Archive for the ‘quantum physics’ category: Page 492

Apr 2, 2020

Toward ‘perfect’ quantum metamaterial: Study uses trapped atoms in an artificial crystal of light

Posted by in categories: nanotechnology, particle physics, quantum physics

Circa 2016

Scientists have devised a way to build a “quantum metamaterial”—an engineered material with exotic properties not found in nature—using ultracold atoms trapped in an artificial crystal composed of light. The theoretical work represents a step toward manipulating atoms to transmit information, perform complex simulations or function as powerful sensors.

The research team, led by scientists at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and UC Berkeley, proposes the use of an accordion-like atomic framework, or “lattice” structure, made with laser light to trap atoms in regularly spaced nanoscale pockets. Such a light-based structure, which has patterned features that in some ways resemble those of a crystal, is essentially a “perfect” structure—free of the typical defects found in natural materials.

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Apr 2, 2020

Spiral patterns in living cells could be used to create biological computers

Posted by in categories: biological, computing, quantum physics

Vortices in starfish eggs resemble those found in quantum fluids.

Apr 2, 2020

Sponsored: Taking a Quantum Leap for Near-Term Defense

Posted by in categories: economics, finance, government, information science, law, policy, quantum physics, robotics/AI

Quantum computers will revolutionize information technology, ushering in an era where certain types of calculations will be performed with almost unimaginable speed. Practical applications will include healthcare disciplines such as molecular biology and drug discovery; big data mining; financial services such as portfolio analysis and fraud detection; and artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The federal government is helping to create an environment in which quantum computing innovation and experimentation can flourish. The National Quantum Initiative Act puts $1.2 billion into the quantum research budgets of the Energy Department, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NASA and the National Science Foundation. The law also outlines a 10-year plan to accelerate the development of quantum information science and technology applications.

Meanwhile, The White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy is working to ensure that economic growth opportunities and opportunities for improving the world are baked into quantum policies and systems.

Apr 2, 2020

AI Mechanic Offers Solution for Tuning Quantum Computers

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, robotics/AI

The same concept applies to the processor integrated into a quantum computer, whose fragile bits should be tuned optimally before it can execute a calculation. But who would be the right mechanic to perform this quantum tune-up task?

According to a group that comprises researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the quantum tune-up job can be performed by artificial intelligence (AI).

Published in the Physical Review Applied journal, the researchers’ paper shows how an AI can be trained to make an interconnected set of modifications to minute quantum dots. These quantum dots are among the numerous potential devices used for developing the quantum bits, also known as qubits,” that would create the switches in the processor of a quantum computer.

Apr 1, 2020

Quantum internet may one day be possible through optical cavities, Caltech scientists say

Posted by in categories: computing, internet, particle physics, quantum physics

A fundamental challenge in the creation of a “quantum internet” is how to securely transmit data between two points. But one team of U.S. scientists may have found the answer.

New research from experts at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) suggests atoms in small boxes of light — optical cavities — could soon “form the backbone technology” of the futuristic internet that relies on the mysterious properties of quantum mechanics for ultra-fast computing.

Apr 1, 2020

New quantum technology to diagnose and treat heart condition

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, quantum physics

The conductivity of living organs, such as the heart, could be imaged non-invasively using quantum technology developed by UCL researchers, which has the potential to revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of atrial fibrillation.

Apr 1, 2020

D-Wave Opens Quantum-Computing Resources to Coronavirus Research

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, quantum physics, robotics/AI, supercomputing

Quantum-computing vendor D-Wave Systems Inc. said Tuesday it is giving researchers and companies studying the novel coronavirus free access to its early-stage, experimental machines over the cloud.

Canadian firm D-Wave is among several technology companies providing free advanced computing resources to researchers working to combat the global pandemic. International Business Machines Corp., for example, in March started offering free remote access to two of the world’s most powerful supercomputers.

D-Wave has assembled a team of experts from about a dozen universities and companies including Volkswagen AG, Denso Corp. and startup Menten AI who are familiar with its quantum-computing services to help interested researchers program the computers.

Apr 1, 2020

IBM, NUS tie up to tap quantum computing for problem solving

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, finance, quantum physics

Computing giant IBM and the National University of Singapore (NUS) have embarked on a three-year collaboration to find ways to use quantum computing to solve real-world problems and train quantum scientists.

Quantum computers are currently used in many areas, including medical research into new drug development and the enhancement of cyber security in the financial sector.

The collaboration between IBM and NUS, announced yesterday, is the first of its kind in South-east Asia and gives NUS researchers access to 15 of IBM’s powerful quantum computing systems via a cloud service.

Apr 1, 2020

Israel Aerospace Industries works with startups developing quantum technology

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, robotics/AI

Quantum computing, for its parts, replaces the traditional 1 and 0 computer binary system with a system that calculates the chances of 1 and 0—meaning that it could have both 1 and 0 at the same time, but with different probabilities. “This enables the computing of certain aspects far faster and in a more efficient manner. The computing time could be 1,000 or 10,000 times faster,” said Lupa. When combined with artificial intelligence, machines could learn on their own with the speed of quantum computing, he stated.

At the moment, only massive quantum computers exist, while quantum communications are still at the proof of concept stage. Quantum radars have made some progress. But all of this is expected to change.

“In the end, it will be a revolution,” said Lupa. “But it will not happen tomorrow. When these things become accessible to everyone, then it will be revolutionary.”

Mar 31, 2020

How to Build a 3D Map of the Universe – and Why

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics, space

With quantum radar, you can map the cosmos with 3D modeling and dwave quantum computer.