Archive for the ‘futurism’ category: Page 1190

Oct 15, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 16, 2014)

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FUTURISM UPDATE (October 16, 2014)

a Amazon and Lifeboat

MOSCOW TIMES: Russia Strengthens Air Defenses With Bases in Belarus and Central Asia http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/russia-streng…09491.html

BBC: Italy pushes ahead with ‘next generation’ biofuels from waste http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-29618889

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Oct 4, 2014

Method of Sustainable Fuel-less Terra-forming of Venus & Mars

Posted by in categories: existential risks, futurism, human trajectories, solar power, space, sustainability

Terra Forming Venus & Mars by leveraging Asteroids
Inspired by: Lifeboat Foundation

Both Mars and Venus can be terra-formed to provide Earth-like gravity and atmospheres; Venus with an effort of about 100 years to terra-form the atmosphere, and Mars with an effort of about 2,000 years to terra-form the atmosphere. These are both potentially realized through the use of systems of solar sails. Asteroids provide many of the resources needed to seed related development.

Business model for interplanetary transport without fuel

Conceptual Space Elevator

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Oct 3, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 04, 2014)

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FUTURISM UPDATE (October 04, 2014)

a Amazon and Lifeboat

DEFENSE SYSTEMS: Pentagon launches Insider Threat Program http://defensesystems.com/articles/2014/10/02/dod-insider-threat-program.aspx

WASHINGTON POST: Why quarantines won’t stop Ebola from spreading in the U.S. http://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2014/10/03/w…n-the-u-s/

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Oct 3, 2014

What if your memories could live past your mortal shelf life?

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, futurism, innovation, life extension, posthumanism, singularity, transhumanism

Would you have your brain preserved? Do you believe your brain is the essence of you?

To noted American PhD Neuroscientist and Futurist, Ken Hayworth, the answer is an emphatic, “Yes.” He is currently developing machines and techniques to map brain tissue at the nanometer scale — the key to encoding our individual identities.

A self-described transhumanist and President of the Brain Preservation Foundation, Hayworth’s goal is to perfect existing preservation techniques, like cryonics, as well as explore and push evolving opportunities to effect a change on the status quo. Currently there is no brain preservation option that offers systematic, scientific evidence as to how much human brain tissue is actually preserved when undergoing today’s experimental preservation methods. Such methods include vitrification, the procedure used in cryonics to try and prevent human organs from freezing and being destroyed when tissue is cooled for cryopreservation.

Hayworth believes we can achieve his vision of preserving an entire human brain at an accepted and proven standard within the next decade. If Hayworth is right, is there a countdown to immortality?

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Oct 2, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 03, 2014)

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FUTURISM UPDATE (October 03, 2014)


BBC: Toyota’s plans for a fuel cell future http://www.bbc.com/news/business-29459999

POPULAR SCIENCE: CHEOS– China’s New Eye In Space http://www.popsci.com/blog-network/eastern-arsenal/cheos-chi…e-in-space

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Oct 1, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 02, 2014)

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FUTURISM UPDATE (October 02, 2014)

a Amazon and Lifeboat

CIO: Microsoft Wants You to Help Predict the Future, and Bet on it http://www.cio.com/article/2689412/innovation/microsoft-want…on-it.html

FINANCIAL TIMES: Robots are our saviours, not the enemy. The alternative is a world in which wages fall and prices rise, writes Peter Thiel http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/db02d75c-4400-11e4-baa7-00144feabdc0.html

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Oct 1, 2014

The Abolition of Medicine as a Goal for Humanity 2.0

Posted by in categories: biological, bionic, biotech/medical, ethics, futurism, genetics, homo sapiens, human trajectories, life extension, philosophy, policy, transhumanism

What follows is my position piece for London’s FutureFest 2013, the website for which no longer exists.

Medicine is a very ancient practice. In fact, it is so ancient that it may have become obsolete. Medicine aims to restore the mind and body to their natural state relative to an individual’s stage in the life cycle. The idea has been to live as well as possible but also die well when the time came. The sense of what is ‘natural’ was tied to statistically normal ways of living in particular cultures. Past conceptions of health dictated future medical practice. In this respect, medical practitioners may have been wise but they certainly were not progressive.

However, this began to change in the mid-19th century when the great medical experimenter, Claude Bernard, began to champion the idea that medicine should be about the indefinite delaying, if not outright overcoming, of death. Bernard saw organisms as perpetual motion machines in an endless struggle to bring order to an environment that always threatens to consume them. That ‘order’ consists in sustaining the conditions needed to maintain an organism’s indefinite existence. Toward this end, Bernard enthusiastically used animals as living laboratories for testing his various hypotheses.

Historians identify Bernard’s sensibility with the advent of ‘modern medicine’, an increasingly high-tech and aspirational enterprise, dedicated to extending the full panoply of human capacities indefinitely. On this view, scientific training trumps practitioner experience, radically invasive and reconstructive procedures become the norm, and death on a physician’s watch is taken to be the ultimate failure. Humanity 2.0 takes this way of thinking to the next level, which involves the abolition of medicine itself. But what exactly would that mean – and what would replace it?

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Oct 1, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (October 01, 2014)

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FUTURISM UPDATE (October 01, 2014)

a Amazon and Lifeboat

WFS: Signs of “Connected Consciousness” Detected on Global Scale http://www.wfs.org/blogs/richard-samson/signs-connected-cons…obal-scale

New York State Takes Activist Role in Implementing Solar Energy Projects http://www.21stcentech.com/york-state-takes-activist-role-im…-projects/

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Sep 30, 2014

Dr. Ken Hayworth: What is the Future of your Mind?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, futurism, neuroscience, singularity

We live in world, where technological advances continually allow new and provocative opportunities to deeply explore every aspect of our existence. Understanding the human brain remains one of our most important challenges– but with 100 billion neurons to contend with, the painstakingly slow progress can give the impression that we may never succeed. Brain mapping research unlocks secrets to our mental, social and physical wellness.

In our upcoming releases for the Galactic Public Archives, noted American PhD Neuroscientist and Futurist, Ken Hayworth outlines why he feels that mapping the brain will not be a quixotic task. Through this, he reveals his unconventional plan to ensure humanity’s place in the universe—forever.

We admit to teasing you with the below link in preparation for the main events.

Sep 29, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (September 30, 2014)

Posted by in category: futurism

FUTURISM UPDATE (September 30, 2014)

0   a     Y E L L O W

LIVE SCIENCE: Higgs Boson to the World Wide Web: 7 Big Discoveries Made at CERN http://www.livescience.com/48052-cern-anniversary-big-discoveries.html

3-D PRINT: NYC Engineer 3D Prints a Mechanical Computer, The Turbo Entabulator http://3dprint.com/16795/3d-printed-computer/

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