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Einstein’s theory of special relativity gave us the speed limit of the Universe — that of light in a vacuum. But the absolute top speed of sound, through any medium, has been somewhat trickier to constrain.

It’s impossible to measure the speed of sound in every single material in existence, but scientists have now managed to pin down an upper limit based on fundamental constants, the universal parameters by which we understand the physics of the Universe.

That speed limit, according to the new calculations, is 36 kilometres per second (22 miles per second). That’s about twice the speed of sound travelling through diamond.

Could this be the energy source of the future?

The secret to the SPARC reactor is that its magnets will be built from new high-temperature superconductors that require much less cooling and can produce far more powerful magnetic fields. That means the reactor can be ten times more compact than ITER while achieving similar performance.

As with any cutting-edge technology, converting principles into practice is no simple matter. But the analysis detailed in the papers suggests that the reactor will achieve its goal of producing more energy than it sucks up. So far, all fusion experiments have required more energy to heat the plasma and sustain it than has been generated by the reaction itself.

The SPARC reactor is designed to achieve a Q factor of at least two, which means it will produce twice as much energy as it uses, but the analysis suggests that figure might actually rise to ten or more. The papers used the same physics and simulations as the ITER design team and other previous fusion experiments.

Applying a temperature gradient and a charge current to an electrical conductor leads to the release and absorbtion of heat. This is called the Thomson effect. In a first, NIMS and AIST have directly observing the magneto-Thomson effect, which is the magnetic-field-induced modulation of the Thomson effect. This success may contribute to the development of new functions and technologies for thermal energy management and to advances in fundamental physics and materials science on magneto-thermoelectric conversion.

The Seebeck effect and the Peltier effect have been extensively investigated for their application to thermoelectric conversion technologies. Along with these effects, the Thomson effect has long been known as a fundamental thermoelectric effect in metals and semiconductors. Although the influence of magnetic fields and magnetism on the Seebeck and Peltier effects has been well understood as a result of many years of research, the influence on the Thomson effect has not been clarified because it is difficult to measure and evaluate.

This NIMS-led research team observed heat release and absorption induced in an electrical conductor by simultaneously creating a temperature gradient across it, passing a charge current through the gradient, and applying a magnetic field. The team precisely measured temperature changes in the conductor associated with the heat release and absorption using a heat detection technique called lock-in thermography. As a result, the amount of heat released and absorbed was found to be proportional to both the magnitude of the temperature gradient and charge current. In addition, the team observed strong enhancement of the resultant temperature change when a magnetic field was applied to the conductor. The systematic measurements performed in this study demonstrated that the heat release and absorption signals detected under a magnetic field were indeed generated by the magneto-Thomson effect.

They can be made up of just two surfaces, bouncing the wave between them, but the more surfaces that are added, the more resonance is achieved. The ultimate is therefore to create a perfect sphere, creating surfaces in every direction within a three-dimensional object. At that point, the creation of a resonator moves from being a physics question to one of engineering, since even a stem holding the sphere can create distortion that reduces the impact of the resonator.

According to the Technion, the world’s first micro-resonator was demonstrated in the 1970s by Arthur Ashkin, winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics, who presented a floating resonator. Yet, despite the success of his innovation, the research direction was soon abandoned.

Now graduate student Jacob Kher-Alden, under the supervision of Prof. Tal Carmon, has built upon Ashkin’s work, creating a floating resonator which can exhibit resonant enhancement by ten million circulations of light, compared to about 300 circulations in Ashkin’s resonator.

The first artificial neural networks weren’t abstractions inside a computer, but actual physical systems made of whirring motors and big bundles of wire. Here I’ll describe how you can build one for yourself using SnapCircuits, a kid’s electronics kit. I’ll also muse about how to build a network that works optically using a webcam. And I’ll recount what I learned talking to the artist Ralf Baecker, who built a network using strings, levers, and lead weights.

I showed the SnapCircuits network last year to John Hopfield, a Princeton University physicist who pioneered neural networks in the 1980s, and he quickly got absorbed in tweaking the system to see what he could get it to do. I was a visitor at the Institute for Advanced Study and spent hours interviewing Hopfield for my forthcoming book on physics and the mind.

