Archive for the ‘space travel’ category: Page 328

Sep 4, 2019

Study reveals ‘radical’ wrinkle in forming complex carbon molecules in space

Posted by in categories: chemistry, nanotechnology, space travel

A team of scientists has discovered a new possible pathway toward forming carbon structures in space using a specialized chemical exploration technique at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab).

The team’s research has now identified several avenues by which ringed molecules known as , or PAHs, can form in space. The latest study is a part of an ongoing effort to retrace the chemical steps leading to the formation of complex carbon-containing molecules in deep space.

PAHs—which also occur on Earth in emissions and soot from the combustion of fossil fuels—could provide clues to the formation of life’s chemistry in space as precursors to interstellar nanoparticles. They are estimated to account for about 20 percent of all carbon in our galaxy, and they have the chemical building blocks needed to form 2-D and 3D carbon structures.

Sep 4, 2019

SpaceX Fires Up Rocket in Prep for 1st Astronaut Launch with Crew Dragon (Photo)

Posted by in category: space travel

X conducted a static-fire test Thursday (Aug. 29) of the Falcon 9 rocket that will send two NASA astronauts to the International Space Station in the near future.

Sep 2, 2019

Vacuum technology comeback immunizes nanoelectronics from radiation

Posted by in categories: computing, military, nanotechnology, space travel

“Over decades, both military and space programs all around the world have known the negative impact of radiation on semiconductor-based electronics,” says Meyya Meyyappan, Chief Scientist for Exploration Technology at the Center for Nanotechnology, at NASA’s Ames Research Center. What has changed with the push towards nanoscale feature sizes is that terrestrial levels of radiation can now also cause problems that had previously primarily concerned applications in space and defence. Packaging contaminants can cause alpha radiation that create rogue electron-hole pairs, and even the ambient terrestrial neutron flux at sea level – around 20 cm−2 h−1 – can have adverse implications for nanoscale devices.

Fortunately work to produce radiation-hardy electronics has been underway for some time at NASA, where space mission electronics are particularly prone to radiation exposure and cumbersome radiation shielding comes with a particularly costly load penalty. Vacuum electronics systems, the precursors to today’s silicon world, are actually immune to radiation damage. Alongside Jin-Woo Han and colleagues Myeong-Lok Seol, Dong-Il Moon and Gary Hunter at Ames and NASA’s Glenn Research Centre, Meyyappan has been working towards a renaissance of the old technology with a nano makeover.

In a recent Nature Electronics article, they report how with device structure innovations and a new material platform they can demonstrate nanoscale vacuum channel transistors that compete with solid-state system responses while proving impervious to radiation exposure.

Sep 2, 2019

Tesla Pickup Truck Surfaces As Rad SpaceX Off-Roader On Mars

Posted by in categories: space travel, sustainability

What happens when you combine a Tesla pickup truck with a bit of off-road SpaceX flair? The answer is in this Tesla truck render.

If the render looks familiar it’s because we’ve seen a similar Tesla truck render from the same render artist before. However, this SpaceX off-road version didn’t register on our radar the first time around.

Sep 2, 2019

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 returning to Earth, pulsing its cold gas attitude control thrusters

Posted by in category: space travel

Falcon 9 uses blasts of pressurized Nitrogen to orientate, guide and correct itself during the descent and reentry phase of the first stage.

Sep 1, 2019

Candidate sites for SpaceX Starship Mars landings revealed

Posted by in category: space travel

Several images labelled as “Candidate Landing Site for SpaceX Starship in Arcadia Region” were found in the latest data release from University of Arizona.

Aug 31, 2019

The First Human Head Transplant Was Successful? THE TRUTH || DOCTOR SERGIO CANAVERO

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, entertainment, space travel


This is interesting because it has today type applications, but I wonder, what about a 3D printed body? Remember the movie Starship Troopers when they repaired that guy’s leg in the water tank thing? I’ve seen similar devices in other movies. Could be easier than removing the head completely and safer, when the ability to print human tissues is feasible.


Continue reading “The First Human Head Transplant Was Successful? THE TRUTH || DOCTOR SERGIO CANAVERO” »

Aug 31, 2019

Five companies building the tools and tech for humans to thrive off-planet

Posted by in categories: food, space travel, sustainability

This year marks the 50th anniversary of one of the most pivotal moments in human history. Stepping onto the moon, Neil Armstrong in 1969 uttered those now infamous words: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

The next fifty years did not see space travel become routine, with many coming to believe that NASA is just too slow. But space-related research and innovation are enjoying a new revival, inspired by SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, and other private firms that are making commercial space travel a reality. Along with rockets, hundreds of companies across the world are working feverishly toward developing infrastructure for space tourism, novel methods of growing food off-Earth, and sustainable building materials, to name only a few. All this with a tantalizing goal: to open up other planets and extraterrestrial bodies for exploration — and perhaps even residence — by everyone, not just astronauts.

Such work has not only moved us closer to our goal of one day living and playing off-Earth, but has also benefited our lives right here, right now. Scratch-proof glass, some biopharmaceuticals, and GPS navigation all derive from space-based research. The innovation happening today is incredibly exciting, and the future possibilities are seemingly endless. Here are five companies working on technologies that can help us thrive both on- and off-Earth.

Aug 30, 2019

At the Midpoint: 08/30/2019

Posted by in category: space travel

There’s been a lot of traffic coming and going around the International Space Station. 🚀 This week, an uncrewed Soyuz spacecraft successfully docked to our orbiting laboratory on its second attempt and a SpaceX cargo craft departed with approximately 3,300 pounds of science. Watch the latest episode of #SpaceToGround for more:

Aug 29, 2019

Next Horizons Spaceflight added a new photo

Posted by in category: space travel