Archive for the ‘transhumanism’ category: Page 114

Apr 16, 2016

Cyborgs Aren’t Just For Sci-Fi Anymore

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, cyborgs, engineering, neuroscience, transhumanism, wearables

Nthing new; nice to see more folks waking up.

We’re moving beyond just prosthetics and wearable tech. Soon, we’ll all by cyborgs in one way or another.

From The Six Million Dollar Man to Inspector Gadget to Robocop, humans with bionic body parts have become commonplace in fiction. In the real world, we use technology to restore functionality to missing or defective body parts; in science fiction, such technology gives characters superhuman abilities. The future of cyborgs may hinge on that distinction.

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Apr 15, 2016

Ghost in the Shell and the transhumanist future of sexuality

Posted by in categories: military, security, surveillance, transhumanism

The sky above Osaka Bay is saturated in light pollution teeming from the neon-soaked metropolis below. Military bi-copters circle in patterns between the antenna towers of Niihama City’s looming skyscrapers as they survey the scene of an ongoing domestic security operation. Kneeling from atop the edge of one of these towers is a figure; a mauve-haired saboteur of the state clad in a leotard, side holster, and leather jacket. Combat boots and leggings hiked just past her knees with her upper thighs left exposed. An external HD cable juts from a small input jack indented at the base of her neck.

Her pupils dilate, sifting through the visual noise of an embedded surveillance feed while combing the room below for suspicious movements. She detaches the cable at her subordinate’s signal, stands upright and removes her clothing. She leans over the edge of the building, a smirk streaking across her otherwise stoic expression. A rappel line heaves sharply, suspending her body directly adjacent to that of her target, who is now only a trigger pull from annihilation.

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Apr 15, 2016

16 Presidential Candidates You Didn’t Know Are Running in 2016

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, transhumanism

Check out this PBS article on other 2016 presidential candidates (including Transhumanist Party). One of the main goals of my campaign is to try to help challenge the monopolistic 2-party system in America:

If you were asked who is running for president, you’d probably list the five candidates still running for the major political party nominations: Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. But there are lots of candidates running either from lesser-known parties or without any party affiliation. Here are 16 independent presidential candidates running in 2016:

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Apr 11, 2016

The Church of Perpetual Life Wants to End Deathism

Posted by in categories: government, transhumanism

My new story for Vice Motherboard on why transhumanists wage a war against death:

In the fight against death, sometimes you have to fight the government.

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Apr 10, 2016

Zoltan Istvan: ‘Half of Americans Will Probably Have a Robot in Their House’ Within 5 Years

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transhumanism

The 2nd part of my interview with Breitbart on transhumanism, the future, and robots is out.

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Apr 8, 2016

Transhumanist Presidential Candidate Zoltan Istvan: Tech Giants Will Make ‘Billions and Billions’ off Machines Replacing Humans

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, transhumanism

An extensive new 2-part interview with Breitbart on the future and transhumanism. Here’s part 1:

Zoltan Istvan is the most intriguing presidential candidate you’ve never heard of. While those at the forefront of the 2016 race talk about defeating ISIS, Istvan is taking on beating death itself. Recently, I had a chance to talk to him.

In approaching the interview, I was unsure of what to expect. Istvan is a dynamic personality, as polarizing as he is engaging. His enthusiasm for the future is contagious, and he’s not afraid to make seemingly outrageous statements to get people engaged in a conversation he believes is vital — not only to our country’s future, but humanity’s.

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Apr 8, 2016

Will Transhumanism Change Racism in the Future?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, sex, transhumanism

My new article for The Hufffington Post on whether transhumanism will change racism in the near future:

A future transhumanist? — CCO Public Domain

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Apr 2, 2016

The Bernie Sanders Phenomenon and Transhumanism

Posted by in categories: business, computing, economics, employment, geopolitics, mathematics, robotics/AI, transhumanism, virtual reality


A lot of transhumanism friends have asked me to write about Bernie Sanders, so here are my thoughts:

The transhumanism movement has been dramatically growing in size—and most of that growth is from millennials and youth joining. Transhumanists want to use science and technology to radically improve the human race, and the onslaught of new gear and gadgets to do that—like virtual reality, robots, and chip implants —are giving them plenty of ammunition to do that.

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Mar 30, 2016

Interview: Transhumanism expert Zoltan Istvan

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, transhumanism

A live interview on transhumanism for PC Mag, part of Facebook’s new live steam tech (a few glitches but still fun): https://www.facebook.com//videos/10154011436098396/

Evan Dashevsky — PCMag interviews Zoltan Istvan, Transhumanist Party presidential candidate.

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Mar 27, 2016

Why We Need a Transhumanism Movement

Posted by in categories: life extension, transhumanism

A crowd gathers to hear about transhumanism and life extension technologies — Photo by Roen Horn

Recently I was asked to be a part of a debate for British think-tank Demos and their quarterly magazine. In the debate, The University of Sheffield Professor Richard Jones and I faced off over the merits and faults of transhumanism. You can read the entire debate here, but I wanted to focus on one part of it, where Jones questions why there’s a need for a transhumanism movement at all.

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