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“We’ve managed to put quantum-based technology that has been used in high profile science experiments into a package that might allow it to be used commercially.”

Random number generators are crucial to the encryption that protects our privacy and security when engaging in digital transactions such as buying products online or withdrawing cash from an ATM. For the first time, engineers have developed a fast random number generator based on a quantum mechanical process that could deliver the world’s most secure encryption keys in a package tiny enough to use in a mobile device.

In The Optical Society’s journal for high impact research, Optica, the researchers report on their fully integrated device for random number generation. The new work represents a key advancement on the path to incorporating quantum-based random number generators — delivering the highest quality numbers and thus the highest level of security — into computers, tablets and mobile phones.

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As I mentioned 4 months ago when an article came out stating that this type of concept of a scalable quantum chip was at least 15 years away was bunk; this is again one more example where contributors really need to do their homework and make sure they are speaking to the real folks on the frontlines of QC.

Quantum-based random number generators are now small enough that they could fit in mobile devices.

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Insiders indicate that Google may be nearing its goal of “quantum supremacy,” creating a computer that can outperform classical computers (at least in some tasks) by the end of next year.

If there’s one thing that’s painfully clear, its that classical computing tech is nearing its limit. Many have predicted the end of Moore’s law, and they are looking at the next step in the computing world: quantum computers.

And new reports assert that we may be on the verge of a breakthrough.

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If anyone is interested in being part of computing history; do we have a program for you. Called the “The Alice Experiment”; this experiment will soon be open to the public, where you can take part in the quantum physics experiment simply by playing an online video game.

If you have always dreamed of helping out with a quantum physics experiment, now is you chance. And all you need to do is play a video game.

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Geordie’s perspective of AI on QC…

By Piper McGowin

Meanwhile as everyone was busy arguing over the bread and circus elections, the CIA was busy funding a computer so powerful that it is described as “tapping into the fundamental fabric of reality” and the man who owns the company says being near one is like “standing at the altar of an alien God.”

What exactly do you suppose they are doing with it?

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I am glad that more folks are beginning to start to understand the magnitude and depth of the risk & exposure that QC presents even within the next 4 to 5 years. However, what about everyone else? Folks need to understand that the transformation to QC in the infrastructure alone is a substantial investment and timeline. So, as I have highlighted many times; I hope folks have baked in QC into their future state architectures & investments because a transformation (depending on company size and complexity) could span many, many years.

The study purports there is a 50 per cent risk that many of the cybersecurity tools used by financial institutions, online retailers and government agencies will be obsolete by 2031.

September 6, 2016 by Canadian Staff.

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“KryptAll COMBATS QUANTUM COMPUTING” — The problem is that it will not be available until 2021 to combat hackers who have access to QC. And, lets not forget that 2 weeks ago China has proven they have Quantum communications along with their own work on QC in general.

Be Certain Your Calls Are Safe

KryptAll is dedicated to keeping your calls safe.

— Richard Di Sabatino.

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