to Mars, we don’t know precisely what our constraints are.” Over the next five years, CUBES will build increasingly realistic models of what it will take to make integrated bio-systems feasible in space.

Oct 2, 2019

When — or if — NASA finds life on Mars, the world may not be ready for the discovery, the agency chief says

Posted by in category: alien life

NASA’s next mission to Mars will be its most advanced yet. But if scientists discover there was once life — or there is life — on the Red Planet, will the public be able to handle such an extraterrestrial concept?

NASA chief scientist Jim Green doesn’t think so.

“It will be revolutionary,” Green told the Telegraph. “It will start a whole new line of thinking. I don’t think we’re prepared for the results. We’re not.”