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CERN-Critics: LHC restart is a sad day for science and humanity!

Posted in astronomy, big data, complex systems, computing, cosmology, energy, engineering, ethics, existential risks, futurism, general relativity, governance, government, gravity, hardware, information science, innovation, internet, journalism, law, life extension, media & arts, military, nuclear energy, nuclear weapons, particle physics, philosophy, physics, policy, quantum physics, science, security, singularity, space, space travel, supercomputing, sustainability, time travel, transhumanism, transparency, treatiesTagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment on CERN-Critics: LHC restart is a sad day for science and humanity!

CERN-Critics: LHC restart is a sad day for science and humanity!
These days, CERN has restarted the world’s biggest particle collider, the so-called “Big Bang Machine” LHC at CERN. After a hundreds of Million Euros upgrade of the world’s biggest machine, CERN plans to smash particles at double the energies of before. This poses, one would hope, certain eventually small (?), but fundamentally unpredictable catastrophic risks to planet Earth.
Basically the same group of critics, including Professors and Doctors, that had previously filed a law suit against CERN in the US and Europe, still opposes the restart for basically the same reasons. Dangers of: (“Micro”-)Black Holes, Strangelets, Vacuum Bubbles, etc., etc. are of course and maybe will forever be — still in discussion. No specific improvements concerning the safety assessment of the LHC have been conducted by CERN or anybody meanwhile. There is still no proper and really independent risk assessment (the ‘LSAG-report’ has been done by CERN itself) — and the science of risk research is still not really involved in the issue. This is a scientific and political scandal and that’s why the restart is a sad day for science and humanity.
The scientific network “LHC-Critique” speaks for a stop of any public sponsorship of gigantomanic particle colliders.
Just to demonstrate how speculative this research is: Even CERN has to admit, that the so called “Higgs Boson” was discovered — only “probably”. Very probably, mankind will never find any use for the “Higgs Boson”. Here we are not talking about the use of collider technology in medical concerns. It could be a minor, but very improbable advantage for mankind to comprehend the Big Bang one day. But it would surely be fatal – how the Atomic Age has already demonstrated — to know how to handle this or other extreme phenomena in the universe.
Within the next Billions of years, mankind would have enough problems without CERN.
- A new paper by our partner “Heavy Ion Alert” will be published soon:
- Background documents provided by our partner “LHC Safety Review”:

- Press release by our partner ”Risk Evaluation Forum” emphasizing on renewed particle collider risk:

- Study concluding that “Mini Black Holes” could be created at planned LHC energies:

- New paper by Dr. Thomas B. Kerwick on lacking safety argument by CERN:

- More info at the LHC-Kritik/LHC-Critique website:
Best regards:

Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation:
How Silicon Valley Will Make Oil, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Utilities and Conventional Cars Obsolete by 2030
By Tony Seba

Book review by Jose Cordeiro

All the armies in the world are not as powerful as an idea whose time has come.
Victor Hugo, 1854

If you find a prediction reasonable, than it is probably wrong, because the future is not reasonable; it is fantastic!
Arthur C. Clarke, 1964

Thirty years from now there will be a huge amount of oil — and no buyers. Oil will be left in the ground. The Stone Age came to an end, not because we had a lack of stones, and the Oil Age will come to an end not because we have a lack of oil.
Sheik Ahmed Yamani, 2000

Most long-range forecasts of what is technically feasible in future time periods dramatically underestimate the power of future developments because they are based on what I call the “intuitive linear” view of history rather than the “historical exponential” view.
Ray Kurzweil, 2005

Tony Seba has been working, teaching and researching about energy issues for years. Since last decade, he has been making energy forecasts which might have looked unreasonable then, but that have already become reality this decade. Now he forecasts that by 2030 all energy generation will be solar (and wind), and all new cars will be autonomous (self-driving) and electric vehicles. Since only about 1% of the global energy production is solar (and wind) today, some might think that the 100% target by 2030 seems impossible. Others might ponder that it is even more incredible to go today from less than 1% electric vehicles and basically 0% self-driving cars (just to give two very rough numbers about the current situation) to 100% electric and 100% autonomous for all the new vehicle production by 2030.

