Archive for the ‘engineering’ category: Page 5

Nov 14, 2024

Quantifying the Background Radiation Hitting Superconducting Qubits

Posted by in categories: engineering, quantum physics

Researchers have characterized the naturally occurring background radiation hitting a typical quantum circuit—a result that might help with the engineering of devices that are less vulnerable to radiation-induced decoherence.

Nov 11, 2024

Information Flow in Molecular Machines

Posted by in categories: biological, chemistry, engineering, nanotechnology

A theoretical model shows that exchange of information plays a key role in the molecular machines found in biological cells.

Molecular machines perform mechanical functions in cells such as locomotion and chemical assembly, but these “tiny engines” don’t operate under the same thermodynamic design principles as more traditional engines. A new theoretical model relates molecular-scale heat engines to information engines, which are systems that use information to generate work, like the famous “Maxwell’s demon” [1]. The results suggest that a flow of information lies at the heart of molecular machines and of larger heat engines such as thermoelectric devices.

The prototypical engine is a steam engine, in which work is produced by a fluid exposed to a cycle of hot and cold temperatures. But there are other engine designs, such as the bipartite engine, which has two separate parts held at different temperatures. This design is similar to that of some molecular machines, such as the kinesin motor, which carries “molecular cargo” across biological cells. “Bipartite heat engines are common in biology and engineering, but they really haven’t been studied through a thermodynamics lens,” says Matthew Leighton from Simon Fraser University (SFU) in Canada. He and his colleagues have now analyzed bipartite heat engines in a way that reveals a connection to information engines.

Nov 9, 2024

Predicting Droplet Size in Sprays

Posted by in categories: chemistry, engineering

A new model of liquid sprays reveals the mechanisms behind droplet formation—providing important information for eventually controlling the droplet sizes in, for example, home cleaning sprays.

Spraying a cleaning product on a kitchen counter may be a mundane task, but it embodies a wide-reaching environmental problem. In atomized sprays like these, the largest droplets land on the surface as desired, while the smallest ones drift away and evaporate, wasting liquid and contaminating the surroundings. As Isaac Jackiw of the University of Alberta, Canada, says, “If you have an intuitive understanding of where the different sizes come from, then you can start to imagine specific targeted approaches for preventing unwanted sizes.” He and his colleagues have now developed a physics-based model that predicts the distribution of droplet size in sprays emitted from a nozzle. Jackiw presented the work at the Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference in Toronto this month.

In classical models of aerodynamic droplet breakup, airflow hits a liquid and causes it to explode into droplets. To explain the average droplet size, theorists have often focused on a single, dominant mechanism. But these methods have not been able to directly predict the distribution in droplet sizes, Jackiw says. His approach can estimate the size distribution by incorporating several different mechanisms, each of which contributes droplets in a particular size range.

Nov 7, 2024

Andrew Akbashev on LinkedIn: #science #research #engineering #mathematics #scienceandtechnology

Posted by in categories: engineering, mathematics, science

True humility is rare today. It takes courage and a strong stance. It’s the story of Grigori Perelman, who proved the Poincaré conjecture — the only one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems solved by humanity. 1️⃣ In 1990s, Perelman worked at UC Berkeley. Top universities tried to hire him. A hiring committee at Stanford asked him for a C.V. to include with requests for letters of recommendation. But Perelman said: “If they know my work, they don’t need my C.V. If they need my C.V., they don’t know my work.” he received several job offers. But he declined them all. 2️⃣ In 2002–2003, he posted three manuscripts on arXiv where he solved the Poincare problem. On a PREPRINT server. Not in a journal! He did not care about publishing them in Nature. He did not care about getting them peer reviewed. He just wanted to make his work publicly available. Several leading math groups immediately started checking his proof. 3️⃣ In 2006, he was awarded a Fields Medal for his work on the Ricci flow and Poincare conjecture. But Perelman declined it: “[The prize] was completely irrelevant for me. Everybody understood that if the proof is correct, then no other recognition is needed.” He did not attend the ceremony. He was the only person to have ever declined the prize. 4️⃣ In 2010, Perelman was awarded a Millennium Prize ($1,000,000). He did not attend a ceremony in Paris as well. He considered the decision of the Clay Institute unfair because he wanted to share the prize with Richard Hamilton (who had a big influence on Perelman in 1990s). “The main reason is my disagreement with the organized mathematical community. I don’t like their decisions, I consider them UNJUST.” ❗️Why I am writing all this? Because: There’s no fairness in academia. It’s unjust and often illogical. It’s full of competition and unkindness. Perelman was very sensitive to it. So, he left mathematics… IF we don’t want to lose brilliant minds like this… IF we want our kids to love science as they grow up… Then we should focus on making it a better place. Less pressure on tenure track professors. No pursuit of metrics. No emphasis on awards. More mentorship and quality research. We need it. #science #research #engineering #mathematics #scienceandtechnology

Nov 3, 2024

Microplastics increasing in freshwater, directly related to plastic production

Posted by in category: engineering

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Microplastics have been steadily increasing in freshwater environments for decades and are directly tied to rising global plastic production since the 1950s, according to a new study by an interdisciplinary team of Penn State researchers. The findings provide insight into how microplastics move and spread in freshwater environments, which could be important for creating long-term solutions to reduce pollution, the researchers said.

