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The internet is full of many interesting things. Most of them are quite useful and even amazing, but the rest is often unnecessary and weird. And you gotta love it because there is probably no better outlet for creativity than the internet, regardless of what shape or form it might come in.

Meet Patrick from Patrick’s World, who has flexed his creativity muscle in a way that probably nobody has ever thought of. He took out some traditional German sausages, hooked them up to some wires that were connected to a number of sound equipment, and made a fully functional piano. Yes, you read that correctly.

So, this guy took out some traditional German sausages, hooked them up to some wires that were connected to sound equipment, and made a fully functional piano. Yes, you read that correctly. The internet is amazing.

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered weaknesses in a software implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) that could be weaponized to achieve a denial-of-service (DoS) condition on vulnerable BGP peers.

The three vulnerabilities reside in version 8.4 of FRRouting, a popular open source internet routing protocol suite for Linux and Unix platforms. It’s currently used by several vendors like NVIDIA Cumulus, DENT, and SONiC, posing supply chain risks.

The discovery is the result of an analysis of seven different implementations of BGP carried out by Forescout Vedere Labs: FRRouting, BIRD, OpenBGPd, Mikrotik RouterOS, Juniper JunOS, Cisco IOS, and Arista EOS.

Jan Häglund is the President and CEO of Enea, a specialist in software for telecommunications and cybersecurity.

As mobile networks are increasingly embedded in daily life, they have become a more attractive target for criminals and malicious state actors alike. A new spate of regulations globally suggests a unified response is required.

To consumers, 5G means ultra-fast connectivity and a smoother, better user experience. Few would be aware of how the interconnection and interworking between networks that enables this user experience is itself vulnerable to attack, with more devastating consequences than in the past, as we all increase our reliance on mobile communications.

Researchers have taught an AI to make artificial genomes — possibly overcoming the problem of how to protect people’s genetic information while also amassing enough DNA for research.

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) pit two neural networks against each other to produce new, synthetic data that is so good it can pass for real data. Examples have been popping up all over the web — generating pictures and videos (a la “this city does not exist”). AIs can even generate convincing news articles, food blogs, or human faces (take a look here for a complete list of all the oddities created by GANs).

Now, researchers from Estonia are going more in-depth with deepfakes of human DNA. They created an algorithm that repeatedly generates the genetic code of people that don’t exist.

A Re-Edited version of Aldous Huxleys classic, Brave New World…
My original plan was to only show parts relevent to present times… Then I realised that this is the blue print for our future… And the future is here, now and present… What we do from here is anyones guess… This should be seen by EVERY HUMAN ALIVE… It is the story of our fate and final destruction… We are already at the tipping point… Don’t accept their bullshit… Fight back with NON COMPLIANCE!!! DO NOT ACCEPT 5G… DO NOT ACCEPT BIO-TECHNICS… DO NOT ACCEPT IMPLANTS, VACCINES, NANO-TECH, etc, etc, etc… The future is ours if we take it… Or leave it to the World Rulling Psychopaths… The choice is YOURS!!!


(Stick around at the end for a very real interview with Aldous Huxley where he explains why yesterdays fiction, is tomorrows reality…)

… Please leave your comments or questions bellow. Also check out my other videos and let me know what you think… Unless you think I’m CrAzY… In which case, I seriously don’t suggest watching the other videos… Just don’t do it… It’s for your own good wink (: For more related videos go to my channels playlists to find a huge selection ranging from Music to Movies, News & Political Affairs, Comedy, Wrestling, Documentaries & loads more… Thanks for watching smile

OpenAI’s Chat GPT3 has advanced more rapidly than any application In the history of the internet. In just five days, it has surpassed one million users compared to Instagram taking 2.5 months, Facebook at 10 months and Netflix 3.5 years.

Microsoft is staking its future growth by optimizing its Bing search engine, with its own intelligent chat capabilities, based on large language model touted as more powerful that ChatGPT3.

Hedging its bet on generative AI, Microsoft has also made a major investment in OpenAI with a $10B investment.

This article discusses Microsoft Staking its Future on Generative AI and Chat bots.