A scientist who wrote a leading textbook on artificial intelligence has said experts are “spooked” by their own success in the field, comparing the advance of AI to the development of the atom bomb.
Prof Stuart Russell, the founder of the Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence at the University of California, Berkeley, said most experts believed that machines more intelligent than humans would be developed this century, and he called for international treaties to regulate the development of the technology.
That layer would be absolutely essential in trying to defend against a FOBS, that is if a defense at all is actually feasible or even strategically sound. We are not talking about a rogue state here with a few advanced ballistic missiles. China would be able to deploy dozens or even hundreds of these at once. At a certain point, kinetic defenses against such a capability become a losing proposition and a very costly one at that.
Still, this was an early test aboard a full-on rocket used for traditional space access missions. It will take China some time to perfect such a system and package it in a quickly deployable militarized configuration. Major thermal and ablative issues also must be overcome, among others, but it’s not like China hasn’t been working diligently in the hypersonic boost-glide vehicle realm for many years.
Regardless, if this report ends up being fully accurate, one thing is likely: New calls for hugely expensive missile defense capabilities will be ringing loud and often on Capitol Hill, as well as demands to do whatever possible to bring China to the bargaining table in hopes of obtaining some type of strategic arms limitation treaty.
Check out our second promo for #transvision #future Summit 2021 (#madrid Oct. 8 — 12), featuring the optional dinner/cocktails we are scheduling, and 2 full-day #tours of several #unescoworldheritage sites and historical places near Madrid: Segovia, Ávila, Monsaterio de El Escorial & Valley of the Fallen on Oct. 11 and Alcalá de Henares, Aranjuez & Toledo on Oct. 12. It’s going to be espectacular! You don’t wanna miss those, so get your tickets now! 😊 Get your tickets here -> www.TransVisionMadrid.com.
The event itself will be a lot of fun, so make sure to register to come to Madrid in person, or to watch it via streaming (at a reduced price). There will be talks about #longevity #artificialintelligence #cryonics and much much more.
Promo by Sergio Tarrero for Alianza Futurista as Diamond Sponsor of TransVision Future Summit 2021. Alianza Futurista will also provide live video production, streaming and post production services for this event.
Humanity Plus Humanity Plus Magazine Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid (ICOMEM) Alcor Life Extension Foundation Cryonics Institute Cryonics Institute Posthuman Network Posthuman Network Cryonics4U Longevity Conferences Longevity for All International Longevity Alliance U.S. Transhumanist Party Transhumanist Party Australia Transhumanist Party Australia Group Transhumanist UK Rational Transhumanism Singularity University Ray Kurzweil Ray Kurzweil Singularity Ray Kurzweil Singularity Ray Kurzweil’s Singularity Singularity Hub Singularity Network Transhumanismo Brasil SingularityNET Singularitarianism Foresight Institute Lifeboat Foundation Machine Intelligence Research Institute KrioRus The Hedonistic Imperative — Paradise Engineering Future of Life Institute Future of Humanity Institute (Oxford University) The Long Now Foundation Global Catastrophic Risk Institute CLUB DE SEGUIDORES DE JOSÉ LUIS CORDEIRO (OFICIAL) Aubrey de Grey Dr. Aubrey de Grey HashtagTeam 🤩
Check out our new promo for #transvision #future Summit 2021! Get your tickets! -> www.TransVisionMadrid.com There will be talks about #longevity #artificialintelligence #cryonics and much much more. You will also be able to network with speakers and attendees during 5 optional dinner/cocktails, and 2 tours of several UNESCO heritage sites and historical places: Ávila, Segovia, Monsaterio de El Escorial, Valle de los Caídos (Valley of the Fallen), Aranjuez & Toledo.
Humanity Plus Humanity Plus Humanity Plus Magazine MUTISHAN Interactive Vivian Francos #SEOHashtag Alcor Life Extension Foundation Cryonics Institute Cryonics Institute SENS Research Foundation SENS Research Foundation Posthuman Network Posthuman Network Cryonics4U Longevity Conferences Longevity for All U.S. Transhumanist Party Transhumanist Party Australia Transhumanist Party Virtual Rational Transhumanism Singularity University Ray Kurzweil Singularity Singularity Hub Ray Kurzweil’s Singularity Singularity Network Transhumanismo Brasil Transhumanismo Brasil TRANSHUMANISMO Christian Transhumanist Association Mormon Transhumanist Association SingularityNET Singularitarianism Foresight Institute Lifeboat Foundation Lifeboat Foundation Machine Intelligence Research Institute KrioRus The Hedonistic Imperative — Paradise Engineering.
Promo by sergio tarrero for alianza futurista & transvision madrid.
