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Flux is unmatched in the quality, speed and quantity of neural activity that can record non-invasively and in real time.
So far, all types of data that could be acquired directly from the human brain had serious limitations. To get the best hemodynamic or electric data, for example, the person and their brain needed to be almost perfectly immovable, usually by confinement in noisy and claustrophobic environments. And if the person was able to move freely and, of course, data quality quickly dropped until it was pointless.
With the Flux, you will be able to:
Step into a natural environment, put a helmet on your head and observe the real-time brain activity at the top speed your neurons are shooting;
Talk, gesture and move naturally;
Participate in a video conference, daydream, listen to music or read a book;
Access your brain activity from the most electrophysiological sensor channels from all regions of the cortex.
These capabilities open up new stimulating opportunities for understanding how and why the brain functions.
In October 2020, Flow was announced, a full-coverage TD-FNIRS system, which is the first high-quality scalable brain imaging system of its kind and analyses the hemodynamic signs generated by the use of oxygen in the brain, a good proxy for neural activity Together, Flow and Flux capture two signs of the highest quality and most significant one can capture on the brain in a non-invasive way: blood oxygenation and direct neural activity. There are advantages and disadvantages to what each of these technologies reveals about the mysteries of the brain — together, however, Kernel Flux and Flow combine into the richest neural data sets in history, collected at a record speed.
A new era is here. One where we will be reintroduced ourselves and each other in unique ways. With powers to advance to a new border.

#transhumanismo #singularity #singularidade #BCI #kernel

Dr. John Torday, Ph.D. is an Investigator at The Lundquist Institute of Biomedical Innovation, a Professor of Pediatrics and Obstetrics/Gynecology, and Faculty, Evolutionary Medicine, at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and Director of the Perinatal Research Training Program, the Guenther Laboratory for Cell-Molecular Biology, and Faculty in the Division of Neonatology, at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.

Dr. Torday studies the cellular-molecular development of the lung and other visceral organs, and using the well-established principles of cell-cell communication as the basis for determining the patterns of physiologic development, his laboratory was the first to determine the complete repertoire of lung alveolar morphogenesis. This highly regulated structure offered the opportunity to trace the evolution of the lung from its unicellular origins forward, developmentally and phylogenetically. The lung is an algorithm for understanding the evolution of other physiologic properties, such as in the kidney, skin, liver, gut, and central nervous system. Such basic knowledge of the how and why of physiologic evolution is useful in the effective diagnosis and treatment of disease.

Dr. Torday received his undergraduate degree in Biology and English from Boston University, and his MSc and PhD in Experimental Medicine from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. He did a post-doctoral Fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.

Dr. Torday’s research has led to the publication of more than 150 peer-reviewed articles and 350 abstracts. More recently, he has gained an interest in the evolutionary aspects of comparative physiology and development, leading to the publication of 12 peer-reviewed articles on the cellular origins of vertebrate physiology, culminating in the book Evolutionary Biology, Cell-Cell Communication and Complex Disease.

Now cosmology inches towards the next paradigm shift: One of the most mind-boggling discoveries of modernity is that the fabric of spacetime is emergent from something beneath it. “[O]ne new theory says that Dark Matter may be ordinary matter in a parallel universe. If a galaxy is hovering above in another dimension, we would not be able to see it. It would be invisible, yet we would feel its gravity. Hence, it might explain Dark Matter,” in the words of Michio Kaku as an opening quote to this article. #DarkMatter #DarkEnergy #QuantumGravity #ComputationalPhysics #MTheory #DTheoryofTime #OmegaSingularity #pancomputationalism #multiverse #ontology

Dark Matter could be ordinary matter in the “probabilistic space” and “phase space” (5th and 6th dimensions of M-theory), possibly with “dark star systems” and life, imperceptible to us at our current level of development. In turn, Dark Energy could be a.

57:03 “A tool that would be used for millenia.”

Foresight biotech & health extension group sponsored by 100 plus capital.

Accelerator applications are open now:

“AI as it advances into Artificial General Intelligence(AGI) and Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) may not end up becoming the last GPT (General Purpose Technology) for human civilization, but it is regarded by many technologist and futurist as possibly the last significant invention of man.

AI has the power to continuously keep improving.

It has the special ability to keep iterating over itself, to keep searching for answers over the vast network of information it controls.

For the first time ever, humans will give power and life to their invention and let it chart the next course of their journey.”

- An excerpt from the book, 2020s & The Future Beyond.

From self-driving cars, to the many automated production processes we will end up creating; we will allow AI drive us into the next era of human civilization.

We will allow the creation to create, and according to futurist and technologists’ world over, there is only one likely path where this road will lead to — the Singularity (the point where computer intelligence surpasses human intelligence).

- The Above is an excerpt from the book, 2020s & The Future Beyond.

Will be happy to hear the thoughts of group members.


“By contemplating the full spectrum of scenarios of the coming technological singularities, many can place their bets in favor of the Cybernetic Singularity which is the surest path to cybernetic immortality and engineered godhood as opposed to the AI Singularity when Homo sapiens is hastily retired as a senescent parent. This meta-system transition from the networked Global Brain to the Gaian Mind is all about evolution of our own individual minds; it’s all about our own Self-Transcendence.”-Alex M. Vikoulov, The Cybernetic Singularity: The Syntellect Emergence #CyberneticSingularity #SyntellectEmergence #CyberneticTheoryofMind #AlexMVikoulov ​#consciousness #phenomenology #evolution #cybernetics #SyntellectHypothesis #PhilosophyofMind #QuantumTheory #PhysicsofTime #PressRelease #NewBookRelease #AmazonKindle #AlexVikoulov #EcstadelicMediaGroup

Ecstadelic Media Group releases a new non-fiction book The Cybernetic Singularity: The Syntellect Emergence, The Cybernetic Theory of Mind series by Alex M. Vikoulov as a Kindle eBook (Press Release, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 102021 08.00 PM PST)

I have added English and Spanish subtitles to my recent talk at the MadridSingularity Meetup, about the foundation and development of Alianza Futurista in Spain, and “What Is Transhumanism?”, the theme of the forum on December 19. Enjoy!

19 de diciembre, 2020
Meetup de MadridSingularity: ¿Qué es el transhumanismo?

Ponencia de sergio martínez de lahidalga tarrero, presidente de alianza futurista.

The Big Bang might never have existed as many cosmologists start to question the origin of the Universe. The Big Bang is a point in time defined by a mathematical extrapolation. The Big Bang theory tells us that something has to have changed around 13.7 billion years ago. So, there is no “point” where the Big Bang was, it was always an extended volume of space, according to the Eternal Inflation model. In light of Digital Physics, as an alternative view, it must have been the Digital Big Bang with the lowest possible entropy in the Universe — 1 bit of information — a coordinate in the vast information matrix. If you were to ask what happened before the first observer and the first moments after the Big Bang, the answer might surprise you with its straightforwardness: We extrapolate backwards in time and that virtual model becomes “real” in our minds as if we were witnessing the birth of the Universe.

In his theoretical work, Andrew Strominger of Harvard University speculates that the Alpha Point (the Big Bang) and the Omega Point form the so-called ‘Causal Diamond’ of the conscious observer where the Alpha Point has only 1 bit of entropy as opposed to the maximal entropy of some incredibly gigantic amount of bits at the Omega Point. While suggesting that we are part of the conscious Universe and time is holographic in nature, Strominger places the origin of the Universe in the infinite ultra-intelligent future, the Omega Singularity, rather than the Big Bang.

The Universe is not what textbook physics tells us except that we perceive it in this way — our instruments and measurement devices are simply extensions of our senses, after all. Reality is not what it seems. Deep down it’s pure information — waves of potentiality — and consciousness orchestrating it all. The Big Bang theory, drawing a lot of criticism as of late, uses a starting assumption of the “Universe from nothing,” (a proverbial miracle, a ‘quantum fluctuation’ christened by scientists), or the initial Cosmological Singularity. But aside from this highly improbable happenstance, we can just as well operate from a different set of assumptions and place the initial Cosmological Singularity at the Omega Point — the transcendental attractor, the Source, or the omniversal holographic projector of all possible timelines.