If those predictions were not enough, he also forecasts that the current oil, nuclear, natural gas, coal, biofuels, electric utilities and conventional car industries will be totally “obliterated” through the convergence of solar (and wind) with electric and autonomous vehicles by 2030. Will Tony Seba’s predictions for 2030 be right again? I sincerely hope so, for the benefit of humanity!

Clean Disruption

Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation is a really disruptive book. More than disruptive, it is a revolutionary book that envisions the evolution of the energy and transportation industries during the next two decades. The economic value of those two sectors is truly immense, the energy industry represents about US$ 8 trillion and the transportation industry about US$ 4 trillion, every year. Thus, we are talking about disrupting US$ 12 trillion, which is a huge number, almost as big as the economy of China, the European Union or the United States.

In his previous book, Solar Trillions, Tony Seba already considered the rapid, even exponential, growth of solar energy. His 2010 forecasts have been surprisingly accurate, particularly since organizations like the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Information Administration (EIA) have been consistently wrong, always underestimating the growth of the solar industry. While the IEA and EIA have basically used linear projections, Tony Seba has considered exponential increases in production and exponential decreases in costs.

Tony Seba

Tony Seba has had a distinguished career as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and executive. He got his B.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where we studied together, and later he received his MBA from Stanford University. He was an early employee in Cisco Systems, and he later cofounded, where he received several awards. Currently, he is a lecturer at Stanford University, startup mentor, private investor and corporate advisor. His leadership has been recognized in publications like BusinessWeek, his articles have appeared in Forbes, and has written three best-selling books. Tony Seba has been a keynote speaker from Abu Dhabi to Hong Kong, from Auckland to Seoul.

On his new book, Tony Seba describes very well why solar energy is related much more to the new digital industries of Silicon Valley than to the old fossil fuel industries. SolarCity is an example of the new energy companies, while ExxonMobil is an example of the old energy dinosaurs. Similarly, he describes an electric and self-driving car as a computer on wheels, and he explains how far ahead the new cars are from the traditional vehicles manufactured in Detroit, Germany and Japan. Google and Tesla are pushing forward with electric and self-driving cars, while GM and Toyota, for example, seem to have a hard time following these new trends.

Exponential Growth

Exponential growth is the main driver behind the growth of the solar industry, and exponential growth is also behind the growth of the electric and self-driving cars. Even if today there is only 1% of solar energy capacity, and less than 1% of new cars are electric vehicles, it is just seven doublings away before reaching 100%. Both industries seem to be doubling about every two years, more or less, and so there will be 2% in two more years, 4% in four years, 8% in six years, 16% in eight years, 32% in ten years, 64% in twelve years, and 100% in fourteen years, or less. Obviously, it depends on the continuous growth of such industries until market saturation, but the historical trends are very clear. And self-driving cars, which are not yet commercialized, have the potential to grow even faster thanks to network effects. Therefore, thinking exponentially, it is not surprising to move from 1% to 100% in fourteen years if the doubling time is just two years, which has been very close to reality until now. Think of Moore’s Law for solar energy, actually called Swanson’s Law in honor of the Stanford professor who founded SunPower, and also Moore’s Law for electric and self-driving cars, i.e. computers on wheels.

Indeed, a “solar energy tsunami” is fast approaching and it will completely obliterate the fossil fuel companies and the old electric utilities. In parallel, another “electric and self-driving car tsunami” will also disrupt the traditional car companies that do not adapt to the fast new realities. Emerging companies with new Silicon Valley models will completely disrupt the conventional energy and transportation sectors. What is even better, this disruption will be clean, and it will actually improve the human condition. For years, for decades, energy and transportation were two of the dirtiest industries in the world. In the future, they will be cleaner, much cleaner.

How much will it cost?

Is it really possible to transition from the current Oil Age to the future Solar Age? According to the famous Sheik Ahmed Yamani, the answer is certainly affirmative. But will it cost more than the existing status quo? Let’s consider the facts!

