Archive for the ‘transhumanism’ category: Page 57

Apr 17, 2019

Radical Environmentalism and Transhumanism: Symptoms of the Same Disease

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, evolution, geopolitics, life extension, singularity, transhumanism

A new story on my latest article from #transhumanism critic Wesley J. Smith:

Oh my. Two of contemporary society’s most prominent anti-human utopian movements — radical environmentalism and materialistic transhumanism — appear on the verge of a bitter showdown.

When you think about it, that makes sense. Both movements see themselves as the future’s only hope. But their core purposes are incompatible. Radical environmentalists — “nature rights” activists, deep ecologists, Gaia theorists, and their fellow travelers that elevate nature above humanity — hijacked and refashioned traditional environmentalism into a mystical neo-earth religion that disdains homo Sapiens as a parasitical species afflicting the earth. These radicals hope to thwart our thriving off the land in order to “save the planet.” Indeed, I sometimes believe that if they could, they would forcibly revert our species to hunter/gatherers — without the hunting part.

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Apr 13, 2019

Environmentalists are Wrong: Nature Isn’t Sacred and We Should Replace It

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, ethics, food, information science, life extension, robotics/AI, space, sustainability, transhumanism

Environmentalism and climate change are increasingly being pushed on us everywhere, and I wanted to write the transhumanism and life extension counter argument on why I prefer new technology over nature and sustainability. Here’s my new article:

On a warming planet bearing scars of significant environmental destruction, you’d think one of the 21st Century’s most notable emerging social groups—transhumanists—would be concerned. Many are not. Transhumanists first and foremost want to live indefinitely, and they are outraged at the fact their bodies age and are destined to die. They blame their biological nature, and dream of a day when DNA is replaced with silicon and data.

Their enmity of biology goes further than just their bodies. They see Mother Earth as a hostile space where every living creature—be it a tree, insect, mammal, or virus—is out for itself. Everything is part of the food chain, and subject to natural law: consumption by violent murder in the preponderance of cases. Life is vicious. It makes me think of pet dogs and cats, and how it’s reported they sometimes start eating their owner after they’ve died.

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Apr 13, 2019

Transhumanism Becoming the ‘Relentless Drumbeat’ Shaping Our Future

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, cryptocurrencies, economics, geopolitics, security, surveillance, transhumanism

Following recent trends in state-of-the-art developments, from cryptocurrencies and universal basic income to biohacking and the surveillance state, transhumanism has been moved into the limelight of political discourse to reshape humanity’s future.

Andrew Vladimirov, Information security specialist, biohacker and one of the original members of the Transhumanist Party UK, spoke in-depth with Sputnik about the rise of transhumanism and its implications.

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Apr 12, 2019

TRANSHUMANIA is creating videos on science, philosophy, and futurism

Posted by in categories: science, transhumanism


Become a patron of TRANSHUMANIA today: Read posts by TRANSHUMANIA and get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.

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Apr 9, 2019

Nanobionic plants could detect chemicals or grow on Mars

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, nanotechnology, space, transhumanism

Plants are naturally amazing little machines – so giving them a bionic leg-up could unlock a whole new range of abilities. Now a team of researchers from the University of Melbourne has developed a new way to turn plants into nanomaterial factories, which could allow them to act as chemical sensors or even allow them to survive in harsh environments, such as in space or on Mars.

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Apr 5, 2019

Can human mortality be hacked?

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, life extension, nanotechnology, robotics/AI, transhumanism

A fringe group of scientists and tech moguls think they’re closing in on the fountain of youth. Here’s everything you need to know:

What is biohacking? Silicon Valley is built on the idea that technology can optimize, or “hack,” any aspect of our lives — so why not the human life span? Until recently, anyone hawking pills or treatments that promised to restore youthfulness was considered a quack, yet a growing number of “transhumanists” are convinced that, in time, human beings can be transformed through bioengineering, and that aging will be curable just like any other malady.

In light of rapid gains in gene editing, nanotechnology, and robotics, some futurists expect this generation’s biohackers to double their life spans. Aubrey de Grey, a regenerative medicine researcher backed by tech mogul Peter Thiel, insists that someone alive today will live to be 1,000. “It’s extraordinary to me that it’s such an incendiary claim,” de Grey says. Korean physician and financier Joon Yun has offered two $500,000 prizes to anyone who can restore a test animal’s youthful heart rate and extend its lifespan by 50 percent. For humans, the mortality rate at age 20 is 0.001 percent, Yun figures, “so if you could maintain the homeostatic capacity of that age throughout your life, your average life span would be 1,000.”

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Mar 31, 2019

Alita: Battle Angel And Open Bionics Team Up For Tilly

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, transhumanism

This is incredible!

Open Bionics

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Mar 29, 2019

Dr. Peter de Keizer — Cleara Biotech BV — Senolytics — IdeaXme — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, bioengineering, biotech/medical, business, DNA, genetics, health, life extension, science, transhumanism

Mar 28, 2019

Some of my thoughts on the Kavanaugh hearings, sexual assault, and technology: #transhumanism #MeToo

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, transhumanism

Some of my thoughts on the Kavanaugh hearings, sexual assault, and technology: https://mavenroundtable.io/…/brain-implants-would-end-most…/ #transhumanism #MeToo

A brain implant that registers trauma could help prevent rape and violent crime — so why don’t we have it yet?

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Mar 28, 2019

US Presidential hopeful plans to ABOLISH DEATH using technology — ‘We can live to 10,000’

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, transhumanism

Here’s a new interview I did in one of England’s largest newspaper online sites: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1106371/US-President-ca…technology #transhumanism

A FORMER US presidential candidate who could run again in 2020 has outlined a radical plan to abolish natural death using technology.

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