Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 210

Jul 9, 2021

The Never-Aging Ants With a Terrible Secret

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, life extension

“Deep in the forests of Germany, nestled neatly into the hollowed-out shells of acorns, live a smattering of ants who have stumbled upon a fountain of youth. They are born workers, but do not do much work. Their days are spent lollygagging about the nest, where their siblings shower them with gifts of food. They seem to elude the ravages of old age, retaining a durably adolescent physique, their outer shells soft and their hue distinctively tawny. Their scent, too, seems to shift, wafting out an alluring perfume that endears them to others. While their sisters, who have nearly identical genomes, perish within months of being born, these death-defying insects live on for years and years and years,” Katherine J. Wu writes.

A parasite gives its hosts the appearance of youth, and an unmatched social power in the colony.

Jul 9, 2021

Off-Patent Osteoporosis Drug Also Found to Extend Lifespan

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

Zoledronate is a biophosphonate, a drug used to strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis-related bone fractures. It is well-absorbed into the bones, so it only needs to be administered through infusion once a year.

A 2010 study had found that people who were given zoledronate after experiencing hip fractures showed slightly reduced all-cause mortality compared to a control group. Patients who took the drug were at significantly lower risk for heart arrhythmias and pneumonia.

As this is a drug that is already being given to people, the choice to go back to genetically modified fruit flies, a much simpler model of aging, may seem counterintuitive. The team chose to test these insects for two principal reasons. The first is that Drosophila flies are a common subject of studies on basic aging pathways, which the researchers wished to explore. The second is simpler: Drosophila flies lack bones, making the bone-affecting properties of zoledronate irrelevant to the study.

Jul 8, 2021

Dr. Andrei Gudkov, PhD — The Retrobiome, Cancer, And Aging — Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Ctr

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

The Retrobiome, Cancer, And Aging — Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer CtrThe Retrobiome, Cancer, And Aging — Dr. Andrei Gudkov, PhD, DSci, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, joins me on Progress, Potential, And Possibilities Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine #Cancer #Vaika #Genome #DnaDamage #ImmunoSenescence #Pets #Dogs #Health #Lifespan #LifeExtension #Inflammaging #Longevity #Aging #Oncology

Dr Andrei Gudkov, PhD, DSci, is a preeminent cancer researcher who serves as Senior Vice President, Research Technology and Innovation, Chair of the Department of Cell Stress Biology, and a member of the senior leadership team for National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Center Support Grant at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center (https://www.roswellpark.org/andrei-gudkov).

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Jul 8, 2021

100% Lifespan Extension In Drosophila: A Conversation With Dr. Michael Rose

Posted by in category: life extension

Paper referenced in the video:

Can human aging be postponed?

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Jul 7, 2021

Rejuvenating Mouse Brains With Ketamine or Flickering Light

Posted by in categories: life extension, neuroscience


Summary: Ketamine and exposure to 60-hertz flickering light show promise as a potentially new, non-invasive therapy to help rejuvenate the aging brain.

Source: IST Austria

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Jul 7, 2021

11-Year-Old Gets Physics Degree, Says He’ll Use It to Attain Technological Immortality

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, life extension, physics

It’s an astonishing achievement — and in an eyebrow-raising twist, Simons says he plans to live forever, by turning himself into a cyborg.

It sounds like Simons has thought out his plan.

“This is the first puzzle piece in my goal of replacing body parts with mechanical parts,” Simons told De Telegraaf, adding that his goal is “immortality.”

Jul 5, 2021

Longevity Panel — The Scientists working on Reversing Aging | Part 1

Posted by in categories: biological, life extension

Long vid. Slight annotation in the comments. A few takaways I liked: We need to move to human data instead of mice. People’s attitude towards life extension should change drastically soon. There is human data among this group and have released it, will keep following it, and some to be released soon. Sinclair thinks he can start primate trials this year. And overall everyone is optimistic.

A couple of weeks ago Avi Roy, alongside Nathan Cheng & Laura Minquini, hosted the Longevity Panel discussion, which assembled some of the biggest scientists in the field currently working on reversing aging.

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Jul 4, 2021

Could AI Keep People ‘Alive’ After Death?

Posted by in categories: life extension, robotics/AI

Researchers and entrepreneurs are starting to ponder how AI could create versions of people after their deaths—not only as static replicas but as evolving digital entities that may steer companies or influence world events.

Experts are exploring ways artificial intelligence might confer a kind of digital immortality, preserving the personalities of the departed in virtual form and then allowing them to evolve.

Jul 2, 2021

Translating Blood Plasma Dilution To Humans | Drs. Irina & Mike Conboy Interrview Series Ep3

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, life extension, media & arts

The Gist: They think they can start wider human trials soon which would last 2 years then have a product in 3 to 4 years.

In this video, Drs Irina and Mike Conboy talk how TPE, therapeutic plasma exchange is already available as an FDA approved procedure and the plans to extend the usage to include more age related diseases. We also discuss the company that they have formed IMU

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Jul 2, 2021

Guardian Deletes Fake News Article on Life Extension

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Did you know that life extension is impossible? I didn’t until the keen minds over at the Guardian informed me as such. Fortunately before I decided to give up my career in regenerative medicine I decided to look into exactly how the Guardian came to such a revelation. What I discovered was so earth shattering that it rocked my very understanding of the world, and made me question everything I thought I knew. That realisation was that, despite their consistent insistence to the contrary, the media lies, a lot.

Ok maybe this was not as shocking as I made it out to be, in fact it’s pretty widely known by now that the media is generally no stranger to the odd lie here and there. If you are not familiar with the story allow me to give you a recap. A recent study was conducted in order to find out if human lifespans have actually increased due to advanced in medicine. To do this, scientists used statistical models to remove non-age related causes of death from historical records (such as murder, death in child birth, plague etc) in order to determine what the uninterrupted human lifespan is, and if it has increased over time. What was found is that our medical science is yet to fundamentally extend human lifespan. This comes as no surprise to anyone in the field of longevity research as we know full well that none of our current medical treatments address causes of ageing. What this study does not conclude however is that life extension is impossible.