Archive for the ‘futurism’ category: Page 1084
Feb 10, 2017
This anti-choking device uses suction to clear airways
Posted by Shane Hinshaw in category: futurism
Feb 10, 2017
‘Bill Nye Saves the World’ Hits Netflix in April
Posted by Derick Lee in category: futurism
Feb 9, 2017
Battery can be recharged with carbon dioxide
Posted by Shane Hinshaw in categories: energy, futurism
(—Researchers have developed a type of rechargeable battery called a flow cell that can be recharged with a water-based solution containing dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted from fossil fuel power plants. The device works by taking advantage of the CO2 concentration difference between CO2 emissions and ambient air, which can ultimately be used to generate electricity.
The new flow cell produces an average power density of 0.82 W/m, which is almost 200 times higher than values obtained using previous similar methods. Although it is not yet clear whether the process could be economically viable on a large scale, the early results appear promising and could be further improved with future research.
The scientists, Taeyong Kim, Bruce E. Logan, and Christopher A. Gorski at The Pennsylvania State University, have published a paper on the new method of CO2-to-electricity conversion in a recent issue of Environmental Science & Technology Letters.
Feb 9, 2017
Zap away period cramps with this tiny device
Posted by Shane Hinshaw in category: futurism
Global population growth and migration trends make it increasingly likely that the US Army will find itself fighting in megacities in the future. In order to be prepared for the challenges this will pose, the Army should create a unit manned, equipped, and trained entirely for this purpose.
Feb 8, 2017
Translation Technology Will Put Foreign Languages in Your Ear, Allowing Instant Communication
Posted by Zoltan Istvan in categories: futurism, transhumanism
A new story from Inverse with a quote I gave:…nd-listens #future
People can save lives when they speak the same language.
Technology has advanced such that we can instantaneously communicate with people in the farthest reaches of the world without breaking a sweat. Furthermore, we can do so in their own languages without even a single credit hour of exploratory language class. When language tools like Google Translate and Yandex. Translate meet communication apps like Skype and Telegram, the world shrinks in the best way.
Feb 6, 2017
This German fusion reactor could be the future of clean energy
Posted by Shane Hinshaw in categories: futurism, nuclear energy
Feb 6, 2017
This sidewalk generates electricity from your footsteps
Posted by Shane Hinshaw in category: futurism
Feb 5, 2017
Senescent cells are bad news when they accumulate in high numbers as we age
Posted by Steve Hill in category: futurism
This neat graphic explains how they work.
You can help us find ways to remove these problem cells from the body for a healthier future. Visit our campaign today:…c-biology/
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