Archive for the ‘computing’ category: Page 214

Dec 25, 2022

Did Physicists Open a Portal to Extra Time Dimension, as Claimed?

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

The physicists, constructing “time crystals”, happened on an error correction technique for quantum computers. The rest is the story we all wish we were in.

Dec 24, 2022

Unbelievable experiment allowed scientists to ‘reverse time’ with a quantum computer

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Time is the most valuable thing that we have in our lives, and we never seem to have enough of it. Whether you’re trying to scratch out more time, or just making the most of what you have, there’s no denying that being able to reverse time would be handy.

Dec 22, 2022

Billionaires are investing in brain-computer-interface systems. Here’s why

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience

The technology has significantly progressed in the past 50 years.

Earlier this month, we reported that Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos-backed foundations (Gates Frontier and Bezos Expeditions) joined other companies.

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Dec 22, 2022

Scientists can now “see” things without “looking” at them using a new quantum technique

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

“We also demonstrated that even very low-power microwave pulses can be detected efficiently using our protocol.”

A team of scientists has devised a means of using quantum mechanics to “view” objects indirectly. The new method could improve measurements for quantum computers and other systems. It brings together the quantum and classical worlds.

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Dec 22, 2022

Big dynorphin may protect neurons from the accumulation of Alzheimer’s-associated amyloid

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, neuroscience

𝐀𝐥𝐳𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞

One of the main features of Alzheimer’s disease is that the β-amyloid peptide, a molecule found inside neurons that has many diverse functions, begins to fold incorrectly and accumulates. This process, which ends up causing neuronal death, is linked to a series of other cellular alterations, making it difficult to determine whether they are the cause or the consequence. An example is the case of the deregulation of a type of dynorphin.

Dynorphins are the body’s own opioid peptides, which play a key role in many brain pathways. They are located in different areas of the brain, such as the hippocampus, amygdala or hypothalamus, and are involved in memory processes, emotion control, stress and pain, and among other processes. In addition, several studies have shown their involvement in epilepsy, stroke, addictions, depression and schizophrenia.

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Dec 22, 2022

Team develops graphene-based nanoelectronics platform

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics, quantum physics, sustainability

A pressing quest in the field of nanoelectronics is the search for a material that could replace silicon. Graphene has seemed promising for decades. But its potential has faltered along the way, due to damaging processing methods and the lack of a new electronics paradigm to embrace it. With silicon nearly maxed out in its ability to accommodate faster computing, the next big nanoelectronics platform is needed now more than ever.

Walter de Heer, Regents’ Professor in the School of Physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has taken a critical step forward in making the case for a successor to silicon. De Heer and his collaborators have developed a new nanoelectronics platform based on —a single sheet of carbon atoms. The technology is compatible with conventional microelectronics manufacturing, a necessity for any viable alternative to silicon.

In the course of their research, published in Nature Communications, the team may have also discovered a new . Their discovery could lead to manufacturing smaller, faster, more efficient and more sustainable computer chips, and has potential implications for quantum and high-performance computing.

Dec 21, 2022

Keyboard runs Unreal Engine to animate its keys

Posted by in category: computing


At $349 it’s a cheap computer and a not-very-expensive keyboard.

Dec 21, 2022

The cloud out of space? Scientists scrambling to prevent global data storage crisis

Posted by in categories: computing, finance

BIRMINGHAM, United Kingdom — Servers around the world could soon face a massive data storage crunch, thanks to the “mind-blowing amount” of information people store digitally every day.

Researchers from Aston University say the global datasphere — the total amount of data worldwide — will increase by 300 percent within the next three years. Currently, all of this data sits in banks of servers stored in huge warehouses (data centers).

Continue reading “The cloud out of space? Scientists scrambling to prevent global data storage crisis” »

Dec 20, 2022

Petabyte for the masses: DNA storage could come as cartridges by 2030

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing

Biomemory, eureKARE, and the future of DNA-as-storage.

Dec 19, 2022

Research team develops direct laser writing system for high-resolution, high-efficiency nanofabrication

Posted by in categories: computing, nanotechnology

Peripheral photoinhibition (PPI) direct laser writing (DLW) is a lithography technique used to fabricate intricate 3D nanostructures that are widely employed in photonics and electronics. PPI-DLW uses two beams, one to excite the substrate and cause polymerization and the other to inhibit and quench the excitation at the edges. The capacity is limited in some systems, which can be improved through multifocal arrays. However, computing these beams is both time-and memory-intensive.

Recently, a group of researchers from Zhejiang University developed a parallel peripheral-photoinhibition lithography (P3L) system that can achieve higher efficiency nanoscale fabrication. Their work is published in Advanced Photonics

“The P3L system uses two channels, which allows the execution of different printing tasks and permits the system to fabricate highly complex structures with different periodicities,” says senior author Xu Liu.