According to the World Energy Investment Outlook published by the IEA in 2014, the energy industry will require $48 trillion investments from 2015 to 2035. That huge amount will roughly be distributed as $23 trillion in fossil fuels, $10 trillion in power generation (including only $6 trillion for renewables), $8 trillion in energy efficiency, and $7 trillion in transmission and distribution. On top of that, half a trillion dollars are spent yearly on subsidies for fossil fuels, about $550 billion in 2013. Obviously, the IEA favors fossil fuels since the agency was created by the OECD in 1974 following the 1973 oil crisis to guarantee the oil needs of the industrialized countries. Just like the US DOE was originally created in 1977 as a reaction to the 1973 oil crisis. Thus, both institutions consider mostly fossil fuels in their projections, with much less than 10% solar energy by 2035. However, this linear thinking does not capture the reality of solar capacity growing exponentially, and its costs decreasing exponentially.

Solar costs have been decreasing exponentially from almost $100/W in the 1970s. Today, total costs of solar installations vary from $3/W to $1/W, depending on altitude and longitude, including cities and rural areas, and size, including utility-scale, commercial and residential sites. Continuing with the exponential decrease of costs, combined with the exponential increase of production, it is foreseeable that in the next few years it will cost less than $1/W to install solar power anywhere, including storage costs.

The total power consumed by humanity today is about 15 TW, and this number might increase very little during the next few years, since over half of all the energy produced today is wasted. The worst industry is the transportation sector, where close to 80% of the energy is wasted. Thanks to big improvements in energy efficiency, like it has happened in the last few years, and the great energy savings thanks to electric and self-driving cars. Total power consumption might even remain constant or decline slightly.

Combining the total power consumption of 15 TW and $1/W, it gives $15 trillion in investments to transform the energy matrix from fossil fuels to solar energy, including storage. Even considering a small increase in power consumption, and low capacity factors, the total amount might be $30 trillion, or even $45 trillion, considering three times the production capacity of 15 TW. Therefore, the numbers given by the IEA to sustain the Oil Age are an insult to those who want a cleaner world, and with cheaper energy.

The “Enernet”: clean energy and transportation for all

My friend Robert Metcalf, former MIT professor and inventor of Ethernet, popularized the idea of an Energy Internet or “Enernet”. This Enernet or Energy Network will allow us to connect the whole world and to increase, not reduce, our energy consumption. With the Enernet, energy and power will become abundant and basically free, just like information and bandwidth are today thanks to the Internet. Storage considerations are also important, but new batteries and other advanced technologies will make the Enernet more resilient and create positive network effects. This intelligent Enernet will also help power the new transportation system based on electric and self-driving cars. Humanity will more from

According to Metcalfe, the Enernet will bring fundamental changes in the way we produce and consume energy, from generation to transmission, storage and final utilization. The Enernet should really create a smart energy grid with distributed resources, efficient systems, high redundancy and high storage capacity. The Enernet should also help the transition to clean energy and renewable sources, with new players and entrepreneurs taking the place of traditional “big oil” and utilities, and old monolithic producers giving more control to energy prosumers (producers and consumers). Finally, we will continue the transition from expensive energy to cheap energy in a world where energy will be recognized as an abundant resource.

Global companies like Apple, Facebook, Google, IBM, IKEA, Walmart, among many others, have publicly announced that they want to power all their operations with renewable energy. Additionally, retailers like Walmart also announced that they will install electric car chargers in their stores, so that clients can charge their vehicles for free, just like the Tesla Superchargers, also for free. Why for free? Because electricity is much cheaper than oil, and it will only get cheaper with more and more solar power, at lower and lower installation costs.

Clean Disruption shows the path for abundant and cheap energy for everybody, with economic and efficient transportation on-demand. Poor people around the world will leapfrog the fossil fuel and utility dinosaurs and move directly to intelligent distributed energy systems, just like the poor moved from no phones to mobile phones. In fact, many of those mobile phones are charged today by solar panels in many rural areas. This Clean Disruption will be better for you, better for me, better for humanity, and better for the environment.

