Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 1510

Jun 24, 2020

Genetic malfunction of brain astrocytes triggers migraine

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, neuroscience

“Despite their abundance, astrocytes have been relatively overlooked by neuroscientists,” says Mirko Santello, last author of the study. Yet these cells are extremely important to clear transmitters released by neurons. In their study the researchers were able to show that in familial migraine the astrocytes cannot remove excessive transmitters released by neurons. “The impairment in astrocytic glutamate uptake in the cingulate cortex strongly enhances cortical dendritic excitability and thus enhances firing of the neurons,” Santello says…

Migraine is a complicated disorder that affects part of the nervous system. “Our results provide a clear example of how astrocyte dysfunction produced by a genetic defect affects neuronal activity and sensitivity to head pain triggers,” explains Mirko Santello. The findings help to better understand migraine pathophysiology and suggest that the cingulate cortex may represent a critical hub in the disease. The demonstration of the link between dysfunction of astrocytes in the cingulate cortex and familial migraine could help in devising new migraine treatment strategies.

Neuroscientists of the University of Zurich shed a new light on the mechanisms responsible for familial migraine: They show that a genetic dysfunction in specific brain cells of the cingulate cortex area strongly influences head pain occurrence.

Jun 24, 2020

Stem Cells: The Key to Reversing Biological Age

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Fantastic article on Dr Yuancheng Ryan Lu’s age reversal experiment.

“ It suggests that it is entirely possible to reverse aging in cells with the use of a molecular mechanism already present in the cells. And so, scientists are now off to the races in the hopes of finding this cellular mechanism, and ways to activate this correction system in living beings…”

In 2006, Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, a Japanese stem cell researcher, published his paper on induced pluripotent stem cells, and it changed the medical world. Dr. Yamanaka had found a way to convert a mature skin cell into a stem cell by injecting just a few genes. And for this, Dr. Yamanaka received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2012, sharing it with another Sir John B. Gurdon, who found another method of inducing pluripotency.

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Jun 23, 2020

MIT Automated Tabletop Fast Protein Synthesis Machine May Accelerate Drug Development

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, engineering, genetics

Automated tabletop machine could accelerate the development of novel drugs to treat cancer and other diseases.

Many proteins are useful as drugs for disorders such as diabetes, cancer, and arthritis. Synthesizing artificial versions of these proteins is a time-consuming process that requires genetically engineering microbes or other cells to produce the desired protein.

MIT chemists have devised a protocol to dramatically reduce the amount of time required to generate synthetic proteins. Their tabletop automated flow synthesis machine can string together hundreds of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, within hours. The researchers believe their new technology could speed up the manufacturing of on-demand therapies and the development of new drugs, and allow scientists to design artificial proteins by incorporating amino acids that don’t exist in cells.

Jun 23, 2020

Cancer drug cures COVID-19 patient with acute respiratory distress

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

“We knew from Chinese publications that patients with a severe and even fatal course of the disease are characterized by a so-called cytokine storm,” Neubauer says. “During a cytokine storm, the body is flooded with substances that stimulate the immune system.” This overreaction of the body’s own defense system damages the tissue—making it all the easier for the invading virus to spread.

Neubauer suspected that the patient might respond to ruxolitinib, a drug originally used in cancer treatment. It inhibits enzymes in the body involved in excessive inflammatory reactions. “We suggested to our colleagues who were treating the patients that the cancer drug might be able to prevent the life-threatening effects brought on by the inflammatory damage to lung tissue,” Neubauer says.

Although the spreading SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus usually causes only mild respiratory symptoms, the COVID-19 disease progresses so severely in around five percent of those affected that acute respiratory distress can occur. “The mortality rate in these cases is high,” says Dr. Thomas Wiesmann, who attended the patient along with the intensive care team in the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care at Marburg University Hospital.

Jun 23, 2020

Study illustrates huge potential of human, artificial intelligence collaboration in medicine

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

A.i assisting the doctors.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in medicine to support human expertise. However, the potential of these applications and the risks inherent in the interaction between human and artificial intelligence have not yet been thoroughly researched. The fear is often expressed that in future, as soon as AI is of sufficient quality, human expertise will become dispensable and therefore fewer doctors will be needed. These fears are further fuelled by the popular portrayal of this as a “competition” between humans and AI. An international study led by MedUni Vienna has now illustrated the enormous potential of human/computer collaboration.

The international study led by Philipp Tschandl and Harald Kittler (Department of Dermatology, MedUni Vienna) and Christoph Rinner (CeMSIIS/Institute for Medical Information Management, MedUni Vienna) now debunks the idea of this alleged competition, highlighting instead the of combining human expertise with Artificial Intelligence. The study published in Nature Medicine examines the interaction between doctors and AI from various perspectives and in different scenarios of practical relevance. Although the authors restrict their observations to the diagnosis of skin cancers, they stress that the findings can also be extrapolated to other areas of medicine where Artificial Intelligence is used.

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Jun 23, 2020

Dexamethosone: Upcoming Treatment for the Coronavirus | The State of Science

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, science

Until recently, there has not been a treatment for the deadly coronavirus. However, that is about to change with the discovery of a new compound: Dexamethosone! With this compound, the worst cases of the coronavirus have seen an increased survival rate.

PS: The stock footage from this photo comes from Videvo!

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Jun 23, 2020

Reducing the damage of a heart attack

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

Cardiology researchers have discovered how a key protein can help the heart regulate oxygen and blood flow and repair damage.

San Diego State University

Jun 23, 2020

Beyond 2030: David A. Kekich on Working Towards Biological Superlongevity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, geopolitics, life extension, neuroscience, transhumanism

In “2030: Beyond the Film” Director Johnny Boston discusses the futurist FM-2030, the Coronavirus Pandemic, and a range of urgent issues in the medical, philosophical, longevity & futurist space with leading voices.

In this episode, Boston talks with David A. Kekich on why Kekich believes working towards Biological Superlongevity should be the first goal of Transhumanists and futurists.

Continue reading “Beyond 2030: David A. Kekich on Working Towards Biological Superlongevity” »

Jun 23, 2020

Pioneering research reveals certain human genes relate to gut bacteria

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, health, neuroscience

The role genetics and gut bacteria play in human health has long been a fruitful source of scientific enquiry, but new research marks a significant step forward in unraveling this complex relationship. Its findings could transform our understanding and treatment of all manner of common diseases, including obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, and Alzheimer’s disease.

The international study, led by the University of Bristol and published today in Nature Microbiology, found specific changes in DNA — the chains of molecules comprising our genetic make-up — affected both the existence and amount of particular bacteria in the gut.

Lead author Dr David Hughes, Senior Research Associate in Applied Genetic Epidemiology, said: “Our findings represent a significant breakthrough in understanding how genetic variation affects gut bacteria. Moreover, it marks major progress in our ability to know whether changes in our gut bacteria actually cause, or are a consequence of, human disease.”

Jun 23, 2020

Alzheimer’s: New gene may drive earliest brain changes

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, neuroscience

A newly discovered Alzheimer’s gene may drive the first appearance of amyloid plaques in the brain, according to a study led by researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center.

Some variants of the gene, RBFOX1, appear to increase the concentration of protein fragments that make up these plaques and may contribute to the breakdown of critical connections between neurons, another early sign of the disease.

The finding could lead to new therapies that prevent Alzheimer’s and better ways of identifying people with the greatest risk of developing the disease.