Sep 25, 2012
Let me Put the Responsibility on the most Respected Person: Ban Ki-Moon
Posted by Otto E. Rössler in categories: ethics, existential risks, particle physics
The profile of the most powerful man on earth is rising. I cordially ask him to support the necessity of a black-hole conference. If the new constant-c interpretation of general relativity is correct as no one publicly denies, CERN is each day trying to produce black holes that its detectors are blind to and that with a sizable probability will shrink the planet to 2 cm within a short time (5 percent?, ten years?).
A decision not to check on an extant proof of danger is one of the few acts taken by an individual or a group that is never justified. I ask the General Secretary of the United Nations to tell the planet why he backs the stance of the Security Council of the United Nations not to request clarification.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear revered Secretary General,
Professor Otto E. Rossler, Chaos Researcher, University of Tubingen, Germany