José Cordeiro, MBA, PhD
Visiting Research Fellow, IDE – JETRO, Japan
Director, Venezuela Node, The Millennium Project
Adjunct Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia
Founding Faculty, Singularity University, NASA Research Park, Silicon Valley, California

By Josh Dzieza — The Verge
Earlier this week, during a disappointing Tesla earnings call, Elon Musk mentioned in passing that he’d be producing a stationary battery for powering the home in the next few months. It sounded like a throwaway side project from someone who’s never seen a side project he doesn’t like. But it’s a very smart move, and one that’s more central to Musk’s ambitions than it might seem.

To understand why, it helps to look not at Tesla, but at SolarCity, a company chaired by Musk and run by his cousin Lyndon Rive. SolarCity installs panels on people’s roofs, leases them for less than they’d be paying in energy bills, and sells surplus energy back to the local utility. It’s proven a tremendously successful model. Founded in 2006, the company now has 168,000 customers and controls 39 percent of the rapidly expanding residential solar market.

Read more

GM Overcoming Toyota & Ford Surmounting Honda, Unfailingly, For Life!

00000000 400 dpi  LBF


The reason why Japanese automotive industry beat the U.S. car-makers is because, to them, it is an outright existential world to win and in the process spread a sense of Japanese exceptionalism.

They are fighting a most-lucrative World War merciless!


The reason why car-makers in the U.S. can overcome the Japanese and German competition is a bit complicated.


Except, perhaps for Apple, all Quality Assurance Methodologies in the U.S. manufactures designated to provide high-end products fail, and fail, and fail again.


However, when you see the Quality Assurance methodologies in the Military, you will notice the following:


America’s has the most-breathtaking quality in the Military, worldwide.

European quality is the second best in the Military, worldwide.

Israeli quality is the third best in the Military, worldwide.

Russian quality is the fourth best in the Military, worldwide.

Chinese quality is the fifth best in the Military, worldwide.




The day that American Automotive Industry starts to manufacture cars like most-complex state-of the-art weapons, the foreign car-makers will go bankrupt and the profits and jobs will be back to America.


America makes the best PRODUCTS IN THE WORLD when it fears a massive stream of Sputniks. Otherwise, U.S. citizens go back to their zone of comfort and assume that the World is most characterized by RUTHLESS IMPERMANENCE.



Exactly like Andres Agostini, Egotistical Prima Donna (SkunkWorks practitioner) is no longer a captive to history.

Exactly like Andres Agostini, Whatever he, she can imagine, he, she can accomplish.

Exactly like Andres Agostini, Egotistical Prima Donna (SkunkWorks practitioner) is no longer a vassal in a faceless bureaucracy, he, she is an activist, not a drone.

Exactly like Andres Agostini, Egotistical Prima Donna (SkunkWorks practitioner) is no longer a foot soldier in the march of progress.

Exactly like Andres Agostini, Egotistical Prima Donna (SkunkWorks practitioner) is a Revolutionary! … ”


Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article) (Other Publications)




New Book: An Irreverent Singularity Funcyclopedia, by Mondo 2000’s R.U. Sirius.

Posted in 3D printing, alien life, automation, big data, bionic, bioprinting, biotech/medical, complex systems, computing, cosmology, cryptocurrencies, cybercrime/malcode, cyborgs, defense, disruptive technology, DNA, driverless cars, drones, economics, electronics, encryption, energy, engineering, entertainment, environmental, ethics, existential risks, exoskeleton, finance, first contact, food, fun, futurism, general relativity, genetics, hacking, hardware, human trajectories, information science, innovation, internet, life extension, media & arts, military, mobile phones, nanotechnology, neuroscience, nuclear weapons, posthumanism, privacy, quantum physics, robotics/AI, science, security, singularity, software, solar power, space, space travel, supercomputing, time travel, transhumanism

Quoted: “Legendary cyberculture icon (and iconoclast) R.U. Sirius and Jay Cornell have written a delicious funcyclopedia of the Singularity, transhumanism, and radical futurism, just published on January 1.” And: “The book, “Transcendence – The Disinformation Encyclopedia of Transhumanism and the Singularity,” is a collection of alphabetically-ordered short chapters about artificial intelligence, cognitive science, genomics, information technology, nanotechnology, neuroscience, space exploration, synthetic biology, robotics, and virtual worlds. Entries range from Cloning and Cyborg Feminism to Designer Babies and Memory-Editing Drugs.” And: “If you are young and don’t remember the 1980s you should know that, before Wired magazine, the cyberculture magazine Mondo 2000 edited by R.U. Sirius covered dangerous hacking, new media and cyberpunk topics such as virtual reality and smart drugs, with an anarchic and subversive slant. As it often happens the more sedate Wired, a watered-down later version of Mondo 2000, was much more successful and went mainstream.”

