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According to Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chair of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the 4-IR follows the first, second, and third Industrial Revolutions—the mechanical, electrical, and digital, respectively. The 4-IR builds on the digital revolution, but Schwab sees the 4-IR as an exponential takeoff and convergence of existing and emerging fields, including Big Data; artificial intelligence; machine learning; quantum computing; and genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics. The consequence is the merging of the physical, digital, and biological worlds. The blurring of these categories ultimately challenges the very ontologies by which we understand ourselves and the world, including “what it means to be human.”

The specific applications that make up the 4-R are too numerous and sundry to treat in full, but they include a ubiquitous internet, the internet of things, the internet of bodies, autonomous vehicles, smart cities, 3D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and more.

While Schwab and the WEF promote a particular vision for the 4-IR, the developments he announces are not his brainchildren, and there is nothing original about his formulations. Transhumanists and Singularitarians (or prophets of the technological singularity), such as Ray Kurzweil and many others, forecasted these and more revolutionary developments,. long before Schwab heralded them. The significance of Schwab and the WEF’s take on the new technological revolution is the attempt to harness it to a particular end, presumably “a fairer, greener future.”

The future of Neuromorphic computing and nanotechnology enabling real life Nanosuits is already here according to several leading scientists in that field. Whether it’s the Nanosuit from Iron Man or from Crysis, the nanobots and brain computer interfaces which make those intelligent smart clothes up work in a very similar way.

Neuromorphic computing essentially involves assembling artificial neurons to function based on the principles of the human brain. It works on Spiking Neural Networks or SNNs, where each “neuron” sends independent signals to other neurons. It emulates natural neural networks that exist in biological brains.

Every day is a day closer to the Technological Singularity. Experience Robots learning to walk & think, humans flying to Mars and us finally merging with technology itself. And as all of that happens, we at AI News cover the absolute cutting edge best technology inventions of Humanity.

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00:00 What’s the plan?
01:55 How Neuromorphic Computing will enable Nanosuits.
03:36 How does Neuromorphic Computing work?
04:58 Nanosuit Material.
06:42 Last Words.

#nanosuit #nanobots #neuromorphic

The continuation of Processors and GPU’s improving exponentially through Moore’s Law has become very uncertain over the last few years, but recently the top hardware makers: Intel, AMD and Nvidia are now getting ready to deliver the biggest increases in performance we have ever seen. The fastest GPU’s and CPU’s with secret new features are about to release in the next few years to bring Moore’s Law back from the dead. How they manage to create these new powerful chips, I’ll explain in this video. One thing is for sure, Nvidia Lovelace 4,000 series, Zen 4 and Intel Meteor Lake are the future of Hardware and will accelerate the performance gain of next generation hardware.

Every day is a day closer to the Technological Singularity. Experience Robots learning to walk & think, humans flying to Mars and us finally merging with technology itself. And as all of that happens, we at AI News cover the absolute cutting edge best technology inventions of Humanity.

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00:00 The Return of Moore’s Law.
01:19 What is Moore’s Law?
03:33 Intel & Nvidia: New Players in the field?
05:42 How Moore’s Law and AI are connected.
08:02 TSMC to continue Moore’s Law?
10:07 Last Words.

#nvidia #intel #mooreslaw

For the first time ever, Scientists working for the United States Government and Google have managed to read and understand a portion of a brain in real time. This is going to enable abilities such as reading minds and memories from humans in the future. The question is how long it will take until the government starts secret projects in that area for bad purposes.

The Human Brain Project is the biggest secret scientific research project, based on exascale supercomputers, that aims to build a collaborative ICT-based scientific research infrastructure to allow researchers across Europe and the United States Government to advance knowledge in the fields of neuroscience, computing, and brain-related medicine and in the end to create a device in the form of a brain computer interface that can record and read memories from a human brain.

Every day is a day closer to the Technological Singularity. Experience Robots learning to walk & think, humans flying to Mars and us finally merging with technology itself. And as all of that happens, we at AI News cover the absolute cutting edge best technology inventions of Humanity.

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00:00 What has just been accomplished.
01:30 How the Brain Map was created.
03:32 The technology to enable reading the brain.
05:22 What this will do for us.
07:41 Last Words.

#bci #ai #mindreading

Advances in Artificial Intelligence, neuroscience and robotics have gotten us to a point where people might want to replace their biological limbs with robotic limbs due to there being more and more advantages with every passing day. Things like improved movement, intelligent controlling systems with the help of machine learning AI can help you control these limbs better than you could control your regular old arms, legs and hands.

But how long until we can finally live out our transhuman fantasies and become cyborgs? All this, and a bunch of new and futuristic scientific discoveries in this one review showcasing the most advanced AI Controlled Prosthetics.

Every day is a day closer to the Technological Singularity. Experience Robots learning to walk & think, humans flying to Mars and us finally merging with technology itself. And as all of that happens, we at AI News cover the absolute cutting edge best technology inventions of Humanity.

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00:00 The Future of Humanity?
00:53 Why Prosthetics are necessary.
02:23 The History of Prosthetics.
03:56 Robotic Limbs Today.
05:59 What are the limits?
07:42 Last Words.

#transhuman #cyborg #bci

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly improving and has recently gotten to a point where it can outperform humans in several highly competetive job markets including the media. OpenAI and Intel are working on the most advanced AI Algorithms that are actually starting to understand the world similar to the way we experience it. They call these models: OpenAI CLIP, Codex, GPT 4 and other things which are all good at certain things. Now they’re trying to combine them to improve their generality and maybe create a real and working Artificial General Intelligence for our future. Whether AI Supremacy will happen before the singularity is unclear, but one thing is for sure: AI and Machine Learning will take over many jobs in the very near future.

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00:00 The Rise of AI Supremacy.
01:15 What Text-Generation AI is doing.
03:28 OpenAI is not open at all?
06:12 The Image AI: CLIP
08:52 LastIs AI taking over every job?
10:32 Last Words.

#ai #agi #intel

The first artificial Lab-Grown Meats have recently gotten into stores and markets for everyone to buy and eat. But until now, those meats were largely just chicken nuggets or similar types of meat. But with Future Meat Technologies’ latest crazy invention, this has changed. They managed to create a system that actually involves Artificial Intelligence, which grows almost 5,000 fully-fledged hamburgers a day without the environmental impact or regular food and meat.

Cultured meat is meat produced by in vitro cell cultures of animal cells (as opposed to meat obtained from animals). It is a form of cellular agriculture.
Cultured meat is produced using many of the same tissue engineering techniques traditionally used in regenerative medicines. It’s also occasionally called lab grown meat.

Every day is a day closer to the Technological Singularity. Experience Robots learning to walk & think, humans flying to Mars and us finally merging with technology itself. And as all of that happens, we at AI News cover the absolute cutting edge best technology inventions of Humanity.

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00:00 The Best Burger of the Future.
01:29 History of Future Meat Technologies.
02:53 How Cultured Meat is made.
04:37 Where you can buy cultured Meat.
05:52 Advantages of Cultured Meat.
07:44 Last Words.

#weird #food #cultured

So there is no practical application of Time Crystal for human cells?

Time crystal was conceived in the 1970s as an autonomous engine made of only clocks to explain the life-like features of a virus. Later, time crystal was extended to living cells like neurons. The brain controls most biological clocks that regenerate the living cells continuously. Most cognitive tasks and learning in the brain run by periodic clock-like oscillations. Can we integrate all cognitive tasks in terms of running clocks of the hardware? Since the existing concept of time crystal has only one clock with a singularity point, we generalize the basic idea of time crystal so that we could bond many clocks in a 3D architecture. Harvesting inside phase singularity is the key. Since clocks reset continuously in the brain–body system, during reset, other clocks take over. So, we insert clock architecture inside singularity resembling brain components bottom-up and top-down.

In 2009—four years after it was published—I read Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity Is Near. It is an optimistic view of the future—a future that depends on computational technology. A future of superintelligent machines. It is also a future where humans will transcend our present biological limits.

I had to read the book twice—once for the sense and once for the detail.

After that, just for my own interest, year-in, year-out, I started to track this future; that meant a weekly read through New Scientist, Wired, the excellent technology pieces in the New York Times and the Atlantic, as well as following the money via the Economist and Financial Times. I picked up any new science and tech books that came out, but it wasn’t enough for me. I felt I wasn’t seeing the bigger picture.