Spain will host the next world futurist summit on October 8, 9 and 10, 2021. Humanity+ will be the main international organizer of this international congress. Afterwards, during October 11 and 12, we will continue with informal conversations while traveling to UNESCO World Heritage Sites around Madrid: Aranjuez, Ávila, El Escorial, Segovia y Toledo. Every night will finish with optional cocktails in beautiful places for networking and meeting the participants and speakers.
In both cases, the language is an attempt to call forth the spirit of the Outer Space Treaty. However, as many critics have stated, the Artemis Accords suffer from the fact that they are tied to a specific space agency and program. This was certainly the basis of Rogozin and Russia’s resistance when the Accords were first announced, hence why Russia and China have come together to do the same.
In short, they have decided to establish a set of bilateral agreements that would allow others to participate in their program of lunar exploration. While it’s not clear what the long-term implications of this will be, it could possibly lead to tensions and territorial disputes down the road. After all, one of the hallmarks of the current era of space exploration is its plurality, where multiple space agencies (and commercial space) are involved instead of two competing superpowers.
But when three of the five major space powers create two competing frameworks and ask others to join them, one can be forgiven for concluding that there’s a new Space Race in town!
Today, Sunday, May 30, 2021, at 1 p.m. Pacific Time, join us for a U.S. Transhumanist Party Virtual Enlightenment Salon with Ryan O’Shea, as we discuss the state of the transhumanist movement, life-extension advocacy, biohacking, Ryan’s Future Grind podcast, and more!
Watch on YouTube here:. You will be able to post questions and comments in the live YouTube chat.
On Sunday, May 30, 2021, at 1 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time, the U.S. Transhumanist Party invites Ryan O’Shea for a Virtual Enlightenment Salon to discuss a wide array of subjects related to transhumanism, including the state of the contemporary transhumanist movement, Ryan O’Shea’s Future Grind podcast, biohacking, the Human Augmentation Institute and the Human Augmentation Code of Ethics, Ryan O’Shea’s media work with the Lifespan Extension Advocacy Foundation with the goal of popularizing life-extension science, how to respond to common criticisms of transhumanism, thoughts on consciousness and free will, and strategies for advancing the transhumanist movement in the future.
Ryan O’Shea is an entrepreneur and futurist speaker from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is the host of Future Grind — https://futuregrind.org/ — a multimedia production company that seeks to increase technoliteracy and democratize access to information about emerging technologies, enabling more voices to be a part of the societal conversation surrounding technology. Ryan is also a founder of the Human Augmentation Institute, an organization focused on upholding bodily autonomy and ensuring that any efforts in human augmentation are done ethically, safely, and responsibly. He also serves as the spokesperson for Grindhouse Wetware, a group specializing in technology to augment human capabilities. In 2017, Ryan co-founded a National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation-supported artificial intelligence startup that is working to use machine learning and automated just-in-time intervention for behavior change. Ryan has represented NASA and CalTech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a Solar System Ambassador and serves both as a World Economic Forum Global Shaper and an ambassador for Pittsburgh AI. He is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and currently serves on the boards of multiple non-profit organizations.
‘Weapon of Mass Destruction’ is a term used in arms-control circles signifying something capable of damage on a large scale and subject to international treaties. Analyst Zak Kallenborn argues in a recent study for the U.S. Air Force Center for Strategic Deterrence Studies that some types of drone swarm would count as WMD. The argument might seem like the theoretical arms control equivalent of angels dancing on the head of a pin — except that the U.S. Army is working on a lethal swarm which fits Kallenborn’s description. Watch the video for more: https://youtu.be/KLmmPnMvwNY
The massive THANKS YOU to everyone for watching and all of your support!
There’s an additional reason why international agreement and co-operation in the outer space domain is crucial: the peaceful use of outer space, as required by the Outer Space Treaty.
In October 2020, eight countries signed a NASA-led initiative called the Artemis Accords. These included the United States, Canada, Australia and Luxembourg. Notably absent were Russia and China, who have since agreed to collaborate with each other on space initiatives.
On Sunday, February 212021, at 1 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time, the U.S. Transhumanist Party invites Dr. Aubrey de Grey of the SENS Research Foundation, for an in-depth conversation about recent developments in the quest to reverse the damage of biological aging. The discussion will cover current in rejuvenation research and advocacy, as well as delve into how the prospects for reaching longevity escape velocity have changed since Dr. de Grey’s remarks at the U.S. Transhumanist Party Discussion Panel on Life Extension nearly 4 years ago in 2017.
Dr. Aubrey de Grey is the biomedical gerontologist who researched the idea for and founded SENS Research Foundation — http://www.sens.org/. He received his BA in Computer Science and Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Cambridge in 1985 and 2000, respectively. Dr. de Grey is Editor-in-Chief of Rejuvenation Research, is a Fellow of both the Gerontological Society of America and the American Aging Association, and sits on the editorial and scientific advisory boards of numerous journals and organizations.