Read the article here >

By — Grist, (default)], [, (only screen and (min-width: 1px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5))], [, (only screen and (min-width: 321px))], [, (only screen and (min-width: 321px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5))], [, (only screen and (min-width: 641px))], []" />

A team of scientists over in Europe have decided to take the idea of “green” power very, very literally: They have developed a system to harness the energy generated by moss.

Modern Farmer:

Along with two scientists from the University of Cambridge, Felder developed a way to use moss as a “biological solar panel.” Put simply, moss creates surplus electrons during photosynthesis. Felder’s collaborators have tapped into this electricity on a small scale — they’ve built a functional, moss-powered radio. …

The radio only runs for a couple minutes at a time. … But it’s early yet — the scientists have only figured how to harness about 0.1% of moss’s energy.

Read more

Quoted: “Ethereum will also be a decentralised exchange system, but with one big distinction. While Bitcoin allows transactions, Ethereum aims to offer a system by which arbitrary messages can be passed to the blockchain. More to the point, these messages can contain code, written in a Turing-complete scripting language native to Ethereum. In simple terms, Ethereum claims to allow users to write entire programs and have the blockchain execute them on the creator’s behalf. Crucially, Turing-completeness means that in theory any program that could be made to run on a computer should run in Ethereum.” And, quoted: “As a more concrete use-case, Ethereum could be utilised to create smart contracts, pieces of code that once deployed become autonomous agents in their own right, executing pre-programmed instructions. An example could be escrow services, which automatically release funds to a seller once a buyer verifies that they have received the agreed products.”

Read Part One of this Series here » Ethereum — Bitcoin 2.0? And, What Is Ethereum.

Read Part Two of this Series here » Ethereum — Opportunities and Challenges.

Read Part Three of this Series here » Ethereum — A Summary.

Richard Branson, Success, Unpreparedness, Failure, and Death!


The Largest God of Entrepreneurial Success, “knighted by the English Crown,” wanted to teach us that the Power of Simplicity with Boldness is sufficient to defeat the Science of Complexity and a most-unprepared à –la-Sir-Francis-Drake company called: “Virgin Galactic.”


(Do not expect these fools to know what Extreme Risk Management is!)

BLOOMBERG: Virgin Galactic Ship Crashes With 1 Pilot Reported Dead

ENGADGET: Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo crashes after launch

THE GUARDIAN: One person dead as Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo rocket plane crashes on test flight…ash-mojave

BUSINESS INSIDER: One Dead, One Injured In Virgin Galactic Spacecraft Crash…014-10

FORBES: Virgin Galactic Spaceship Destroyed During Test Flight…st-flight/

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Virgin Galactic Spaceship Crashes. Accident in California’s Mojave Desert Kills One Pilot, Injures Another

NEW YORK TIMES: Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo Crashes During Test Flight…s&_r=0

PHOTO SOURCE: New York Times

Marilyn Monroe in London and Continuous Performance Improvement

0   a   MARILYN

This is an actual story.

I was the Insurance Broker House EVP for the world’s global oil corporation number two and got asked a delicate official favor from the Client.

To give you an idea of this piece of business, the Client was paying cash US$ 100 million for insured and re-insured premiums over their fixed and liquid assets. The latter via a major and reputable London Reinsurance Brokerage House.

So I went and met with the Worldwide CFO of the Client, and he said to me,

“…Mr. Agostini, we want to commission you to give Mr. Stewart Johnston a last warning … Their services to us either dramatically change to satisfy our needs and specifications, or we terminate them, not you … Please, take a plane to London and advise Mr. Johnston on our behalf …”

I said to Worldwide CFO of the Client, “…done…”

I made arrangements immediately to go to my world’s favorite metropolis, where I have many, many real-world accounts to comment about in some other due time.

