Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 1320

Jun 16, 2016

The Anti-Aging Pill

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Facing a long wait for evidence, a longevity researcher takes an unusual path to market.

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Jun 16, 2016

Chinese Surgeon Planning the World’s First Full Head Transplant

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A Chinese surgeon has announced that he will conduct the world’s first transplant of an entire human head within the next year, much to the dismay of medical leaders across the globe.

Thomas Manning, Implant Patient

© AP photo/ sam riley, mass general hospital via AP.

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Jun 16, 2016

Media Reports: Xinjiang Residents Must Present DNA To Obtain Passports

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, internet, policy, privacy, terrorism

Biometrics using DNA along with other recognition technology brings additional identity protection; however, is it just me or are others understanding the risk with our DNA and other bio info being online given the existing weak infrastructure and under pinning technology. Without a QC secured internet and infrastructure; I would hesitate having my bio/ DNA information online for hackers and terrorists.

Once your identity with the DNA is online; it will be extremely hard to do a reset button on your identity because things like an id number such as a US Social Security number, etc. can be changed; but DNA identity is not that achievable even with CRISPR.

The official Yili Daily reported that from the first of June, residents of the Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture in China’s far northwest must present the police with DNA samples, fingerprints, voice prints and a “three-dimensional image” when applying for travel documents.

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Jun 16, 2016

New neck collar may protect players from brain injuries

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Wearing a specifically designed compression collar around the neck may prevent or reduce the devastating effects of head collisions in sports, two new studies have found.

The neck device, called a Q-Collar, is designed to press gently on the jugular vein to slow blood outflow increasing the brain’s blood volume, according to researchers from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre in the US.

The resulting effect of the increased blood volume helps the brain fit tighter within the skull cavity, reducing the energy absorbed by the brain during collisions, researchers said.

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Jun 16, 2016

Novel Brain Cancer Treatment Taps Into Sound Waves

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, neuroscience

WEDNESDAY, June 15, 2016 (HealthDay News) — Brain cancer patients might benefit from an implantable ultrasound device that appears to enhance chemotherapy treatment, a small study says.

Researchers from the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital in Paris and other French institutions tested the experimental device on 15 patients with recurrent glioblastoma, a particularly deadly brain cancer. When the so-called SonoCloud was activated, sound waves opened the blood-brain barrier, letting in more chemotherapy, they said.

“The walls of the blood vessels in the brain are very difficult to cross for certain molecules,” said Frederic Sottilini, CEO of Paris-based CarThera, the company developing SonoCloud.

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Jun 16, 2016

Foundation Medicine wants to find ‘software bugs’ in your genome to fight cancer

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

How Foundation Medicine is creating shareholder value.

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Jun 16, 2016

New analytical technology could improve cancer treatment

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health


University of Oklahoma researchers will apply a new analytical technology that could ultimately provide a powerful tool for improved treatment of cancer patients in Oklahoma and beyond. Using mass spectrometry, an analytical instrument for sensitive detection and accurate identification of molecules, the team will quantitate the amount of anti-cancer drugs present in individual cancer cells, including those in bladder cancer cells isolated from patients undergoing chemotherapy. The method will provide a means to establish ideal dosing regimens that delivers effective chemotherapeutic concentrations to patients with minimal toxicities.

Anthony Burgett and Zhibo Yang, assistant professors in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in the OU College of Arts and Sciences, and affiliates of the Stephenson Cancer Center, in collaboration with Jonathan E. Heinlen, M.D., assistant professor in the Department of Urology at the OU Health Sciences Center and a Stephenson Cancer Center researcher, will fully develop the novel first-in-class mass spectrometric technology—the Single Probe—capable of performing single-cell mass spectrometry of compounds inside of living single cancer cells as a bioanalytical method to improve efficacy and toxicities of chemotherapy in patients.

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Jun 16, 2016

Applied DNA Sciences to grow its cosmetics, fragrances, and personal care business

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, food, security

I told many people that this was coming a few years ago; so glad. Wait until you see smart meds that people can never become addicted or overdose on because the smart med reads your system and knows when enough is enough.

The security solutions company uses botanical-DNA based tools to tag, track, and trace products for an array of industries. Now with the hire of a personal care supply chain management expert, the company is set to expand its engagement with the industry.

This week the Stony Brook, New York–based company announced that Barbara Brockway has accepted the role of Director of Personal Care.

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Jun 16, 2016

Aust’n researchers discover immune cells to fight Legionella bacteria

Posted by in category: biotech/medical


A team of Melbourne researchers believe they have discovered a new immune cell which is able to fight the infectious and potentially lethal bacteria, Legionella.

A team of specialist immunologists and microbiologists from the University of Melbourne and the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity conducted a study which was able to determine a new cell type responsible for combating the attack of the bacteria.

The team was able to break down the impact of the legion of immune cells in the lung, which communicate to destroy the legionella bacteria.

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Jun 16, 2016

Biological nano-drones can vaccinate against cancer

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, drones, nanotechnology

When cancer hits, your immune system shuts down. Over the past 5–10 years, research into cancer has therefore increasingly focused on helping the immune system start up again. Because if we succeed in that, there is much to indicate that this approach will prove significantly more effective than the aggressive, all encompassing chemotherapy treatments we currently use.

One of the initiatives in this area is the work of Professor Thomas Andresen from DTU Nanotech. He has recently been awarded a grant from Innovation Fund Denmark for a project in which biological nano-drones are used to train the immune system to recognize cancer cells; and kill them.

This is something it cannot do on its own, because cancer cells are adept at concealing themselves. It is true that when chemotherapy or radiotherapy is used to kill cancer cells today, the immune system steps in afterwards to clear away the dead cells, but it doesn’t learn anything from the process. This is what Thomas Andresen is looking to change.

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