Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 2263

Jul 15, 2015

Luna: Open Source Artificial Intelligence Demo

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The worlds most advanced chatbot?

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Jul 13, 2015

Google and NASA’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics, robotics/AI

A peek at the early days of the Quantum AI Lab: a partnership between NASA, Google, USRA, and a 512-qubit D-Wave Two quantum computer. Learn more at http://google.com/+QuantumAILab.

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Jul 13, 2015

You’re Using Neural Networks Every Day Online — Here’s How They Work

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

If you use Google’s new Photos app, Microsoft’s Cortana, or Skype’s new translation function, you’re using a form of AI on a daily basis. AI was first dreamed up in the 1950s, but has only recently become a practical reality — all thanks to software systems called neural networks. This is how they work.

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Jul 11, 2015

IBM Watson CTO: Quantum computing could advance artificial intelligence

Posted by in categories: computing, engineering, futurism, quantum physics, robotics/AI

IBM Watson CTO: Quantum computing could advance artificial intelligence by orders of magnitude.

Quantum computers have already been used to test artificial intelligence by researchers in China, albeit in a very limited capacity. Earlier in 2015, a team from the country’s University of Science and Technology developed a quantum system capable of recognising handwritten characters in a demonstration they dubbed quantum artificial intelligence.

This demonstration was on a quantum computer using only four qubits, leading to speculation of what a system using hundreds – or even thousands – of qubits would be capable of. Such machines do not yet exist, at least not commercially, but Canada-based quantum computing firm D-Wave systems recently claimed it has built a 1,000 qubit quantum computer.

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Jul 11, 2015

Is consciousness an engineering problem? – Michael Graziano – Aeon

Posted by in categories: engineering, robotics/AI

We could build an artificial brain that believes itself to be conscious. Does that mean we have solved the hard problem?

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Jul 10, 2015

3-D-printed robot is hard inside, soft outside, and capable of jumping without hurting itself

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, futurism, robotics/AI

Left: the rigid top fractures on landing, while the top made of nine layers going from rigid to flexible remains intact (credit: Jacobs School of Engineering/UC San Diego, Harvard University)

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Jul 10, 2015

EVA Movie Trailer (Science Fiction — 2015)

Posted by in category: robotics/AI


A cybernetic engineer creates a very special child robot ★Join us on Facebook ► http://facebook.com/HorrorScifiMovies ★ Sci-Fi Fan? Don’t miss THIS ➨ http:/…

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Jul 9, 2015

A Celebration of Risk (a.k.a., Robots Take a Spill)

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

DARPA is an agency that takes high risks in pursuit of great rewards. This video is a celebration of risk. Thank you to all of the teams that participated in…

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Jul 9, 2015

Machine ethics: The robot’s dilemma — Boer Deng | Nature

Posted by in categories: ethics, robotics/AI

“Advocates argue that the rule-based approach has one major virtue: it is always clear why the machine makes the choice that it does, because its designers set the rules. That is a crucial concern for the US military, for which autonomous systems are a key strategic goal. Whether machines assist soldiers or carry out potentially lethal missions, ‘the last thing you want is to send an autonomous robot on a military mission and have it work out what ethical rules it should follow in the middle of things’.”

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Jul 9, 2015

Biggest Neural Network Ever Pushes AI Deep Learning

Posted by in categories: computing, robotics/AI

Digital Reasoning has trained a record-breaking artificial intelligence neural network that is 14 times larger than Google’s previous record.

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