Archive for the ‘transhumanism’ category: Page 46

Nov 14, 2019

The world’s first medically approved 3D-printed bionic arm is now available in the UK, USA, France, Spain and Ireland for children and adults with below-elbow limb differences

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, cyborgs, transhumanism

More countries coming very soon! Start your bionic journey here: http://

Nov 11, 2019

Global Citizenship — Uniting Humanity in the Transhuman Era

Posted by in category: transhumanism

By transhumanism australia and future faqtory

Thu., 21 November 2019 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm AEDT.

Featuring Sam Barton.

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Nov 11, 2019

Die transhumanistische Bewegung

Posted by in categories: singularity, transhumanism

Global citizenship — uniting humanity in the transhuman era.

Der so genannte Transhumanismus strebt eine Verbesserung der menschlichen Biologie durch Technik und/oder genetische Eingriffe an. Er beginnt sich in aller Welt auszubreiten, auch organisatorisch/politisch. Seine Anhänger sind keine weltfremden Sektierer, sondern oft hoch dekorierte Wissenschaftler an staatlich geförderten Instituten. Es mag zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch übertrieben klingen zu behaupten: Die zentrale künftige Streitfrage quer durch alle politischen Lager wird die nach der technologischen „Optimierung “des Menschen sein. Ein Blick in das Mind-Set des Transhumanismus.

”Innerhalb von 30 Jahren werden wir die Technologie für superhumane Intelligenz besitzen. Kurz danach wird die Ära des Menschen enden.” (Vernor Vinge, Transhumanist, Mathematiker und Computerwissenschaftler in seinem Essay „The Coming Technological Singularity ”im Jahr 1993)

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Nov 10, 2019

The transhuman future is here

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, biotech/medical, genetics, life extension, robotics/AI, transhumanism, virtual reality

The philosophy that we should merge with machines to expand our intelligence and extend life is gaining traction. Design, scientific and technological frontiers are being pushed to redefine nature through AI, AR, biotech, genetics, and VR.

Oct 27, 2019

Rare Diseases! — University of Pennsylvania’s Dr. David Fajgenbaum, MD — ideaXme — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, bioengineering, biotech/medical, business, DNA, genetics, health, life extension, science, transhumanism

Oct 27, 2019

Spinal Cord Injuries and Treatment — Rutgers University’s Dr. Wise Young MD, PhD. — ideaXme — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, bioengineering, biotech/medical, business, health, life extension, neuroscience, posthumanism, science, transhumanism

Oct 25, 2019

The Ouroboros Code: Bridging Advanced Science and Transcendental Metaphysics

Posted by in categories: biological, cosmology, ethics, existential risks, genetics, nanotechnology, neuroscience, quantum physics, robotics/AI, science, singularity, transhumanism, virtual reality

By contemplating the full spectrum of scenarios of the coming technological singularity many can place their bets in favor of the Cybernetic Singularity which is a sure path to digital immortality and godhood as opposed to the AI Singularity when Homo sapiens is retired as a senescent parent. This meta-system transition from the networked Global Brain to the Gaian Mind is all about evolution of our own individual minds, it’s all about our own Self-Transcendence. https://www.ecstadelic.net/top-stories/the-ouroboros-code-br…etaphysics #OuroborosCode

All AI & Cybernetics Cognitive Science Complexity Consciousness Cosmology Digital Philosophy Digital Physics Economics Emergence Environment Epigenetics Ethics Evolution Evolutionary Biology Experiential Realism Experimental Science Fermi Paradox Free Will Vs. Determinism Futurism Gaia 2.0 Global Brain Immortality Machine Learning Mathematics Memetics Mind Uploading Nanotechnology Neo Transcendentalism Neural Networks Neurophilosophy Neuroscience Phenomenology Philosophy Of Mind Physics Of Time Psychedelics Psychology Quantum Computing Quantum Gravity Quantum Physics Sci Fi Simulation Hypothesis Sociology Spirituality Technological Singularity Theology Transhumanism Virtual Reality

Oct 23, 2019

Dr. Josh Mitteldorf — DataBETA Project — Population Scale Longevity Clinical Trials — ideaXme — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics, health, life extension, neuroscience, posthumanism, science, transhumanism

Oct 23, 2019

The transhumanists ‘upgrading’ their bodies

Posted by in categories: computing, government, transhumanism

Dr Neal also said there were safety risks with people buying the equipment from online sites and doing the procedures from home.

The Scottish government told BBC Scotland’s The Nine it intended to regulate procedures carried out by non-healthcare professionals and it was consulting on how this could be done.

Meet the people seeking to improve their bodies by implanting technology such as microchips.

Oct 22, 2019

Do transhumanists need their own bill of rights?

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, transhumanism

Here’s my new story for Quartz on cyborg and #transhumanist bill of rights! It offers a look at the various ideas around the world surrounding this provocative issue:

Transhumanists are pushing the boundaries of what it means to be human. Our governing principles may need to progress along with them.

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