Archive for the ‘biotech/medical’ category: Page 2455

Jul 31, 2016

Scientists Complete the Most Detailed Map of the Brain Ever

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

To me, maps always conjure up a sense of exploration.

Back in the Age of Discovery, rudimentary maps allowed European explorers to sail into the vast unknown. They began charting new worlds, and in turn, made newer maps that helped future generations better understand the lands and seas that cover our world.

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Jul 31, 2016

Regenerative Dental Fillings

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

New dental fillings could allow your teeth to heal themselves.

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Jul 30, 2016

Chip-enhanced political candidates coming soon

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, cyborgs, geopolitics, internet, mobile phones, terrorism, transhumanism

My new OpEd article for the San Francisco Chronicle on chip implants and transhumanism: http://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/Chip-en…694149.php They also did a 2-minute video of my presidential campaign: http://bit.ly/2aERJxc

The implant can do all sorts of things, like unlock my electronic house door, act as my password on my computer, and even send a text message when people with the right phone and app come near me. Keys, credit cards, ID cards, medical records and passwords — these are all things that can be replaced by a tiny chip in the hand. If having technology in your bodies sounds wacky, consider the millions of people around the world who have artificial hips or dentures, or deaf people who use cochlear implants to hear sounds. […] former Vice President Dick Cheney famously asked to have the Wi-Fi on his heart valve turned off, just in case terrorists tried to hack it. A company in Sylmar (Los Angeles County) called Second Sight already has FDA approval for bionic eyes.

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Jul 30, 2016

Episode 007 – Control Alt Delete Cancer

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A new Methuselah Foundation podcast with Dr. Haroldo Silva and David Halvorsen from SENS Research about their work with ALT Cancer!

Hi everyone! Check out this new Methuselah Foundation podcast with Dr. Haroldo Silva and David Halvorsen from SENS Research Foundation. Have a listen and find out why finding Cures for ALT Cancer is so important.

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Jul 30, 2016

Scientists’ search for ‘noise-canceling’ gene networks supported

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

New Gene research.

Look closely at the raw materials that make up any group of cells and you’ll notice some “noise,” a term scientists use to describe natural variations in cellular composition.

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Jul 30, 2016

Education Linked to Brain Tumor Risk

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, health, neuroscience

Education and socioeconomic status have been linked with cancer outcomes, but a new study now links higher education with the development of certain types of cancer.

The large observational study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, reports that a high level of education is associated with an increased risk of brain tumors. The study is based on data from 4.3 million Swedish adults who were monitored between 1993 and 2010. Overall, 5,735 men and 7,101 women developed a brain tumor during the observation period.

Men with at least three years of university-level education had a 19% greater risk of developing gliomas than men with only a compulsory level of education (nine years). Women with the same level of education had a 23% increased risk of gliomas and a 16% increased risk of meningiomas. Marital status and amount of disposable income only slightly affected the risk among men but not among women. Single men had a lower risk of glioma but a higher risk of meningiomas. Occupation also influenced brain tumor risks among men and women: men in professional and management roles had a 20% increased risk of gliomas and a 50% increased risk of acoustic neuromas; women in these roles had a 26% increased risk of gliomas and a 14% increased risk of meningiomas.

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Jul 30, 2016

Joint Force 2035: Lasers, Biotech and Global Instability

Posted by in category: biotech/medical

A new document from the Joint Chiefs warns of global instability and technological proliferation in 2035.

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Jul 30, 2016

Researchers have made a prosthetic arm based off Luke Skywalker’s

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs

A US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)-funded prosthetic arm will be released for commercial use beginning in late 2016.

The LUKE arm, one of the world’s most advanced prosthetics, was designed by Segway creator Dean Kamen and has been under development for close to a decade.

The LUKE arm is named after Luke Skywalker’s advanced prosthetic from the Star Wars films, and its banner feature is its control system.

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Jul 30, 2016

Biodegradable Smart Implant

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, futurism

Could dissolvable metal be the future of medical implants?

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Jul 30, 2016

Aubrey de Grey — An End to Aging?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension


A fairly recent video where Aubrey de Grey talks about the future of regenerative medicine and how we will treat age related diseases.

Dr. Aubrey de Grey of the SENS Research Foundation gives a lecture and answers questions in Spain, April 2016.

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