The type of network that Hopfield became famous for is a bit different from the deep networks that power image recognition and other A.I. systems today. It still consists of basic computing units—“neurons”—that are wired together, so that each responds to what the others are doing. But the neurons are not arrayed into layers: There is no dedicated input, output, or intermediate stages. Instead the network is a big tangle of signals that can loop back on themselves, forming a highly dynamic system.

Researchers build circuit that harnessed the atomic motion of graphene to generate an electrical current that could lead to a chip to replace batteries.

A team of University of Arkansas physicists has successfully developed a circuit capable of capturing graphene’s thermal motion and converting it into an electrical current.

“An energy-harvesting circuit based on graphene could be incorporated into a chip to provide clean, limitless, low-voltage power for small devices or sensors,” said Paul Thibado, professor of physics and lead researcher in the discovery.

Gravitational Wave Propulsion 🤔 ⤵️ check the abstract.

This paper sums up aftereffects of past examinations, including proposed models, so as to construct an advanced hypothetical structure for Gravitational Wave Propulsion. The structure com prises of groups of generators of gravitational waves, which have been hypothesized yet require experimentation, and models of push age. High effectiveness generators depend on cognizant sources, for example synchronized MEMS oscillators, the HTSC Gaser, in light of cognizant turn 2 changes in s-wave/d-wave super conductors, and the atomic electromagnetic wave to gravitational wave up-changing over transducer, in view of dineutrons. After gravitational wave age is effectively demonstrated in the research center, it will be pos-sible to apply an idea created in the field of cosmology. It was discovered that the back-ground vitality thick ness may offer mass to the graviton, which thus may permit gravi tons to produce push. Nearby foundation vitality thickness can be expanded by accusing materials of high dielectric steady in close ness to the wave producing components. Centered Gravitational Waves may likewise create singularities, where the radiation is changed over into a coulomb-like gravitational field. Gravitation al singularities will set a n-body floating framework among them selves, the rocket, and the rest of the assortments of the universe, with clear propulsive impacts. Uses of the current examination will prompt an extraordinary drive framework fit for empowering the quick investigation of the nearby planetary group, the neigh borhood star framework, and potentially the entire system. On a general basis, a vehicle traveling in space requires energy and a reaction mass to accelerate and reach useful speeds. Usually the reaction mass is the mass of the pro- pellant, which in most circumstances has also the role of energy source. Vehicles that are not required to carry re- action masses are more efficient and light weight, but con- ventional ones are limited in scope. It is a fact that, after extraordinary developments, space travel by rocket tech nology has reached its limits and a new paradigm is re- quired to make a big step forward in space propulsion; a step that should enable the exploration of nearby star systems and possibly the whole galaxy. These goals may seem unreachable with the current understanding of physics. Anyway with an open mind and a prag matic approach, it is well known that we are dealing with opinions that are often suggested by the lack of interdisciplinary approach es to complex problems. It often happened that when so called theoretical limits were found wrong, accidental dis- coveries have shown why the good theory was errone- ously applied the first time. An alternative to accidental discoveries are pieces of knowl Review on Gravitational wave propulsion Ching Lee University of Trento, Italy edge gathered from hun- dreds of research papers from different disciplines com- bined in an unusual way to create new concepts. They are normally rejected by experts of their single research field, thus painstaking efforts are required to simply communi- cate the new concept and let it grow in the laboratories. At the and of the last century numerous theoretical efforts have started to show that Gravitational Waves (GWs) have not only astronomical and astrophysicalrelevance, but they also have technological applica tions. Among them, sev- eral theories have approaches identified for telecommuni- cation, imaging, material processing, and space propul- sion. This paper summarizes results of past analyses, in cluding proposed examples, in order to build a modern theoreti cal framework for Gravitational Wave Propulsion. The framework consists of families of generators of gravitational waves, which have been theorized but still require experimentation, and models of thrust generation. High efficiency generators are based on co  herent sources, for instance synchronized MEMS oscillators, the HTSC Gaser, based on coherent spin-2 transitions in s-wave/d wave superconductors, and the nuclear electromagnetic wave to gravitational wave up-converting transducer, based on dineutrons. After gravitational wave generation is successfully proven in the laboratory, it will be pos- sible to apply a concept developed in the field of cosmology. It was found that the back- ground energy density may give mass to the graviton, which in turn may allow gravitons to produce thrust. Local background energy density can be increased by charging materials with high dielectric constant in close proximity to the wave generating elements. Focused Gravita tional Waves may also produce singularities, where the radiation is converted into a coulomb-like gravitational field. Gravitational singularities will set an n-body gravitating system among them selves, the spacecraft, and the remaining bodies of the universe, with obvious propulsive effects. Applications of the present anal ysis will lead to a unique propulsion system capable of enabling the fast exploration of the solar system, the local star system, and possibly the whole galaxy proposed models, so as to construct an advanced hypothetical structure for Gravitational Wave Propulsion. The structure com prises of groups of generators of gravitational waves, which have been hypothesized yet require experimentation, and models of push age. High effectiveness generators depend on cognizant sources, for example synchronized MEMS oscillators, the HTSC Gaser, in light of cognizant turn 2 changes in s-wave/d-wave super conductors, and the atomic electromagnetic wave to gravitational wave up-changing over transducer, in view of dineutrons. After gravitational wave age is effectively demonstrated in the research center, it will be pos-sible to apply an idea created in the field of cosmology. It was discovered that the back-ground vitality thick ness may offer mass to the graviton, which thus may permit gravi tons to produce push. Nearby foundation vitality thickness can be expanded by accusing materials of high dielectric steady in close ness to the wave producing components. Centered Gravitational Waves may likewise create singularities, where the radiation is changed over into a coulomb-like gravitational field. Gravitation al singularities will set a n-body floating framework among them selves, the rocket, and the rest of the assortments of the universe, with clear propulsive impacts. Uses of the current examination will prompt an extraordinary drive framework fit for empowering the quick investigation of the nearby planetary group, the neigh borhood star framework, and potentially the entire system. On a general basis, a vehicle traveling in space requires energy and a reaction mass to accelerate and reach useful speeds. Usually the reaction mass is the mass of the pro- pellant, which in most circumstances has also the role of energy source. Vehicles that are not required to carry re- action masses are more efficient and light weight, but con- ventional ones are limited in scope. It is a fact that, after extraordinary developments, space travel by rocket tech nology has reached its limits and a new paradigm is re- quired to make a big step forward in space propulsion; a step that should enable the exploration of nearby star systems and possibly the whole galaxy. These goals may seem unreachable with the current understanding of physics. Anyway with an open mind and a prag matic approach, it is well known that we are dealing with opinions that are often suggested by the lack of interdisciplinary approach es to complex problems. It often happened that when so called theoretical limits were found wrong, accidental dis- coveries have shown why the good theory was errone- ously applied the first time. An alternative to accidental discoveries are pieces of knowl Review on Gravitational wave propulsion Ching Lee University of Trento, Italy edge gathered from hun- dreds of research papers from different disciplines com- bined in an unusual way to create new concepts. They are normally rejected by experts of their single research field, thus painstaking efforts are required to simply communi- cate the new concept and let it grow in the laboratories. At the and of the last century numerous theoretical efforts have started to show that Gravitational Waves (GWs) have not only astronomical and astrophysicalrelevance, but they also have technological applica tions. Among them, sev- eral theories have approaches identified for telecommuni- cation, imaging, material processing, and space propul- sion. This paper summarizes results of past analyses, in cluding proposed examples, in order to build a modern theoreti cal framework for Gravitational Wave Propulsion. The framework consists of families of generators of gravitational waves, which have been theorized but still require experimentation, and models of thrust generation. High efficiency generators are based on co  herent sources, for instance synchronized MEMS oscillators, the HTSC Gaser, based on coherent spin-2 transitions in s-wave/d wave superconductors, and the nuclear electromagnetic wave to gravitational wave up-converting transducer, based on dineutrons. After gravitational wave generation is successfully proven in the laboratory, it will be pos- sible to apply a concept developed in the field of cosmology. It was found that the back- ground energy density may give mass to the graviton, which in turn may allow gravitons to produce thrust. Local background energy density can be increased by charging materials with high dielectric constant in close proximity to the wave generating elements. Focused Gravita tional Waves may also produce singularities, where the radiation is converted into a coulomb-like gravitational field. Gravitational singularities will set an n-body gravitating system among them selves, the spacecraft, and the remaining bodies of the universe, with obvious propulsive effects. Applications of the present anal ysis will lead to a unique propulsion system capable of enabling the fast exploration of the solar system, the local star system, and possibly the whole galaxy.