Archive for the ‘mapping’ category: Page 2

Jun 12, 2024

Mysterious Origins: Polarized Light Transforms Our Understanding of Fast Radio Bursts

Posted by in categories: mapping, space

A study analyzing the properties of polarized light from 128 non-repeating FRBs reveals mysterious cosmic explosions originate in far-away galaxies like our own Milky Way.

New research from the University of Toronto utilizing data from the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment reveals that the majority of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) likely originate from environments similar to our Milky Way, with modest densities and magnetic fields. This finding contrasts with earlier studies which suggested that repeating FRBs come from highly magnetized areas.

Fast Radio Burst Research Advancements

Jun 9, 2024

Beyond Einstein: Groundbreaking Map of the Universe Redefines Cosmic Models

Posted by in categories: cosmology, mapping, physics

The DESI collaboration is conducting a groundbreaking experiment to understand the universe’s expansion and acceleration. Their work with the DESI instrument has enabled them to map the cosmos from its early stages to the present, challenging existing models of the universe. Initial findings suggest there may be more to discover about dark energy and cosmic acceleration. The project’s innovative approach, including a fully blinded analysis, ensures that their conclusions are based on unbiased data, paving the way for future discoveries in astrophysics. Credit: SciTechDaily.com.

The DESI collaboration is examining the universe’s accelerating expansion through comprehensive mapping from its early stages to the present. Their findings challenge traditional cosmic models and suggest new insights into dark energy, all while utilizing groundbreaking, unbiased research methods.

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Jun 7, 2024

Mapping noise to improve quantum measurements

Posted by in categories: mapping, quantum physics

One of the biggest challenges in quantum technology and quantum sensing is “noise”–seemingly random environmental disturbances that can disrupt the delicate quantum states of qubits, the fundamental units of quantum information.

May 28, 2024

Turn This Pop-Up Book into Interactive Adventure with Light

Posted by in categories: entertainment, food, mapping

Lowtek Games combined the multifunctionality of a screen with the beauty of a pop-up book in a unique project that will take your imagination to another level. Codenamed Lowtek Lightbook, this interactive experience allows you to not only read stories but also play various games.

For example, you can color pictures with digital paints, find hidden objects, run away from aliens, or deliver food to them – all thanks to projection mapping and Lowtek Games’ clever thinking. Moreover, the story of Bib Goes Home can be even more engaging if you manually make Bib go home and explore his surroundings using a controller and a projector.

May 19, 2024

Mapping the Milky Way’s Magnetic Field in 3D

Posted by in categories: mapping, particle physics, space

We are all very familiar with the concept of the Earth’s magnetic field. It turns out that most objects in space have magnetic fields but it’s quite tricky to measure them. Astronomers have developed an ingenious way to measure the magnetic field of the Milky Way using polarized light from interstellar dust grains that align themselves to the magnetic field lines. A new survey has begun this mapping process and has mapped an area that covers the equivalent of 15 times the full moon.

Many people will remember experiments in school with iron filings and bar magnets to unveil their magnetic field. It’s not quite so easy to capture the magnetic field of the Milky Way though. The new method to measure the field relies upon the small dust grains which permeate space between the stars.

The grains of dust are similar in size to smoke particles but they are not spherical. Just like a boat turning itself into the current, the dust particles’ long axis tends to align with the local magnetic field. As they do, they emit a glow in the same frequency as the cosmic background radiation and it is this that astronomers have been tuning in to.

May 14, 2024

Optimizing Machine Learning Controllers with Digital Twins

Posted by in categories: information science, internet, mapping, robotics/AI

“Big machine learning models have to consume lots of power to crunch data and come out with the right parameters, whereas our model and training is so extremely simple that you could have systems learning on the fly,” said Robert Kent.

How can machine learning be improved to provide better efficiency in the future? This is what a recent study published in Nature Communications hopes to address as a team of researchers from The Ohio State University investigated the potential for controlling future machine learning products by creating digital twins (copies) that can be used to improve machine learning-based controllers that are currently being used in self-driving cars. However, these controllers require large amounts of computing power and are often challenging to use. This study holds the potential to help researchers better understand how future machine learning algorithms can exhibit better control and efficiency, thus improving their products.

“The problem with most machine learning-based controllers is that they use a lot of energy or power, and they take a long time to evaluate,” said Robert Kent, who is a graduate student in the Department of Physics at The Ohio State University and lead author of the study. “Developing traditional controllers for them has also been difficult because chaotic systems are extremely sensitive to small changes.”

Continue reading “Optimizing Machine Learning Controllers with Digital Twins” »

May 10, 2024

Our Body Axis Maps Are Getting Redrawn

Posted by in category: mapping

There’s been a recent explosion of knowledge about various circuits within our body.

New circuits discovered, old ones refined.

May 9, 2024

Ten years of neuroscience at Google yields maps of human brain

Posted by in categories: computing, mapping, neuroscience

Reconstruction of 1 mm3 of human brain (at 1.4 petabytes of EM data) published by @stardazed0 (@GoogleAI) & Lichtman lab.

Paper: https://science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adk4858


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May 9, 2024

Scientists Think They’ve Found Our ‘Neural Compass’ That Stops Us Getting Lost

Posted by in categories: mapping, neuroscience

To keep our bodies properly oriented, our brains perform impressive feats of calculation that track our stumbling meat sack through a mental map of our surrounds.

While a lot of research has focussed on the mapping, little has managed to determine how our neurological wiring monitors our direction within it.

A team of researchers from the University of Birmingham in the UK and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany has identified signature brain activity that describes a kind of ‘neural compass’ in the hope of understanding how we find our way through the world.

May 9, 2024

Tetris-inspired radiation detector uses machine learning

Posted by in categories: information science, mapping, robotics/AI

Inspired by the tetromino shapes in the classic video game Tetris, researchers in the US have designed a simple radiation detector that can monitor radioactive sources both safely and efficiently. Created by Mingda Li and colleagues at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the device employs a machine learning algorithm to process data, allowing it to build up accurate maps of sources using just four detector pixels.

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Wherever there is a risk of radioactive materials leaking into the environment, it is critical for site managers to map out radiation sources as accurately as possible.

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