Archive for the ‘internet’ category: Page 302

Mar 5, 2016

Should We Worry That We’re Headed for Cyber World War I?

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet, military

Reserve you calendars for March 9th because New America’s Cybersecurity Initiative is hosting its annual Cybersecurity for a New America Conference in Washington, D.C.

On Wednesday, March 9, New America’s Cybersecurity Initiative will host its annual Cybersecurity for a New America Conference in Washington, D.C. This year’s conference will focus on securing the future cyberspace. For more information and to RSVP, visit the New America website.

So, what does cyberwar mean anyway?

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Mar 5, 2016

Rise in cyber risk leads to jobs boost

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, employment, internet, law

Big money in hacking law firms. Hackers being hired and paid by parties in suits, companies in acquisition, etc.

The growing influence of the internet in law has opened up a wealth of opportunities for cyber law specialists, according to cyber law expert Bradley Deacon.

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Mar 5, 2016

China looks to ramp up Internet growth, and its controls

Posted by in categories: computing, encryption, government, internet, quantum physics

Something for everyone to keep a closer eye on in the coming year/s — And, they are indeed well on their way with Quantum and their partnership with Australia. Australia (as we recall) has been the one country outside the US and Canada that has made incredible progress in Quantum Computing especially introducing in Nov 2015 their discovery in developing a machine language for the Quantum platform.

BEIJING (AP) — China’s government has highlighted big data, encryption technology and “core technologies” such as semiconductors as the key elements of its push to grow into a tech powerhouse, according to a new five-year plan released Saturday that envisages the Internet as a major source of growth as well as a potential risk.

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Mar 5, 2016

‘Wi-Fi’ Nanoparticles Send Signals from Inside the Brain

Posted by in categories: internet, neuroscience

The nanoparticles could generate measurable magnetic fields in response to the brain’s electrical fields and then be used to send wireless messages.

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Mar 4, 2016

“Internet pioneer”: Interview With Google Vice President Vint Cerf

Posted by in categories: alien life, computing, government, humor, internet

Google’s VP Vint Cerf states in the future that “The brain will be digitally altered by software”.

Considered one of the fathers of Internet, renowned in the computer industry, awarded with the highest award of US government, co-creator of TCP/IP internet and current vice president of Google, the Phd Vint Cerf emerges as one of the most authoritative voices in the world to reflect on new technologies around the world.

The computing Scientific who the United States commissioned along with Bob Khan the creation of a network protocol that will interconnect computers in 1973 in the age of cold war who at the age of 20 will work on F-1 engines used as propellant rocket of Saturn V rocket that “visited” the moon, apart from his academic skills, he can be characterized as a very simple person having fine and good sense of humor and very elegant, like someone from an European royalty party, definitely a different personality and image projecting into the collective imagination a professional of his career.

Reflections about internet of things, the possibility of extraterrestrial life, scanning the brain, space internet and even the possibility that humans can communicate with animals were the subjects Cerf answered who recently toured South America sharing time with inhabitants of end of the world.

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Mar 4, 2016

Truly Random Number Generator Promises Stronger Encryption Across All Devices, Cloud

Posted by in categories: encryption, information science, internet, quantum physics

So long pseudo-random number generator. Quantum mechanics brought us true randomness to power our crypto algorithms, and is strengthening encryption in the cloud, the datacenter, and the Internet of Things.

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Mar 2, 2016

AT&T will start selling you cable TV over the Internet

Posted by in categories: internet, mobile phones

AT&T is going “over the top” with television.

In the fourth quarter of this year, AT&T will start selling cable-like bundles of TV to people across the country through a new app. Subscribers won’t need an AT&T wireless phone or an AT&T broadband connection at home.

It’ll be like Netflix — download the app, sign up, type in a credit card number, and start streaming a TV show.

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Mar 1, 2016

Atlas The Robot Can Enlist in the US Military Anytime She Wants

Posted by in categories: government, internet, military, robotics/AI

I hear this author; however, can it pass military basic training/ boot camp? Think not.

Back when Alphabet was known as Google, the company bought Boston Dynamics, makers of the amazingly advanced robot named Atlas. At the time, Google promised that Boston Dynamics would stop taking military contracts, as it often did. But here’s the open secret about Atlas: She can enlist in the US military anytime she wants.

Technology transfer is a two-way street. Traditionally we think of technology being transferred from the public to the private sector, with the internet as just one example. The US government invests in and develops all kinds of important technologies for war and espionage, and many of those technologies eventually make their way to American consumers in one way or another. When the government does so consciously with both military and civilian capabilities in mind, it’s called dual-use tech.

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Mar 1, 2016

There Will Be Netflix on Mars

Posted by in categories: computing, internet, space

How Legos, lasers, and reindeer are building the interplanetary internet.

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Mar 1, 2016

What was Ray Kurzweil saying about the future in 1990?

Posted by in categories: internet, Ray Kurzweil

9 Kurzweilian predictions from before the Web.

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