Archive for the ‘computing’ category: Page 676

Jan 3, 2017

HPE’s New Chip Marks a Milestone in Optical Computing

Posted by in category: computing

The experimental 1,000-component optical processor is made for challenges like the “traveling salesman problem”.

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Jan 2, 2017

Diamonds might power the next generation of Quantum computing

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

It already is



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Dec 30, 2016

Researchers grow needle- and thread-like diamonds

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Excellent breakthrough for technology’s future.

Example of diamond crystallites of different shapes, obtained with the help of the technology, worked out in the Lomonosov Moscow State University. There are electron microscopy images of diamond films’ fragments after their oxidation in the air. The material left after the oxidation is represented by needle-like diamond monocrystals of pyramid shape. Credit: Alexander Obraztsov.

Physicists from the Lomonosov Moscow State University have obtained micrometer-sized diamond crystals in the form of a regular pyramid. In cooperation with co-workers from other Russian and foreign research centers, they have also studied the luminescence and electron emission properties of these diamond crystals. The research results have been published in a series of articles in journals including Scientific Reports.

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Dec 30, 2016

Quantum Computing and why we need to replace the Internet

Posted by in categories: computing, encryption, internet, quantum physics


More believers; loving it!

Video by: Jan-Henrik Kulberg

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Dec 30, 2016

Elon Musk gets closer to worldwide internet dream (and all for the same price)

Posted by in categories: computing, Elon Musk, internet, satellites

Entrepreneur’s Space X agency files request for $10bn project with the FCC and says internet speeds globally will reach 1Gb/s.

The man who wants to take humans to Mars also wants to connect the whole of planet Earth and bring digital equality across the globe.

Elon Musk’s Space X spacial agency has requested to the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorisation to launch 4,425 satellites which would be used to provide connectivity to the more than 7.2 billion humans on Earth.

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Dec 29, 2016

Organ-on-chips platform has promise for quicker, cheaper pharmaceutical research

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing

Research from Linda Griffith’s laboratory group at MIT will be presented at SPIE Photonics West 2017.

The traditional path for most drugs is to start in a petri dish containing a single cell tissue culture, move to small animals such as rodents then on to primates, and finally on to clinical trials in humans. Along the path, every step could encounter results that deem the drug a failure and not suitable for the desired outcome.

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Dec 26, 2016

Microsoft patents Holodeck-style projection room

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, computing

The HoloLens field of view issue has been preoccupying Microsoft for some time, and they have been exploring a number of solutions, which tend to show up in their patent filings.

As Microsoft writes:

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Dec 26, 2016

Biology’s ‘breadboard’

Posted by in categories: biological, computing, food, neuroscience

Nice; using gene regulatory protein from yeast as a method for reducing the work required for making cell-specific perturbations.

The human brain, the most complex object in the universe, has 86 billion neurons with trillions of yet-unmapped connections. Understanding how it generates behavior is a problem that has beguiled humankind for millennia, and is critical for developing effective therapies for the psychiatric disorders that incur heavy costs on individuals and on society. The roundworm C elegans, measuring a mere 1 millimeter, is a powerful model system for understanding how nervous systems produce behaviors. Unlike the human brain, it has only 302 neurons, and has completely mapped neural wiring of 6,000 connections, making it the closest thing to a computer circuit board in biology. Despite its relative simplicity, the roundworm exhibits behaviors ranging from simple reflexes to the more complex, such as searching for food when hungry, learning to avoid food that previously made it ill, and social behavior.

Understanding how this dramatically simpler nervous system works will give insights into how our vastly more complex brains function and is the subject of a paper published on December 26, 2016, in Nature Methods.

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Dec 25, 2016

Quantum Computing Update: Coherent Electron-Photon Coupling Achieved, May Help Build Scalable Devices

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Over 6 months ago we reported the electron-photon coupling discovery which makes scalable QC possibly. This article provides some additional content around the experiment.

The silicon-based device, created by researchers at Princeton University, could eventually help build viable and robust quantum computers.

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Dec 24, 2016

This video shows colour blind people experiencing colour

Posted by in category: computing

Just imagine how we will feel when we have access to more senses and our processing power enhanced a million times!

#MostViewed2016 The joy of discovering new colours.

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