Archive for the ‘food’ category: Page 284

Jan 27, 2017

Vertical Farming Brings Fresh Produce to Cities

Posted by in categories: food, sustainability

You’ve never seen a farm like this.

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Jan 22, 2017

Learn How This Family Grows 6,000 Lbs Of Food on Just 1/10th Acre – Urban Homestead

Posted by in category: food

There 7.68 billion acres of arable land. if everyone did this and lived one one tenth of an acre then that’s room for 76 billion people just on the arable land where there is actually 36 billion acres of land on the planet.

If farming were turned into vertical farming building with ten floors a piece at 1/10th and acre per level that’s 760 billion. At 100 floors that’d be 7.6 trillion. I would need to review an Isaac Arthur video about the maximum occupancy of the planet, there may be heat problems with trillions of people on the planet.

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Jan 21, 2017

Exploring the environmental impact of quantum dots

Posted by in categories: biological, food, nanotechnology, quantum physics

The speed with which microbes in a simplified ecosystem absorb the nanomaterials is raising concerns about the effect on organisms higher in the food chain.

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Jan 20, 2017

KFC China Is Using Facial Recognition To Recommend Menu Items

Posted by in categories: food, robotics/AI

The fast food franchise is leveraging a special device to help customers choose their meal by age, mood, and gender.

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Jan 20, 2017

Sensors Promise Spectral Analysis in the Palm of Your Hand

Posted by in categories: electronics, food

Austria’s Ams has released a pair of tiny spectral sensors for on-the-go analysis of foods or pharmaceuticals.

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Jan 17, 2017

Energy Dept. Seeks A Few Good (Really, Really Good) Seaweed Farmers

Posted by in categories: energy, food, sustainability

Attention all seaweed farmers! US DoE and DARPA wants you.

Did you know that the amount of commercially produced seaweed almost hit the mark of 25 million metric tons last year? China and Indonesia dominate the global seaweed-to-food market, and now the Department of Energy has been casting a hungry eye on the potential for the US to get in on the action, with a particular focus on converting seaweed to biofuel and other high value products.

Of course, there is a problem. Growing seaweed — aka macroalgae — for food is one thing. The algae-to-energy cycle is quite another thing entirely. That’s why the Energy Department has called upon its cutting edge funding division, ARPA-E, to put out a call for the super macroalgae farmer of the future.

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Jan 16, 2017

Make your own meat with open-source cells – no animals necessary

Posted by in category: food

Engineered meat is taking on a new flavour as an entrepreneur aims to help people make animal-free meat at home, like brewing beer, by sharing cell cultures.

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Jan 15, 2017

A type of vampire bat has started feeding on humans in Brazil for the first known time

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food

For the vampire lovers out there. Very scary situation.

The bats should only consume bird blood, but as humans have started to move into the forests of northeastern Brazil, they’ve turned to new sources of food.

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Jan 15, 2017

Eight Foods of the Future That Could Soon Be Coming Our Way

Posted by in categories: food, futurism

Food trends change all the time, and not just dependent on where you live, but also when. For example, 100 years ago they were not eating most of the stuff we have today. Pop Tarts, Cheetos, and Gatorade would certainly not have existed, and if you were to go back in time now and try and introduce these things, they would probably get thrown at you. But, the point is that sometimes you just can’t help what food is introduced around you and accepted as the norm, and over the next 30 years, we will see odder but edible manifestations are coming our way. Below are eight future foods that are not a million miles away from being introduced into society and are being worked on now:

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Jan 11, 2017

Why we need to keep an eye on whether a blood infection in cattle is linked to breast cancer in humans

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food

Pretty wild; blood infections in cattle may have a possible link to breast cancer in humans.

Meredith Frie, Michigan State University

Humans began domesticating animals for food over 10,000 years ago, cultivating a close relationship with animals over the following millennia. Like humans, animals can get sick, and sometimes infections pass between humans and animals. Some of these infections, like ringworm, are mostly harmless, while others, like bovine tuberculosis, are extremely serious.

But how do we find out if these infections pose a risk to humans? I study dairy cows infected with bovine leukemia virus (BLV), which is found in most of the dairy herds in the U.S. Scientists are trying to figure out if BLV infects humans and, if it does, whether there is a link between BLV and breast cancer.

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