The work is available online now and will be published in the December issue of Science of the Total Environment.

“Few studies examine how microplastics change over time,” said Nathaniel Warner, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering and the corresponding author on the paper. “Ours is one of the first to track microplastic levels in freshwater sediment from before the 1950s to today, showing that concentrations rise in line with plastic production.”

Nov 2, 2024

New Method Unravels Complex Causality

Posted by in categories: climatology, engineering

Summary: A new method developed by researchers allows scientists to identify unique, redundant, and synergistic causality, providing a clearer view of what influences complex systems. Known as SURD, this method has implications across diverse fields, from climate science to aerospace engineering.

Traditional methods often confuse variables that are not true causes, but SURD accurately decomposes causality, minimizing errors. This tool has the potential to aid in the design of optimized systems by pinpointing causative factors more precisely.

The researchers demonstrated SURD’s utility by examining turbulence, revealing previously hidden interactions between airflow variables. Their work highlights the benefits of SURD for more accurate causal analysis in complex fields.

Oct 31, 2024

Thread by @awiltschko on Thread Reader App

Posted by in categories: engineering, transportation

Thread#showTweet data-screenname= awiltschko data-tweet=1851327552490733686 dir= auto Well, we actually did it. We digitized scent. A fresh summer plum was the first fruit and scent to be fully digitized and reprinted with no human intervention. It smells great.

Holy moly, I’m still processing the magnitude of what we’ve done. And yet, it feels like as we cross this finish line we are instantly at a new starting line. I’ll have more to share about what’s in store that we’re building on top of this.

A huge HUGE congrats to the entire team across scientific, engineering, operational, and creative disciplines. It takes a village named Osmo to do this.

Oct 29, 2024

$7 billion “city within a city” planned for Phoenix

Posted by in categories: computing, economics, employment, engineering

“Our vision is for chip designers and engineering students, not just suppliers and manufacturers, to co-locate here, to create a value added ecosystem beyond just what it takes to build chips, and that’s how we’re going to create more value in the Phoenix economy,” Mack said.

A further three plants are also planned for the Phoenix site, which could bring TSMC’s total investment in the area to over $120 billion. Tech giant Apple has announced it will buy semiconductors from the fabrication plants.

The plants are anticipated to create 10,000 permanent jobs, and another 80,000 are expected to be created in the surrounding development.

Oct 28, 2024

Mouse study sheds light on the secret to maintaining a youthful immune system

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, engineering, life extension

What keeps some immune systems youthful and effective in warding off age-related diseases? In a new paper published in Cellular & Molecular Immunology, USC Stem Cell scientist Rong Lu and her collaborators point the finger at a small subset of blood stem cells, which make an outsized contribution to maintaining either a youthful balance or an age-related imbalance of the two main types of immune cells: innate and adaptive.

Innate immune cells serve as the body’s first line of defense, mobilizing a quick and general attack against invading germs. For germs that evade the body’s innate immune defenses, the second line of attack consists of , such as B cells and T cells that rely on their memory of past infections to craft a specific and targeted response. A healthy balance between innate and adaptive immune cells is the hallmark of a youthful immune system—and a key to longevity.

“Our study provides compelling evidence that when a small subset of overproduces innate immune cells, this drives the aging of the immune system, contributes to disease, and ultimately shortens the lifespan,” said Lu, who is an associate professor of stem cell biology and , , medicine, and gerontology at USC, and a Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Scholar. Lu is also a member of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC, and the USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center at the Keck School of Medicine of USC.

Oct 26, 2024

Not Toyota, not Hyundai: This brand unveils the real hydrogen engine with an unexpected detail

Posted by in categories: engineering, sustainability, transportation

In a bold move towards sustainability in the automotive industry, Alpine has introduced its new V6 hydrogen engine. The engine is a groundbreaking development that merges high-performance engineering with eco-friendly technology. This innovative engine represents a significant leap for the French automotive brand, showcasing its commitment to advancing hydrogen as a viable fuel alternative in the world of motorsport and beyond.

While Japanese automobile company Toyota continues to be leading the hydrogen revolution, other automobile companies are following closely behind. While some have placed all their bets on electric vehicles being the future of sustainable engines, others are looking at ways to continue producing the internal combustion engine. The answer may be found in hydrogen technology whereby traditional internal combustion engines can be adapted to support the alternative fuel source.

Alpine previously introduced a hydrogen powered car in 2022. Now, the newer model is twice as powerful as the last. The car features a 3.5-litre, twin-turbo V6 engine. It produces a power output of 740bhp, and can reach up to 9,000rpm with 770 Nm of torque. The two hydrogen engines are located in the sidepods and behind the cockpit. The model has been in the works for two years and is a testament to Alpine’s continued dedication towards sustainability.

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