Archive for the ‘computing’ category: Page 678

Jan 8, 2017

Running an experiment in the IBM Quantum Experience

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, quantum physics

IBM Research is making quantum computing available to the public for the first time, providing access to a quantum computing platform from any desktop or mobile device via the cloud. Users of the platform called the IBM Quantum Experience can create algorithms and run experiments on an IBM quantum processor, learn about quantum computing through tutorials and simulations, and get inspired by the possibilities of a quantum computer.

To learn more about IBM’s quantum computing research and get access to the IBM Quantum Experience please visit: http://ibm.com/quantumcomputing

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Jan 6, 2017

Transistor stretchier than skin for ultra-flexible wearable tech

Posted by in categories: computing, wearables

A flexible transistor can stretch to twice its length without losing its conductive properties and could be used in electronic tattoo-style wearable sensors.

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Jan 5, 2017

Researchers Build FIRST Reprogrammable Quantum Computer!

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, particle physics, quantum physics

Nice advancement this week in QC.

Researchers may have finally created the first fully reprogrammable quantum computer in the world. This changes the entire spectrum of the technology, as quantum computers so far could only run one type of equation.

This marks the beginning of reprogrammable quantum computers. Several teams and companies like IBM are still in the race towards quantum computing, which so far can only run one type of equation. This seems ironic as they can theoretically run more operations than there are atoms in the universe. But this stops now.

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Jan 4, 2017

Quantum Computers Ready to Leap Out of the Lab in 2017

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Google, Microsoft and a host of labs and start-ups are racing to turn scientific curiosities into working machines.

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Jan 3, 2017

HPE’s New Chip Marks a Milestone in Optical Computing

Posted by in category: computing

The experimental 1,000-component optical processor is made for challenges like the “traveling salesman problem”.

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Jan 2, 2017

Diamonds might power the next generation of Quantum computing

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

It already is



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Dec 30, 2016

Researchers grow needle- and thread-like diamonds

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Excellent breakthrough for technology’s future.

Example of diamond crystallites of different shapes, obtained with the help of the technology, worked out in the Lomonosov Moscow State University. There are electron microscopy images of diamond films’ fragments after their oxidation in the air. The material left after the oxidation is represented by needle-like diamond monocrystals of pyramid shape. Credit: Alexander Obraztsov.

Physicists from the Lomonosov Moscow State University have obtained micrometer-sized diamond crystals in the form of a regular pyramid. In cooperation with co-workers from other Russian and foreign research centers, they have also studied the luminescence and electron emission properties of these diamond crystals. The research results have been published in a series of articles in journals including Scientific Reports.

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Dec 30, 2016

Quantum Computing and why we need to replace the Internet

Posted by in categories: computing, encryption, internet, quantum physics


More believers; loving it!

Video by: Jan-Henrik Kulberg

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Dec 30, 2016

Elon Musk gets closer to worldwide internet dream (and all for the same price)

Posted by in categories: computing, Elon Musk, internet, satellites

Entrepreneur’s Space X agency files request for $10bn project with the FCC and says internet speeds globally will reach 1Gb/s.

The man who wants to take humans to Mars also wants to connect the whole of planet Earth and bring digital equality across the globe.

Elon Musk’s Space X spacial agency has requested to the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authorisation to launch 4,425 satellites which would be used to provide connectivity to the more than 7.2 billion humans on Earth.

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Dec 29, 2016

Organ-on-chips platform has promise for quicker, cheaper pharmaceutical research

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing

Research from Linda Griffith’s laboratory group at MIT will be presented at SPIE Photonics West 2017.

The traditional path for most drugs is to start in a petri dish containing a single cell tissue culture, move to small animals such as rodents then on to primates, and finally on to clinical trials in humans. Along the path, every step could encounter results that deem the drug a failure and not suitable for the desired outcome.

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