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Widely utilized across various industries such as chemistry, agriculture, and military, this technology relies on strategies like dispersive optics and narrow-band light filters.

However, limitations exist in these approaches. Additionally, the fabrication of large-scale InGaAs detector arrays poses challenges, necessitating the development of new experimental methods and algorithms to advance infrared hyperspectral imaging technology in terms of miniaturization and cost-effectiveness.

In a paper published in Light Science & Applications, a team led by Professor Baoqing Sun and Yuan Gao from Shandong University introduce a novel method for encoding near-infrared spectral and spatial data.

A recent study underscores the dynamic nature of black holes and extends similar thermodynamic characteristics to Extremely Compact Objects, advancing our comprehension of their behavior in quantum gravity scenarios.

A paper titled “Universality of the thermodynamics of a quantum-mechanically radiating black hole departing from thermality,” published in Physics Letters B highlights the importance of considering black holes as dynamical systems, where variations in their geometry during radiation emissions are critical to accurately describing their thermodynamic behavior.

Bridging black holes and extremely compact objects.

The study

The researchers monitored the brainwaves of 100 students as they performed a series of cognitive tasks. They then conducted a group comparison analysis between the performance of students with higher test scores (as recorded prior to the study) against those with lower test scores.

The brainwave analysis was then analyzed using algorithms running on a D-Wave quantum annealing computer. According to the researchers, the study resulted in new insights concerning how cognitive ability relates to testing outcomes.

Physicists Successfully Demonstrate Quantum Energy Teleportation in Lab Experiments


Bob finds himself in need of energy — he wants to charge that fanciful quantum battery — but all he has access to is empty space. Fortunately, his friend Alice has a fully equipped physics lab in a far-off location. Alice measures the field in her lab, injecting energy into it there and learning about its fluctuations. This experiment bumps the overall field out of the ground state, but as far as Bob can tell, his vacuum remains in the minimum-energy state, randomly fluctuating. But then Alice texts Bob her findings about the vacuum around her location, essentially telling Bob when to plug in his battery. After Bob reads her message, he can use the newfound knowledge to prepare an experiment that extracts energy from the vacuum — up to the amount injected by Alice.

The three final algorithms, which have now been released, are ML-KEM, previously known as kyber; ML-DSA (formerly Dilithium); and SLH-DSA (SPHINCS+). NIST says it will release a draft standard for FALCON later this year. “These finalized standards include instructions for incorporating them into products and encryption systems,” says NIST mathematician Dustin Moody, who heads the PQC standardization project. “We encourage system administrators to start integrating them into their systems immediately.”

Duncan Jones, head of cybersecurity at the firm Quantinuum welcomes the development. “[It] represents a crucial first step towards protecting all our data against the threat of a future quantum computer that could decrypt traditionally secure communications,” he says. “On all fronts – from technology to global policy – advancements are causing experts to predict a faster timeline to reaching fault-tolerant quantum computers. The standardization of NIST’s algorithms is a critical milestone in that timeline.”

Topological quantum magnets are advanced materials that exhibit quantum behavior. Additionally, the magnetic spins of their particles are arranged in a way that creates stable and robust topological states.

These topological states are resistant to any external disturbances. Additionally, the spins in these materials can be entangled. This means they are deeply connected on a quantum level, and therefore don’t easily lose their quantum properties.

However, “So far, experiments have mostly explored non-interacting topological states, and the realization of many-body topological phases in solid-state platforms with atomic resolution has remained challenging,” the study authors note.

Prof Lee said, “Existing breakthrough studies in quantum advantage are limited to highly-specific tailored problems. Finding new applications for which quantum computers provide unique advantages is the central motivation of our work.”

“Our approach allows us to explore the intricate signatures of topological materials on quantum computers with a level of precision that was previously unattainable, even for hypothetical materials existing in four dimensions,” added Prof Lee.

Despite the limitations of current noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices, the team is able to measure topological state dynamics and protected mid-gap spectra of higher-order topological lattices with unprecedented accuracy, thanks to advanced in-house developed error mitigation techniques. This advance demonstrates the potential of current quantum technology to explore new frontiers in material engineering.

While the idea of a quantum internet has a huge amount of potential, getting it hooked up to the regular old internet has its challenges.

Now a new study hints at how existing and future networks could be combined.

An experiment conducted by researchers from Leibniz University Hannover in Germany show how quantum information and the classic 1s and 0s of conventional data could be beamed down the same optical fiber.

Quantum magnets are materials that realize a quantum superposition of magnetic states, bringing quantum phenomena from the microscopic to the macroscopic scale. These materials feature exotic quantum excitations–including fractional excitations where electrons behave as if they were split into many parts–that do not exist anywhere outside of this material.

To manipulate how the atoms behaved inside the quantum material the researchers had assembled, they poked each individual atom with a tiny needle. This technique allows for the accurate probing of qubits at the atomic level. The needle, in reality an atomically sharp metal tip, served to excite the atoms’ local magnetic moment, which resulted in topological excitations with enhanced coherence.

“Topological quantum excitations, such as those realized in the topological quantum magnet we now built, can feature substantial protection against decoherence. Ultimately, the protection offered by these exotic excitations can help us overcome some of the most pressing challenges of currently available qubits,” Lado says.