Archive for the ‘health’ category: Page 180

Feb 17, 2022

Temperature and reproduction link holds promise for insect control

Posted by in categories: food, health, neuroscience

Scientists have uncovered a set of neurons in fruit flies that shut down in cold temperatures and slow reproduction, a system conserved in many insects, including mosquitoes, which could provide a target for pest control.

Their study, published Feb. 16 in the journal Current Biology, takes a step toward understanding how a fly’s brain contributes to sensing the cold and limiting . Insects and animals, including many mammals, curb reproduction in the winter to protect their newborns from being exposed to harsh winter conditions.

The study has and agricultural implications, as tapping into environmentally-dependent mechanisms that influence reproduction in and crop pests may offer new control strategies. Mosquitoes act as reservoirs for the malaria-causing Plasmodium falciparum parasite, which spend the winter inside them.

Feb 14, 2022

City Air is Just as Dangerous to Your Health as it was 20 Years Ago States The Lancet

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, government, health

Urban air pollution exposure is an ongoing critical challenge for humanity today because the majority of us live in cities. A just-published study in The Lancet Planetary Health reports that 2.5 billion live in urban areas where particulate matter levels exceed World Health Organization (WHO) safety guidelines causing more than 1.8 million attributed deaths annually. The study reports that “the global health burden of ambient fine particulate matter is increasing annually” and is associated with mortality from cardiovascular, respiratory, and lung diseases including cancer. And in terms of chronic diseases, particulate matter in the air contributes to asthma, bronchitis and emphysema, and seen as the leading environmental risk humans face today.

What is particulate matter? The Canadian government defines it as airborne particles that can be solid or liquid. Particulate matter comes from natural and human sources. The natural ones can be seen when volcanoes erupt spewing ash and other aerosols high into the atmosphere. But far more dangerous because of the sheer volume, is human-produced particulate matter coming from smokestacks, tailpipes, power plants, recently tilled fields, tires running across asphalt and concrete roads, and other human activities that release fine particles into the wind. The lighter and smaller the particle, the greater the threat. That’s because fine particulate matter is easier to inhale. It’s also easier to enter the pores of leaves in plants, and easier as liquid aerosols to bind to our buildings and bridges and other infrastructure where its acidic nature causes corrosion.

A particle of 2.5 micrometres (equivalent to 0.00009843 inches) or less is a public health threat. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tracks aerosol pollution at this size and on its site notes that particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometres has been declining for two decades. The Lancet study contradicts this finding noting that globally levels of airborne particulate matter have changed very little in twenty years. And where’s the greatest rise? In the cities of Southeast Asia.

Feb 14, 2022

Why Indoor Air Quality Is a Global Health Concern

Posted by in category: health

Airborne pollutants including viruses, mould, bacteria, dust, and harmful gasses cause millions of deaths annually. Solutions are available.

Feb 13, 2022

Bright indoor light during daytime may lower blood sugar, improve energy expenditure

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health

Bright indoor lighting during daytime.

According to a new study published in Diabetologia, Insulin-resistant volunteers’ postprandial substrate processing, energy expenditure, and thermoregulation are all affected by the indoor light environment in a time-dependent manner. Further Optimization of indoor lighting to a brighter during daytime hours and dimmer in the evening may provide cardiometabolic benefits.

Artificial light is available 24 hours a day in today’s civilization, and most individuals are exposed to electrical light and light-emitting screens during the dark part of the natural light/dark cycle. Suboptimal lighting has been linked to negative metabolic impacts, and changing indoor lighting to more closely mirror the natural light/dark cycle has the potential to improve metabolic health.

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Feb 8, 2022

Dr. Stephani Otte, Ph.D. — Chan Zuckerberg Initiative — Measuring Human Biology in Action

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, health, neuroscience

Measuring Human Biology in Action, To Cure, Prevent Or Manage All Diseases — Dr. Stephani Otte, Ph.D., Science Program Officer, Imaging, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

Dr. Stephani Otte, Ph.D is Science Program Officer, Imaging, at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (https://chanzuckerberg.com/), who leads the organization’s Imaging program and is focused on the creation, dissemination, optimization, and standardization of transformative imaging technologies.

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Feb 7, 2022

What is Model Monitoring?

Posted by in categories: food, health, robotics/AI

The AI revolution is here. Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence are used in virtually every industry today to revolutionize everything from reducing food waste to achieving better health outcomes. In all, IDC forecasts that global enterprise spending on AI will eclipse $204 billion by 2025.

Unfortunately, investments in needed infrastructure may not be keeping pace. Many enterprises are shipping AI blind or relying on outdated model monitoring approaches to catch issues with models in production.

In order to understand the scope of the problem and provide insights on potential solutions, Arize AI recently conducted a survey of 945 data scientists, engineers, executives, and others in the industry. The results speak to a distinct need for better tools to quickly visualize where and why problems are emerging and enable faster root cause analysis when models fail.

Feb 7, 2022

Electrical spinal implant helps paralysed man have child — BBC News

Posted by in category: health

David M’zee was 22 when an injury damaged his spine, leaving him paralysed 12 years ago.

In 2017, an electrical implant to his spine enabled him to stand and walk slowly by boosting the nerve signals to his legs.

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Feb 6, 2022

Aquamarine Solar Project — Smart from Start to Finish

Posted by in categories: food, health, solar power, sustainability

By Helen O’Shea

On a windy, bright day in Lemoore, California another 250 megawatts of clean power was added to California’s energy mix with the dedication of the Aquamarine Solar Project. There are many new solar projects coming online across the country these days, but the Aquamarine project is notable for its innovative development model — it’s part of a 20,000-acre master-planned solar park on fallowed and salt-contaminated agricultural lands in the Westlands Water District in California’s Central Valley.

Disturbed lands farmed for years with no residual habitat value are the perfect place to locate utility-scale solar projects. In 2016 these lands, among many others, were identified as suitable for development by a diverse group of stakeholders through the San Joaquin Valley Least Conflict Solar Planning exercise.

Feb 5, 2022

Unemori Architects and Teco Architects create “park-like” health centre

Posted by in category: health

Japanese architecture studios Unemori Architects and Teco Architects have turned a commercial building in Kitakami, Japan, into a health and childcare support centre, adding a new facade as well as undulating floors and ceilings.

Feb 3, 2022

Captained: The European immigrants prevailed in that war, as well as in a long series of conflicts with other tribes

Posted by in categories: health, internet, robotics/AI, sustainability

On this land taken from Indigenous Peoples, a new nation was eventually born, largely built by those whose ancestries traced back to the Old World via immigration and slavery.

As the country grew, inventions like the telephone, airplane, and Internet helped usher in today’s interconnected world. But the inexorable march of technological progress has come at great cost to the health of the planet, particularly because of global dependence on fossil fuels. The United Nations declared in 2017 that a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development would be held from 2021 to 2030. This Ocean Decade calls for a worldwide effort to reverse the oceans’ degradation.

The dawn of this decade, 2020, also marked the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s journey. Plymouth 400, a cultural nonprofit, has been working for more than a decade to commemorate the anniversary in ways that honor all aspects of this history, said spokesperson Brian Logan. Events began in 2020, but one of the most innovative launches is still waiting in the wings—a newfangled nautical craft, the Mayflower Autonomous Ship, or MAS.