The first day I took those magnificent breakfasts they give you in London, in which the mineral water is replaced for the sparkles of Dom Perignon.

London is a place in which I like to walk around, so I decided to go to Stewart’s office by walking, with little knowledge about the address direction.

So, I started my promenade and saw a gentleman dressed too informal and too bohemian and asked him,

“…Sir, Do you know how I can get to this Company’s head office?…”

And he replied, “…I have nothing to do with the financial systems or those opaque mates at Loyd’s of London …”, with huge disgust.

Not too far away, there was an impeccable gentleman who could be my grandfather and duly dressed up and he, all of the greatest sudden, said to me with politeness,

“…Sir, I know exactly where you want to go…Their office is so large and important that they have a Tube (Subway) station for themselves…!

In effect, I followed through his directions and I got there. I noted, as expected, that the head-office of the prominent Reinsurance Brokerage House was luxurious with some very nice frescos all over.

I asked for Mr. Stewart Johnston’s floor and office number and got there right away.

Up to this moment, Stewart had not the slightest idea of my out-the-blue visit.

Then, I was welcome by his gorgeous secretary. She was a beautiful blonde lady, dressed up ready to go Hail the Queen, probably in her mid twenties. She got me a nice seat right away and asked me if I wanted to drink tea or coffee.

She was a bit disappointed that I picked tea over coffee, considering that I was coming from the Western Hemisphere and not Far Asia.

Then, she advised me that Mr. Johnston will be meeting with me within five minutes. She seems friendly and entered a little small-talk conversation that went beautifully until she tried to give me a marked lecture on the pronunciation usage of the words “either” and “neither.”

As you know, in the English-speaking cosmos, each of those terms have two legitimate pronunciation, but she only preferred only one. Nobody has ever dared to correct my writing or speaking before. This was time #1.

Out of that I felt that the secretary whose “buttock” (and that of her employer), I came to save was giving me a lecture on diction.

Once the “master class” finished, I sat down with Stewart Johnston, who I had know for over a decade, and a dialogue exchange went like this:

Stewart (to Andres): Hello Andres? How are you?

Andres (to Stewart): Fine thank you, Stewart.

Stewart (to Andres): What are you doing in London?

Andres (to Stewart): I come to London twice a year every year but I am here to give you a very important message on behalf of our Multinational Client.

Stewart (to Andres): Really? Can you please tell me about it?

Andres (to Stewart): Certainly! You know that the Client assesses every form of performance and they have and utilize “performance indicators” for everything you and I do.

Stewart (to Andres): Indeed! And how much progress are we making?

Andres (to Stewart): Well, Stewart, as per the Client’s Worldwide CFO, your company’s performance is so low that merits the termination of your services unless you do something dramatic to improve your services.

Stewart (to Andres): Interesting. What can we exactly improve, Andres?

Andres (to Stewart): Very well. Here is list with the breakdown of ten (10) Reinsurance Indemnity Payment Checks that have months of delay and that they need to cash on. Make those payments immediately or please say goodbye to your U.S.$ 100-million account. It is up to you, Stewart. I forewarned that I have researched my sources and they mean to decapitate your company quickly.

Stewart (to Andres): I will look into this immediately and see which payments can be made right away.

Andres (to Stewart): Please make all of those payments the soonest.

Stewart (to Andres): Okay, Andres, I will take care of this now. Is there anything else?

Andres (to Stewart): Well, when I came into your office’s antechamber I was received but your beautiful and most-imprudent secretary. She gave me a cup of nice black Chinese tea and a dramatic lecture on how I should pronounce the words “either” and “neither.”

Stewart (to Andres): She did that? She is unconditionally terminated as of now, before you leave this office.

MODAL: When you are making millionaire commissions over 14 years, whether you are a guy or gal, do not EVER be so imprudent to be inconvenient to the person (savior) who has crossed the Atlantic to save you a U.S.$ 100-million account and your job, stupid.

Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)


