For the same price as an international economy airline ticket, the SpaceX Starship will fly in 20 minutes what takes a normal airliner 20 hours!
Category: space travel – Page 362
Washington | Australian resources industry giants such as BHP and Rio Tinto could soon play a crucial role in NASA’s Mars mission, building and operating mines on the moon to extract rocket fuel for interplanetary travel.
In an interview with The Australian Financial Review on Tuesday (Wednesday AEST), NASA’s top boss, administrator Jim Bridenstine, urged Australian mining companies to grasp the opportunity and challenge of applying the industry’s expertise in remote resource extraction to the moon.
Known inside NASA as Artemis (the twin sister of Apollo in Greek mythology) the lunar missions will rely on turning hundreds of millions of tons of mined water ice recently discovered on the moon into liquid forms of hydrogen and oxygen to power spacecraft.
How will the Artemis program work?
Here’s how we’re going to the Moon — to stay — and learning how to journey to Mars and beyond
Starshot wants to build the world’s most powerful laser and aim it at the closest star. What could go wrong?
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The Apollo Lunar Module was the part of the Apollo Spacecraft that landed on the moon. The LM was split up into two parts — the ascent stage and descent stage. For the landing, both parts went to the surface of the moon. When it’s time the leave only the ascent stage leaves the surface. The descent stage has fuel and oxidizer tanks in the center compartments. Equipment was also stored in the outer corners — these were called quadrants. They stored items such as the Lunar Roving Vehicle, scientific experiments, a camera, and water and oxygen tanks. The ascent stage was where the astronauts lived. It had the controls, two windows, more equipment, a docking hatch, and the engine to leave the lunar surface.
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Cameras on Hayabusa2 captured incredible images during the spacecraft’s second sampling maneuver, which took place on July 10, 2019.
This op-ed originally appeared in the June 10, 2019 issue of SpaceNews magazine.
If humanity is to ever settle new planets, we will need radically new technologies; this much is obvious. But we may already have the perfect material to step up and fill the role: graphene. It is easily transported, easily manipulated, and an abundance of carbon in the galaxy could bode well for graphene, which is a carbon-based material. Its strength and versatility could well become a crucial component in colonization. For instance, spacecraft filled with advanced, massive 3D printers could ferry intrepid settlers to new corners of the galaxy, supplying a near-endless supply of material and equipment, perhaps even being used to construct homes that can withstand the conditions of other worlds.
Graphene’s discovery in 2004 sparked the flame of endless possibility within the science and technology communities due to its astounding properties. Only a single atomic layer thick and constructed in a lattice, honeycomb-like formation, graphene is nearly 200 times stronger than steel and better at conducting electricity and heat than any other conductor. It’s flexible, allows 97 percent of white light to pass through it (making it perfect for solar energy), and the list of properties continues.
SAN FRANCISCO – The United States has the advanced technology and capable workforce it needs for further space exploration. However, it lacks the focus and prioritization that assured the success of the Apollo program, Apollo flight director Gene Kranz told Senators July 9.
“We have an administration that is strongly supportive of space and willing to provide the resources,” Kranz said July 9 at a Senate Commerce science and transportation subcommittee hearing. “We have an agency charted to do the mission, top level leadership in place and a very capable workforce. But each of the segments are philosophically divided on the goal.” Without greater unity, the U.S. space exploration program “will be grounded,” he added.
Kranz was one of the NASA veterans and industry leaders who discussed the Apollo program and the benefits and challenges of future missions at the hearing, “NASA Exploration Plans: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going.”
“We cannot directly image what’s going on near objects like black holes and neutron stars, but studying the polarization of X-rays emitted from their surrounding environments reveals the physics of these enigmatic objects,” Paul Hertz, director of NASA’s astrophysics division, said in a statement at the time. The project, he said, “will open a new window on the universe for astronomers to peer through.”
A preliminary launch date is set for April 2021 on a Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex 39A in Florida. It’s unlikely it will take up the full payload of the rocket, as points out.
READ MORE: SpaceX contracted by NASA to launch black hole and neutron star research craft [TechCrunch].
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Posted in space travel
We’re preparing for the launch of our first #Artemis mission to the Moon. Get a preview of the launch countdown and see how NASA’s Space Launch System will send NASA’s Orion Spacecraft to lunar orbit: