Archive for the ‘privacy’ category: Page 25

May 5, 2016

US military agency DARPA: We want biometric tech to ID individual hackers

Posted by in categories: military, privacy

Of course; makes sense.

DARPA hopes it can ‘fingerprint’ individual cyberattackers and build a picture of their handiwork over time.

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Apr 4, 2016

FCC to stop ISPs from tracking you without consent

Posted by in category: privacy

This could definitely lead to other areas being controlled which could impact how companies can collect even demographics and profile online users for online ads, etc. Also, makes me wonder if we could even see a clamping down on how malls, stores, etc. collect data about consumers. I see major trickle down impacts from this.

The new rules make it nearly impossible for ISPs to track any information about your online activities, other than for network maintenance purposes.

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Mar 28, 2016

NSA head secretly visited Israel last week

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, finance, government, neuroscience, privacy

U.S. Navy Admiral Michael S. Rogers, who serves as Commander of the U.S. Cyber Command, Director of the National Security Agency, and Chief of the Central Security Service, secretly visited Israel last week, according to Israel-based Haaretz.

The visit’s purpose was to reinforce ties with Intelligence Corps Unit 8200 of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), particularly against cyber attacks by Iran and Hezbollah, according to Haaretz.

Israel has been the target of cyber attacks since the summer of 2014, but attacks have lately intensified. The U.S. too appears to have been victimized by Iran, with a federal court indicting a seven Iranians last week – said to be working for the Iranian government and the Revolutionary Guards – on charges of carrying out attacks against financial institutions and a dam in New York.

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Mar 15, 2016

The Visual Microphone

Posted by in categories: computing, privacy

MIT successfully reconstructed audio from the video of minute vibrations of a potato chip bag.

This could represent a whole new method of surveillance.

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Mar 10, 2016

There are ways the FBI can crack the iPhone PIN without Apple doing it for them — By Peter Bright | Ars Technica

Posted by in categories: privacy, security


“There may well be approaches that don’t require Apple to build a custom firmware to defeat some of the iPhone’s security measures.”

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Mar 9, 2016

Biometrics Are Coming, Along With Serious Security Concerns

Posted by in categories: privacy, security

Biometric technology can be used for everything from shopping apps to police work, but it brings with it a whole host of privacy concerns.

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Mar 9, 2016

Apple Says the NSA Should Hack San Bernardino Terrorist’s iPhone

Posted by in categories: business, cybercrime/malcode, electronics, encryption, government, law, mobile phones, privacy

Let’s just hypothesize a little on this topic: let’s say Apple goes ahead and gives in to the US Government and enables government to access the phone’s info. Does Apple have any protection in the future from lawsuits from it’s customers in situations where their own customers information is hacked by criminals and published to the world or used for illegal activities? Because I do see in the future more lawsuits coming at the tech companies for not ensuring their platforms and devices are un-hackable. So, if the government has its way; what protections does tech have now with any future lawsuits by consumers and other businesses?

His comments come during the ongoing legal battle over an iPhone used by Syed Farook, one of the individuals responsible for the San Bernardino, Calif. mass shooting December 2. “I don’t think requiring backdoors with encryption is either going to be an effective way to increase security or is really the right thing to do for just the direction that the world is going to”.

This is because First Amendment treats computer code as speech and according to Apple, meeting the demands of the government would be equivalent to “compelled speech and viewpoint discrimination”.

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Mar 1, 2016

Voice biometrics to be commonplace in customer service: Nuance

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, privacy

This could be very very tricky for a number of reasons: 1) how will this work with people who develop laryngitis or some other illness disrupting their speech? 2) what happens if a person uses a recorded voice or voice changer? 3) what happens when a person’s voice does change as they get older or have a medical procedure done that permanently alters the voice? I could list more; however, I believe that researcher will realize that there will be a need for two forms of biometrics when it comes to the voice.

Software firm Nuance believes that in the near future, there will be an expectation from customers to interact with technology in a more human-like manner.

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Feb 28, 2016

IARPA seeks info on biometric attack detection tech

Posted by in categories: government, privacy, security

Reminder to everyone who loves hearing about what NextGen Technologies that US Government has been working on: March 11th, US IARPA is hosting a conference on “Odin” (detection technologies to ensure biometric security systems can detect when someone is attempting to disguise their biometric identity.)

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity plans to hold a conference related to a biometric presentation attack detection programme called Odin.

The conference, to be held on 11 March in Washington, will be to provide information on Odin and the research problems the program aims to address, the agency noted.

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Feb 25, 2016

Cops are asking Ancestry.com and 23andMe for their customers‘ DNA

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, privacy

I hope this isn’t true.

Ask your family members about their criminal plans before spitting in that vial.

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