Archive for the ‘military’ category: Page 28

Sep 2, 2023

The US Air Force wants $5.8 billion to build 1,000 AI-driven unmanned combat aircraft, possibly more, as part of its next generation air dominance initiative

Posted by in categories: military, robotics/AI, space travel

Woa, đŸ˜Č, my Wave after Wave of AI controlled fighter aircraft idea. If you like that one you will love my mini UAV idea, i dont know if Ion drive or electric centrifuge weapons are up to it yet though, maybe.

The Times, citing congressional expectations, reported that the costs of the Air Force’s collaborative combat aircraft will be between $3 million and $25 million depending on their status as expendable, attritable, or exquisite. Even the higher-end figure is far less than a manned aircraft with a pilot, both of which are valuable to the force.

Air Force and Department of Defense representatives did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for comment. Kratos Defense, which makes the Valkyrie, would not comment on collaborative combat aircraft, citing the classified nature of the program.

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Sep 2, 2023

Artificial Intelligence Defeats Human Lockheed F-16 Pilot In Virtual Dogfight

Posted by in categories: information science, military, robotics/AI

An artificial intelligence algorithm defeated a human F-16 fighter pilot in a virtual dogfight sponsored by DARPA Thursday.

Sep 2, 2023

US Army Brags About Plans to Mount Rifle on Robot Dog

Posted by in categories: military, robotics/AI

Id wonder, and Doubt, if it could handle recoil. Weapons on Dog bots and Mini Uav s i would of liked to see would use electric centrifuge weapons, recoilless weapons, but development on has stalled also.

The brain geniuses at the Pentagon have decided that a good use of the taxpayer dollar is to attach rifles onto robot dogs, because why the hell not, right?

As Military.com reports, a spokesperson for the US Army said that the branch is considering arming remote-controlled robot dogs with state-of-the-art rifles as part of its plan to “explore the realm of the possible” in the future of combat.

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Aug 31, 2023

The Next Generation Of Space Leaders

Posted by in categories: military, space

At a time in history when too many things seem to be heading in the wrong direction, I believe there is still hope. Lots of it, actually.

Last week I was reminded that the best is still ahead of us, and the people who will lead this increasingly challenging space world are not just those from the Ivy League or historically elite coasts. While they may have extraordinary resources, they haven’t cornered all the best students and ideas to solve our most vexing space problems. Across the country, thousands of students are thinking about how to tackle tomorrow’s challenges – uninhibited by the confines of the traditional military-industrial acquisition process of the last generation and armed with the “why not” attitude propagated by new pioneers in commercial space.

To hone in on the pockets of creative genius found across the United States, this past year the SmallSat Alliance hosted its first annual Collegiate Space Competition. The design challenge, sponsored and staffed by the space companies that comprise the Alliance, is open to every college and university student in the U.S. – technical or non-technical, from junior colleges to traditional universities. The students are presented with real world space problems that could be partially solved with low cost, off the shelf space systems and components, specifically the new generation of commercially available small satellite technologies.

Aug 29, 2023

Visible infrared at room temperature achieved in a first

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, military

Rohit Chikkaraddy/ University of Birmingham.

Mid-infrared, as the name suggests, lies between the infrared spectrum’s near and far wavelengths, just outside those of visible light. The mid-infrared spectrum has gained particular importance as it has been useful for multiple applications ranging from military to environmental and medical treatments and studying celestial objects.

Aug 28, 2023

Could We Transform America Into a Science-Industrial Complex?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, government, health, military, neuroscience, science

I’m excited to share my new opinion article for Newsweek. It advocates for transforming America from a military-industrial complex into a science-industrial complex! Give it a read!

America spends 45 percent of its discretionary federal spending on defense and wars, while around us, the world burns in ways that have nothing to do with fighting or the military. Global warming has escalated into an enormous crisis. A fifth of everyone we know will die from heart disease. And an opioid crisis is reducing the average lifespans of Americans for the first time in decades. There’s plenty of tragedy, fear, and hardship all around us, but it has nothing to do with the need to make more bombs. It does, however, have to do with science.

It seems obvious America should do something different than spend so much of its tax dollars on defense. We should consider halving that money, and directing it to science, transforming America from a military-industrial complex into a science-industrial complex. Despite science and technological progress being broadly responsible for raising the standard of living around the world over the last 50 years, America spends only 3 percent of its GDP ($205 billion) on science and medical research across the federal government. Notably, this is dramatically less than the $877 billion the U.S. will spend on defense this year.

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Aug 26, 2023

MIT grad swaps lasers for cameras, enhances car vision

Posted by in categories: military, robotics/AI

In its own tests, its proprietary camera system outperformed LiDARs in multiple conditions.

After getting his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Leaf Jiang spent more than a decade building laser ranging systems for the military for various 3D sensing applications. In his experience, Leaf found that laser-based detection systems were too expensive to be deployed on autonomous vehicles being developed for the future, and that’s how NoDar was born.

Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) systems use laser beams to scan their surroundings and create 3D images from the data obtained when surfaces reflect the light. As companies look to make autonomous driving more mainstream,

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Aug 25, 2023

Pentagon preps for $48B tech-research contracts

Posted by in category: military

Officials released more details on bidding for work that will support the preservation and distribution of defense research and analysis.

Aug 25, 2023

As DOD steps up response to bioweapon threat, China plays complicated role in biosecurity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, military

A new biodefense council looks to get ahead of the next pandemic.

Aug 25, 2023

Plasma breakthrough could enable better hypersonic weapons, spacecraft

Posted by in categories: chemistry, military, particle physics

A potential new way to protect sensitive electronics from the extreme heat generated by flying at high speed could give the United States an edge in the race to deploy hypersonic missiles and new spacecraft.

A July research paper in the American Chemical Society’s journal ACS Nano describes one potential solution that uses focused plasma, the photons and highly charged particles that make up the so-called fourth state of matter. If the method bears out in further research, it could usher in hypersonic weapons with much more advanced electronic guidance and could even enable on-the-ground weapons to evade heat sensors.

The breakthrough grew out of efforts to use a laser to measure the temperature of electronics in plasma-facing environments, work the Air Force is supporting through a grant at the University of Virginia, said professor Patrick Hopkins, one of the researchers on the paper.

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