Archive for the ‘encryption’ category: Page 45

Nov 13, 2016

Quantum Computers and the End of Privacy #Infographic ~ Visualistan

Posted by in categories: computing, encryption, law enforcement, quantum physics

Luv the map; however, missing a lot of info. Namely, many decades and contributors. QC officially recorded to start in 1960 with Stephen Wiesner discovery of a cryptographic tool. And, even modern day QC such as a QC Net has been in existence since late 90s with Los Alamos.

Still nice colored map for a limited view of 2014, 2015, and current. However, I don’t see the ORNL, Oxford, U. of Sydney, China, USC, MIT, etc. breakthroughs most importantly the scalable Quantum, syn. diamonds contribution to enable stable QC and QC Net.

From law enforcement to criminals, governments to insurgents, and activists to Facebook dabblers, many people have come to rely on encryption to protect their digital information and keep their communications secure. But the current forms of encryption could be obsolete the moment anyone succeeds in building a quantum computer. A what! Read on about the brave new world awaiting us.

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Nov 11, 2016

Bitcoin users relax: Quantum computing no match for SHA-2 encryption

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, economics, encryption, quantum physics

Worried about security for your bitcoin in the face of quantum computing? According to computer researchers, there’s no reason to be.

Source: https://hacked.com/breathe-easy-bitcoiners-quantum-computing…encryption

Quantum mech

Some people assume that once quantum computing comes along modern encryption technologies will be outpowered. But experts are starting to posit that hash functions and asymmetric encryption could defend not only against modern computers, but also against quantum attackers from the future.

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Nov 11, 2016

Battle of the Bots: How AI Is Taking Over the World of Cybersecurity

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, encryption, information science, robotics/AI

Google has built machine learning systems that can create their own cryptographic algorithms — the latest success for AI’s use in cybersecurity. But what are the implications of our digital security increasingly being handed over to intelligent machines?

Google Brain, the company’s California-based AI unit, managed the recent feat by pitting neural networks against each other. Two systems, called Bob and Alice, were tasked with keeping their messages secret from a third, called Eve. None were told how to encrypt messages, but Bob and Alice were given a shared security key that Eve didn’t have access too.


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Nov 5, 2016

New Distance Record Offers Preview of Everyday Quantum Encryption

Posted by in categories: encryption, quantum physics


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Nov 2, 2016

China to complete first stretch of dedicated ‘quantum’ encryption fibre network next month

Posted by in categories: computing, encryption, quantum physics

2,000km network to provide foundation for secure quantum key distribution.

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Nov 1, 2016

Google’s A.I. Learns How to Encrypt Itself

Posted by in categories: education, encryption, robotics/AI

And how to keep secrets.

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Oct 31, 2016

Researchers nearly reach quantum limit with nanodrums

Posted by in categories: encryption, quantum physics

Extremely accurate measurements of microwave signals can potentially be used for data encryption based on quantum cryptography and other purposes.

Researchers at Aalto University and the University of Jyväskylä have developed a new method of measuring extremely accurately. This method can be used for processing quantum information, for example, by efficiently transforming signals from microwave circuits to the optical regime.

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Oct 30, 2016

Google’s neural networks created their own encryption method

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, encryption, information science, robotics/AI

Fortifying cybersecurity is on everyone’s mind after the massive DDoS attack from last week. However, it’s not an easy task as the number of hackers evolves the same as security. What if your machine can learn how to protect itself from prying eyes? Researchers from Google Brain, Google’s deep Learning project, has shown that neural networks can learn to create their own form of encryption.

According to a research paper, Martín Abadi and David Andersen assigned Google’s AI to work out how to use a simple encryption technique. Using machine learning, those machines could easily create their own form of encrypted message, though they didn’t learn specific cryptographic algorithms. Albeit, compared to the current human-designed system, that was pretty basic, but an interesting step for neural networks.

To find out whether artificial intelligence could learn to encrypt on its own or not, the Google Brain team built an encryption game with its three different entities: Alice, Bob and Eve, powered by deep learning neural networks. Alice’s task was to send an encrypted message to Bob, Bob’s task was to decode that message, and Eve’s job was to figure out how to eavesdrop and decode the message Alice sent herself.

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Oct 30, 2016

Quantum Teleportation Across The Dark Web

Posted by in categories: encryption, internet, quantum physics

Get Ready Folks! Imagine a QC DarkNet as it will too come.

Quantum teleportation brings to mind Star Trek’s transporter, where crew members are disassembled in one location to be reassembled in another. Real quantum teleportation is a much more subtle effect where information is transferred between entangled quantum states. It’s a quantum trick that could give us the ultimate in secure communication. While quantum teleportation experiments have been performed countless times in the lab, doing it in the real world has proved a bit more challenging. But a recent experiment using a dark fibre portion of the internet has brought quantum teleportation one step closer to real world applications.

The backbone of the internet is a network of optical fibre. Everything from your bank transactions to pictures of your cat travel as beams of light through this fibre network. However there is much more fibre that has been laid than is currently used. This unused portion of the network is known as dark fibre. Other than not being currently used, the dark fiber network has the same properties as the web we currently use. This new experiment used a bit of this dark web in Calgary to teleport a photon state under real world conditions.

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Oct 29, 2016

Google’s AI created its own form of encryption

Posted by in categories: encryption, robotics/AI

Just two neural networks passing secret notes without you.

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