Archive for the ‘futurism’ category: Page 1069
Apr 10, 2017
Being Too Hard on Yourself Creates a Dangerous Feedback Loop
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in category: futurism
Self-sabotage is a fascinating topic. Philosophically speaking, the impetus for every human action is the pursuit of some form of happiness. Why, then, do so many people purposely handicap themselves when striving for goals? What pushes someone to believe they don’t deserve and therefore shouldn’t have happiness?
Most research on this subject points to self-esteem. We like to think of ourselves as the heroes of our own story, a perspective influenced and informed by our reliance on narrative to create meaning in our lives. When we observe fault in ourselves, it can lead to a conscious or subconscious belief that we are unworthy heroes. Some people are better at dealing with these feelings than others. Those who aren’t tend to overlook the fact that no human is or can be perfect, and that heroes are as much the sum of their faults as they are the breadth of their positive qualities.
There’s also the fact that, in any hero’s journey, failure is part of growth. Indiana Jones doesn’t save the day until after he’s captured by the Nazis. Luke Skywalker doesn’t defeat the bad guys without first losing a hand. Princess Elsa screws up a whole bunch before she’s strong enough to let it go, as it were.
Apr 10, 2017
Congrats New York, for becoming the first state to offer tuition-free four-year college!
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in category: futurism
Apr 8, 2017
Upgrading humans into GODS will be the next ‘billion dollar industry’
Posted by Shailesh Prasad in category: futurism
The next billion dollar industry will not be a service or product – it will be upgrading humans, an expert has revealed.
It has been suggested that humans will have access to technology that will allow them to ‘upgrade themselves into gods’.
Bestselling author Yuval Noah Harari has also warned that because not everyone will be able to experience the upgrade, due to costs, there will be a divide that could spark ‘old racist ideologies’ — but this time, differences will be ‘engineered and manufactured’.
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This store lets you create a 3D model of yourself.
You can get a 3D selfie from a store in New York.
We’ve been working on something for quite a while now, and we are excited to share a teaser of what we’ve been up to.
I’m happy to announce.
Apr 6, 2017
This New Type of Male Contraceptive Not Only Prevents Babies; It’s Completely Reversible
Posted by Shane Hinshaw in category: futurism
Until now, men have had only two serious options for preventing baby-making: condoms or ‘the snip’.
A promising new product could be set to change all that, with animal trials indicating that it’s not only close to 100 percent effective, but that it can also be fully reversed, making it less drastic than the vasectomy while still offering similar benefits.
Trademarked under the name Vasalgel, the contraceptive is a polymer gel being developed by the non-profit Parsemus Foundation in California, which aims to “find low cost solutions that have been neglected by the pharmaceutical industry”.