Archive for the ‘transhumanism’ category: Page 121

Jan 24, 2016

Here’s the online version of the feature on the Immortality Bus and transhumanism in Der Spiegel, one of Europe’s larger publications

Posted by in categories: internet, life extension, transhumanism, transportation

It’s in German, but easy to translate via the internet. Lots of pictures:

Von Veit Medick

Wahlkampf in den USA: Kennen Sie Zoltan Istvan? Er reist in einem großen Sarg durch die USA. Und er will ins Weiße Haus. Unterwegs mit dem ungewöhnlichsten Präsidentschaftskandidaten der Vereinigten Staaten.

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Jan 24, 2016

Why Morphological Freedom Is a Fantasy: Your Body Isn’t Just Your Own

Posted by in categories: nanotechnology, neuroscience, transhumanism

I must admit some of the information in this article is making me scratch my head a lttle. However, I do believe that many of us who wish to remain relevant in the future (especially in industry and government) will find ourselves requiring a Brain Mind Interface (BMI) of some sort whether it’s an implant or nanobot; folks will find that they have to have one in order to work or function in society.

Transhumanists claim complete freedom to modify their bodies, but that absolutist stance could endanger future generations.

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Jan 22, 2016

Vancity Futures: The future of health

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, health, transhumanism

AR Surgery, bionic lens for better vision than 20/20, etc. Some really cool things are on the edge of becoming available for patients.

In the future of health, we look at how new technologies are revolutionizing the area of healthcare and wellness.

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Jan 21, 2016

This Man Controls His Bionic Arm With His Brain

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, neuroscience, transhumanism

Doctors rewired Johnny Matheny’s nerves to work directly with his new prosthetic arm, which works exactly like a real arm.

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Jan 20, 2016

Bionic advances to defeat death

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, finance, life extension, transhumanism

Life extension story in Financial Times:

People have long dreamt of extending the human lifespan from the biblical “three score years and 10” (70) to reach Methuselah’s 969 and beyond.

Demographic statistics show remarkable progress in fending off death, at least in the developed world. In reality, average life expectancy in biblical times was not 70 but about 35 years. In Britain this rose to about 50 in 1900, 76 in 1990 and 82 today.

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Jan 18, 2016

Serious Wonder Newsletter

Posted by in categories: transhumanism, virtual reality

Exploring the future of Virtual Reality, EVR, and Transhumanism with techno-shaman Jeffrey Lynn Damon! — B.J. Murphy for Serious Wonder.

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Jan 16, 2016

Your bones could soon heal a whole lot better thanks to polymer nanoshells

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, transhumanism

Might we one day have bionic body parts able to ward off disease and injury and even heal themselves? Today it’s still the stuff of sci-fi movies, but there are regular breakthroughs in the field of medical science that suggest that such a future might one day be possible – one example is a new nanoshell treatment from a team working at the University of Michigan in the US and reported in Gizmag.

Instead of using foreign cells or molecules to patch up and regrow damaged bone tissue, the new technique uses polymer nanoshells – microscopic capsules inside the body – to deliver microRNA molecules right to the site of an injury. Once the shells begin to break down, the microRNA molecules are released and instruct the surrounding cells to ‘switch on’ their natural bone-building and healing mechanisms. It’s a bit like a site manager arriving on the scene of a broken-down development and telling his construction workers to get busy with the rebuilding process.

There are a couple of key advantages to this new technique. One, the shell is designed to degrade slowly, leading to a gradual release of the microRNA molecules and thus ongoing restorative treatment that can last for a month or more. Second, the process uses the body’s own cells rather than introducing foreign healing agents – an approach that can sometimes cause cell rejection or even tumours associated with the injury.

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Jan 15, 2016

‘Spermbots’ are a bionic suit for your sperm

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, transhumanism

One of the main causes of infertility in men is low sperm motility. That is to say, the sperm are present and alive, but they have the swimming prowess of a toddler that’s afraid to lose its water wings.

In short, they just aren’t fast enough to reach the egg.

It’s hard to fault them, I can’t get to the front door fast enough for the FedEx guy not to leave my package in the bushes these days.

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Jan 13, 2016

I visited a community where people upload their personalities to ‘mindfiles’ so they can live on after death

Posted by in categories: futurism, transhumanism

My new story for Tech Insider on transhumanism (check out the embedded video too):

The future of the human race.

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Jan 12, 2016

Meet Zoltan Istvan, The Presidential Candidate Who Promises to End Death (Interview)

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, life extension, transhumanism

This discussion covers eugenics, the future of capitalism, Transhumanist Bill of Rights, race, and transhumanism:

“The most important and urgent goal for any human being is to secure immortality.”

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