Archive for the ‘space’ category: Page 513

Jan 3, 2021

NASA Cygnus spacecraft to begin journey back to Earth Jan. 6

Posted by in category: space

Cygnus is scheduled to depart the International Space Station on Wednesday, Jan. 6, more than 3 months after delivering nearly 8000 pounds of supplies to austronauts all the way in outer space. Cygnus arrived at the space station Oct. 52020.

Jan 2, 2021

Artificial Intelligence Solves Schrödinger’s Equation, a Fundamental Problem in Quantum Chemistry

Posted by in categories: chemistry, information science, particle physics, quantum physics, robotics/AI, space

Scientists at Freie Universität Berlin develop a deep learning method to solve a fundamental problem in quantum chemistry.

A team of scientists at Freie Universität Berlin has developed an artificial intelligence (AI) method for calculating the ground state of the Schrödinger equation in quantum chemistry. The goal of quantum chemistry is to predict chemical and physical properties of molecules based solely on the arrangement of their atoms in space, avoiding the need for resource-intensive and time-consuming laboratory experiments. In principle, this can be achieved by solving the Schrödinger equation, but in practice this is extremely difficult.

Up to now, it has been impossible to find an exact solution for arbitrary molecules that can be efficiently computed. But the team at Freie Universität has developed a deep learning method that can achieve an unprecedented combination of accuracy and computational efficiency. AI has transformed many technological and scientific areas, from computer vision to materials science. “We believe that our approach may significantly impact the future of quantum chemistry,” says Professor Frank Noé, who led the team effort. The results were published in the reputed journal Nature Chemistry.

Jan 2, 2021

Deep Sea Mining versus Asteroid Mining

Posted by in categories: futurism, space

Currently, we are faced with a shortage of precious metals from conventional mines. As such, humanity has turned to deep-sea mining in order to gather its precious metals resources. In this video, I will talk about the differences between deep-sea mining and asteroid mining as well as talk about these technologies’ implications for the future world.

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Jan 1, 2021

Lonely Pair of Mystifying Space Objects Found Traversing the Void

Posted by in category: space

The heavenly orbs are not quite stars and not quite planets.

Jan 1, 2021

Mysterious dwarf planet-sized asteroid is hidden in our solar system, study suggests

Posted by in category: space

Our solar system appears to be home to a huge and unknown dwarf planet-sized asteroid, according to a new study.

A small shard of meteorite that arrived on Earth in 2008 appears to have come from the asteroid, according to researchers who have studied the sample.

The parent asteroid appears to be roughly the size of Ceres, the dwarf planet is the biggest object in the asteroid belt, the researchers say. It also appears to have been formed around water and under some pressure, they found.

Jan 1, 2021

Happy New Year everyone!

Posted by in category: space

🎆 To celebrate another successful trip around our central star 🌞, we would like to invite you to a 🚀SpAsiaXtraordinary Party🎉

If you are interested in 🛰️space (or, even if not and just want to hang out with strangers online), then join this party tomorrow (January 2, at any time from 4:00pm to 12:00am GMT+8) at bit.ly/SpAsiaXtraordinary21

You can just show up or feel free to do more:

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Jan 1, 2021

Rocky start: 2021 will begin with unwelcome, 220-meter wide asteroid visitor, NASA warns

Posted by in category: space

We’re getting a lot of these aren’t we? 😃

Before that, this year’s final asteroid, 2020 YB4, measuring just 36 meters in diameter or roughly half the wingspan of a 747, passed by the Earth shortly after 6am UTC at a distance of 6.1 million kilometers. That means, in terms of the threat posed by space rocks at least, the planet made it out of 2020 somewhat intact.

Continue reading “Rocky start: 2021 will begin with unwelcome, 220-meter wide asteroid visitor, NASA warns” »

Dec 31, 2020

Lunar Crater Radio Telescope (LCRT) on the Far-Side of the Moon

Posted by in category: space

An ultra-long-wavelength radio telescope on the far-side of the Moon has tremendous advantages compared to Earth-based and Earth-orbiting telescopes, including: (i) Such a telescope can observe the universe at wavelengths greater than 10m (i.e., frequencies below 30MHz), which are reflected by the Earth’s ionosphere and are hitherto largely unexplored by humans, and (ii) the Moon acts as a physical shield that isolates the lunar-surface telescope from radio interferences/noi… See More.

Dec 31, 2020

Almost Six Hundred New High-Velocity Stars Spotted in Milky Way

Posted by in categories: mapping, space

Using data from the Large Sky Area Multi-object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) and ESA’s star-mapping satellite Gaia, astronomers have discovered 591 new high-velocity stars in the halo of our Milky Way Galaxy.

Dec 30, 2020

Making Money in a Futuristic World (Jobs and Future Business Ideas)

Posted by in categories: business, economics, Elon Musk, employment, physics, robotics/AI, space

In the not so distant future you could be making money from home by controlling robots, robots that are in another country. Or there will be products, such as a self driving Tesla car, that can go out and earn money on their own.

This video takes a look at the futuristic ways people will be earning money. From telepresence jobs and future business ideas, to new space businesses, and even how people will be storing their money — moving away from cash and credit cards to using chips that are in their bodies.

Continue reading “Making Money in a Futuristic World (Jobs and Future Business Ideas)” »