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If history is a guide, people always need to believe in something bigger than themselves, in higher powers, so I wouldn’t be surprised if in the interim, we might get all sorts of movements, including the religious ones. But as opposed to rigid religious doctrines, spirituality most of the time requires finding your own personal path to God and enlightenment through introspection and spiritual growth. And that, I believe, would be the key going forward. Religiosity is unavoidably cultural, spirituality is, in contrast, a higher-order transcendental metaphysics, cognized subjectively.

#CyberSpirituality #SiliconValley #Singularity #Metaverse #Theogenesis #Cybergods #Cybertheism

Futurist and evolutionary cyberneticist Alex Vikoulov was recently interviewed by Magda Gacyk, San Francisco-based correspondent for Wyborcza, the most prestigious daily newspaper in Poland, and her article “Prophecies of the Tech Spirituality: A New Gospel of Silicon Valley” appeared in the last Saturday issue of November.

Here’s their conversation (shortened for readability):

“The Singularity” is a term coined by John von Neumann, a major figure in the history of computer science. The concept refers to a hypothetical time when computers become more intelligent than humans and can improve themselves without our input. Imagine a run-away reaction where artificial intelligence is able to improve itself. This improved self is able to further improve itself. With each improvement the rate at which…

Sooo… the inimitable Russell Brand posted a video a few weeks ago saying some amusing but largeuly inaccurate and misleading things about the Grace humanoid eldercare robot we’re making in our Awakening Health project (

Russell’s video is here:

I recorded this video as a sort of response, to set the record straight a bit and explain why Russell is wrong about Grace and what is the actual nature of the Awakening Health project and what are the motivations behind it!

The three main points I make in the video (but with more color and detail, so do watch the video if you’re interested!!) are:

1) Grace is there to help nurses and nursing assistants not replace or obsolete them. When she becomes an AGI she still won’t obsolete the need for human connection and human care. Elderly folks need extra help and attention right now and Grace can help. My grandfather spent the last 5 years or so of his life in an eldercare facility; it was a pretty good one, but he was still lonely and confused a lot of the time and certainly could have benefited greatly from a robot like Grace.

2) Awakening Health is a JV of Hanson Robotics and: SingularityNET (, whose purpose is to democratize & decentralize AI. It’s all about data sovereignty and putting the control over the AI in the hands of the humans who are training and using the AI. Not about centralized tech oppression of the elderly or anyone else as Russell alludes. Actually I think I see very closely eye to eye w/ Russell Brand on the dangers of Big Tech and Big Government, though I probably more clearly see the path to a solution than he does (hint: it has to do with blockchain-meets-beneficial-AGI).

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0:00 — You are a time traveler.
2:32 — Spacetime & light cone review.
6:15 — Flat Spacetime equations.
7:03 — Schwarzschild radius, metric.
8:42 — Light cone near a black hole.
10:15 — How to escape black hole.
10:39 — Kerr-Newman metric.
11:34 — How to remove the event horizon.
11:50 — What is a naked singularity.
12:20 — How to travel back in time.
13:26 — Problems.

Time travel is nothing special. You’re time traveling right now into the future. Relativity theory shows higher gravity and higher speed can slow time down enough to allow you to potentially travel far into the future. But can you travel back in time to the past?

In this video I first do a quick review of light cones, world lines, events, light like curves, time-like curves, and space-like curves in this video so that you can understand the rest of the video.

A space like-world line means that the object has to travel faster than light. But moving anything to the speed of light requires an infinite amount of energy to accelerate. So this is not possible.

Going faster than the speed of light can create scenarios that allow you to travel back in time. But since this is not physically possible, we need to figure out a clever manipulation of space time. This means we have to solve Einstein’s equations of General relativity.

Dr. Ben Goertzel with Philip K. Dick at the Web Summit in Lisbon 2019.

Ben showcases the use of OpenCog within the SingularityNET enviroment which is powering the AI of the Philip K. Dick Robot.

We apologise for the poor audio quality.

SingularityNET is a decentralized marketplace for artificial intelligence. We aim to create the world’s global brain with a full-stack AI solution powered by a decentralized protocol.

We gathered the leading minds in machine learning and blockchain to democratize access to AI technology. Now anyone can take advantage of a global network of AI algorithms, services, and agents.


Artificial Intelligence’s biggest Problems is their inability to keep on learning after they’ve completed their training. But now, Google’s Deepmind has created a Meta-Learning AI which keeps on learning and improving indefinitely without any Human supervision. Deepmind created the AI Game: Alchemy, which is a chemistry-based game for AI Agents to play and improve in. But Artificial Intelligence improving without limits also puts some concerns into AI researchers focused on deep learning.

There has been rapidly growing interest in meta-learning as a method for increasing the flexibility and sample efficiency of reinforcement learning.

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00:00 The Ultimate kind of AI?
01:02 What is Meta-Learning in AI?
02:24 Alchemy AI Agent.
04:02 How Meta-Learning solved AI Problems.
06:32 What are the dangers of this AI?
08:29 Last Words.

#ai #metalearning #singularity

The most intelligent AI Scientists in the world are becoming increasingly worried about Artificial Intelligence programs becoming more unpredictable and incomprehensible as they become more powerful. AI is also overtaking powerful positions in the government, healthcare and defense which could prove dangerous as an Artificial Super Intelligence is coming very close as the Singularity approaches in the future of 2045. People like Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil have long warned us about AI beating Humans in anything we can imagine. Nvidia and Meta are also working on specially made hardware and software in the form of pytorch and 2022 GPU’s. Artificial General Intelligence is a real dangers and here are some solutions to it.

00:00 The Dawn of incomprehensible AI
01:33 The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence.
03:03 A Possible solution.
04:23 What ASI means for Society.
07:15 So, is all hope lost?
09:03 Last Words.

#ai #asi #agi